Stelle principali della costellazione della Carena

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Segue un prospetto delle stelle principali della costellazione della Carena, elencate per magnitudine decrescente.

Nome Designazioni Coordinate Magnitudini Dist. (al) Classe spettrale Note
B F HD HIP AR Dec vis. ass.
Canopus α 45348 30438 06h 23m 57.09s −52° 41′ 44.6″ −0.74 −5.53 313 F0Ib Suhail; 2° stella più brillante del cielo, supergigante
β Car β 80007 45238 09h 13m 12.24s −69° 43′ 02.9″ 1.67 −0.99 111 A2IV Miaplacidus
ε Car ε 71129 41037 08h 22m 30.86s −59° 30′ 34.3″ 1.86 −4.58 632 K3III+B2V Avior; binaria ad eclisse
ι Car ι 80404 45556 09h 17m 05.43s −59° 16′ 30.9″ 2.21 −4.42 692 A8Ib Aspidiske, Turais, Scutulum
θ Car θ 93030 52419 10h 42m 57.43s −64° 23′ 40.1″ 2.74 −2.91 439 B0Vp Vathorz Posterior
υ Car A υ 85123 48002 09h 47m 06.14s −65° 04′ 19.3″ 2.92 −5.56 1622 A9 Vathorz Prior; stella doppia
ω Car ω 89080 50099 10h 13m 44.28s −70° 02′ 16.5″ 3.29 −1.99 370 B8III Simiram
PP Car p 91465 51576 10h 32m 01.48s −61° 41′ 07.3″ 3.30 −2.62 497 B4Vne variabile Gamma Cassiopeiae
V337 Car q 89388 50371 10h 17m 05.01s −61° 19′ 56.4″ 3.39 −3.38 736 K3II variabile irregolare
V357 Car a 79351 45080 09h 10m 58.11s −58° 58′ 00.9″ 3.43 −2.11 418 B2IV binaria ad eclisse
χ Car χ 65575 38827 07h 56m 46.74s −52° 58′ 56.6″ 3.46 −1.91 387 B3IVp Drys, Drus; variabile Beta Cephei
l Car l 84810 47854 09h 45m 14.83s −62° 30′ 28.5″ 3.69 −4.64 1509 G5Iab/Ib variabile cefeide
u Car u 94510 53253 10h 53m 29.57s −58° 51′ 11.8″ 3.78 1.42 97 K0III-IV... stella variabile
s car s 90853 51232 10h 27m 52.75s −58° 44′ 21.9″ 3.81 −3.71 1042 F2II stella variabile
c Car c 76728 43783 08h 55m 02.86s −60° 38′ 41.0″ 3.84 −1.06 312 B8III stella doppia
V382 Car x 96918 54463 11h 08m 35.40s −58° 58′ 30.2″ 3.93 −7.37 5927 G0Ia0 Stella ipergigante, variabile cefeide
i Car i 79447 45101 09h 11m 16.77s −62° 19′ 01.3″ 3.96 −1.97 499 B3IV
I Car I 90589 50954 10h 24m 23.74s −74° 01′ 53.6″ 3.99 2.94 53 F2IV
h Car h 83183 46974 09h 34m 26.66s −59° 13′ 47.2″ 4.08 −4.83 1976 B5II
V343 Car d 74375 42568 08h 40m 37.04s −59° 45′ 39.7″ 4.31 −3.87 1411 B1.5III variabile β Cephei
g Car g 80230 45496 09h 16m 12.10s −57° 32′ 29.2″ 4.34 −1.74 536 M1III
N Car N 47306 31407 06h 34m 58.59s −52° 58′ 32.3″ 4.35 −4.31 1762 B9III
A Car A 50337 32761 06h 49m 51.32s −53° 37′ 21.0″ 4.41 −1.74 553 G6II binaria ad eclisse
r Car r 91942 51849 10h 35m 35.31s −57° 33′ 27.5″ 4.45 −3.68 1376 K3/K4II
G Car G 78791 44599 09h 05m 08.83s −72° 36′ 09.7″ 4.47 −1.25 454 F6II-III
V344 Car f 75311 43105 08h 46m 42.56s −56° 46′ 11.3″ 4.50 −1.62 546 B3Vne variabile gamma Cassiopeiae
m Car m 83944 47391 09h 39m 21.04s −61° 19′ 41.2″ 4.51 0.33 224 B9V
V520 Car w 93070 52468 10h 43m 32.31s −60° 33′ 59.9″ 4.58 −2.99 1065 K3Ib variabile irregolare
V533 Car y 97534 54751 11h 12m 36.02s −60° 19′ 03.5″ 4.59 −8.34 12538 A6Ia variabile Alpha Cygni
z1 Car z1 96566 54301 11h 06m 32.47s −62° 25′ 26.9″ 4.62 −0.65 370 G8III
P Car P 90772 51192 10h 27m 24.48s −57° 38′ 19.7″ 4.65 -7,33 8097 A6Ia V399 Car; variabile cefeide
E Car E 78764 44626 09h 05m 38.38s −70° 32′ 18.7″ 4.66 −2.94 1079 B2IVe V345 Car; variabile gamma Cassiopeiae
t2 t2 92397 52102 10h 38m 45.01s −59° 10′ 58.8″ 4.69 −4.08 1852 K4/K5III:
K Car K 91375 51438 10h 30m 20.08s −71° 59′ 33.8″ 4.72 0.22 259 A2III
B Car B 68456 39903 08h 09m 00.86s −61° 18′ 06.1″ 4.74 3.09 70 F5V
V518 Car 92938 52370 10h 42m 14.14s −64° 27′ 59.2″ 4.76 −0.97 456 B3V stella Be
k Car k 81101 45856 09h 20m 56.83s −62° 24′ 16.7″ 4.79 0.62 223 G6III
HD 93194 93194 52502 10h 44m 06.94s −63° 57′ 40.0″ 4.80 −1.06 484 B5Vn appartiene all'ammasso stellare IC 2602
D Car D 66591 39138 08h 00m 19.97s −63° 34′ 03.0″ 4.81 −1.29 542 B3V
e2 e2 73389 42134 08h 35m 19.65s −58° 00′ 33.5″ 4.84 0.60 229 K0III
HD 93607 93607 52736 10h 46m 51.24s −64° 23′ 00.6″ 4.87 −0.83 449 B3IV
Q Car Q 61248 36942 07h 35m 39.70s −52° 32′ 01.7″ 4.93 −0.48 394 K3III
V376 Car b1 77002 43937 08h 56m 58.43s −59° 13′ 45.7″ 4.93 −1.47 621 B2IV-V variabile β Cephei
HD 91496 91496 51495 10h 31m 02.07s −73° 13′ 17.4″ 4.94 −2.42 964 K4/K5III stella variabile
L Car L 90264 50847 10h 22m 58.18s −66° 54′ 05.5″ 4.97 −0.63 430 B8V
t1 t1 92063 51912 10h 36m 20.56s −59° 33′ 51.5″ 5.08 0.50 269 K1III
HD 59219 59219 36114 07h 26m 21.86s −51° 01′ 06.6″ 5.09 −1.09 562 K0III
V371 Car z2 96919 54461 11h 08m 34.01s −61° 56′ 49.8″ 5.11 −6.04 5525 B9Ia variabile α Cygni
HD 53047 23 53047 33779 07h 00m 51.51s −51° 24′ 09.5″ 5.14 −1.25 617 M1III stella variabile
V386 Car 54118 34105 07h 04m 18.32s −56° 44′ 59.0″ 5.14 0.45 282 A0p: variabile Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum
M Car M 88981 50083 10h 13m 30.68s −66° 22′ 22.2″ 5.15 0.31 304 Am
C Car C 69863 40429 08h 15m 15.95s −62° 54′ 56.2″ 5.16 0.81 242 A+... stella doppia
b2 b2 77370 44143 08h 59m 24.38s −59° 05′ 03.8″ 5.17 3.08 85 F3V
V460 Car 66342 39070 07h 59m 37.55s −60° 35′ 13.5″ 5.19 −2.34 1045 M0II variabile pulsante
HD 97583 97583 54767 11h 12m 45.27s −64° 10′ 11.2″ 5.22 0.30 314 B9V stella doppia
HD 93549 93549 52701 10h 46m 29.61s −64° 15′ 47.7″ 5.23 −0.37 429 B7IV appartiene all'ammasso stellare IC 2602
HD 88323 88323 49698 10h 08m 42.84s −65° 48′ 55.9″ 5.26 0.16 341 K0III stella doppia ottica
V524 Car 94367 53154 10h 52m 30.85s −57° 14′ 25.5″ 5.26 −6.08 6037 B9Ia stella variabile
e1 e1 73390 42129 08h 35m 15.58s −58° 13′ 29.1″ 5.27 −2.08 962 B3V+...
HD 91056 91056 51313 10h 28m 52.60s −64° 10′ 20.2″ 5.27 −4.64 3135 K3Ib
HD 80951 80951 45581 09h 17m 25.21s −74° 53′ 39.8″ 5.28 −1.44 721 A1V
HD 84121 84121 47479 09h 40m 42.60s −57° 59′ 00.9″ 5.30 1.16 220 A3IV
HD 93540 93540 52678 10h 46m 16.58s −64° 30′ 52.5″ 5.33 −0.45 466 B7:V
HD 92964 92964 52405 10h 42m 40.57s −59° 12′ 56.8″ 5.36 −6.23 6792 B2.5Ia
HD 57917 57917 35589 07h 20m 38.81s −52° 05′ 09.3″ 5.38 −0.52 493 B9V
HD 80671 80671 45571 09h 17m 17.40s −68° 41′ 22.5″ 5.38 2.75 109 F4V
HD 49689 49689 32494 06h 46m 52.69s −51° 15′ 55.6″ 5.39 −1.83 906 K1II/IIIp+G:
HD 73887 73887 42286 08h 37m 18.85s −62° 51′ 12.3″ 5.45 0.39 335 K0III
HD 82350 82350 46358 09h 27m 06.50s −71° 36′ 07.5″ 5.46 1.51 201 K2III
H Car H 83095 46741 09h 31m 36.32s −73° 04′ 51.3″ 5.46 −1.47 791 K4III
HD 92207 92207 52004 10h 37m 27.08s −58° 44′ 00.0″ 5.47 −6.52 8150 A0Ia
HD 53921 53921 34000 07h 03m 15.11s −59° 10′ 41.3″ 5.50 −0.35 482 B9IV
HD 57852 57852 35564 07h 20m 21.46s −52° 18′ 42.8″ 5.50 2.79 113 F2
HD 92664 92664 52221 10h 40m 11.46s −65° 06′ 00.9″ 5.51 −0.26 466 B9p Si
HD 67364 67364 39566 08h 05m 03.71s −53° 06′ 28.5″ 5.52 0.11 393 K3/K4III
HD 79698 79698 45219 09h 12m 55.62s −59° 24′ 50.3″ 5.54 −0.28 475 G6II
HD 85656 85656 48310 09h 50m 55.60s −62° 44′ 42.5″ 5.56 −1.78 959 K1IIICN...
HD 64067 64067 38152 07h 49m 06.72s −56° 24′ 37.4″ 5.57 −1.72 934 G5II
HD 46569 46569 31079 06h 31m 18.22s −51° 49′ 34.3″ 5.58 2.73 121 F8V
HD 96706 96706 54327 11h 06m 49.93s −70° 52′ 40.6″ 5.58 −2.12 1128 B2V
HD 65907 65907 38908 07h 57m 46.30s −60° 18′ 12.1″ 5.59 4.54 53 G2V...
HD 76113 76113 43499 08h 51m 36.53s −57° 38′ 01.0″ 5.59 −1.12 716 B8III
O Car O 49877 32531 06h 47m 18.71s −55° 32′ 24.2″ 5.60 −0.72 598 K5III V448 Car; variabile semiregolare
HD 65273 65273 38656 07h 54m 53.39s −57° 18′ 10.4″ 5.62 0.51 343 K3/K4III
HD 68434 68434 39957 08h 09m 33.63s −56° 05′ 07.7″ 5.66 0.33 380 A3m...
HD 89715 89715 50520 10h 19m 05.12s −64° 40′ 34.6″ 5.66 0.90 292 A1V
HD 64722 64722 38438 07h 52m 29.75s −54° 22′ 01.9″ 5.70 −2.56 1462 B1.5IV
HD 88661 88661 49934 10h 11m 46.47s −58° 03′ 38.0″ 5.70 −2.29 1294 B2IVnpe
HD 65662 65662 38783 07h 56m 18.65s −60° 31′ 35.3″ 5.74 −2.17 1244 K4II
HD 93163 93163 52487 10h 43m 51.21s −64° 14′ 56.6″ 5.74 −1.71 1009 B3:V
HD 97670 97670 54829 11h 13m 30.79s −59° 37′ 09.5″ 5.74 −3.00 1821 B1.5V
V374 Car 66194 38994 07h 58m 50.56s −60° 49′ 28.2″ 5.77 −1.72 1028 B2IVnpe stella Be
HD 81830 81830 46225 09h 25m 27.38s −61° 57′ 02.2″ 5.77 1.47 236 A4V+...
HD 64185 64185 38160 07h 49m 12.95s −60° 17′ 02.5″ 5.78 3.06 114 F1V
HD 76538 76538 43669 08h 53m 48.67s −60° 21′ 14.2″ 5.78 −2.35 1376 B5III
HD 85655 85655 48339 09h 51m 12.03s −59° 25′ 32.4″ 5.79 −1.01 746 K2IIICNp...
HD 77615 77615 44256 09h 00m 45.75s −60° 57′ 49.8″ 5.80 −2.13 1259 G8II
HD 84152 84152 47498 09h 41m 02.10s −57° 15′ 34.0″ 5.80 0.57 362 K0/K1III
HD 88473 88473 49764 10h 09m 30.20s −68° 40′ 58.2″ 5.80 −0.46 583 A0IV
HD 49517 49517 32402 06h 45m 53.72s −52° 24′ 35.0″ 5.81 −2.32 1376 K3III
HD 93943 93943 52922 10h 49m 24.46s −59° 19′ 25.6″ 5.85 −1.24 853 B9.5IV/V
HD 80950 80950 45585 09h 17m 27.63s −74° 44′ 04.8″ 5.86 1.32 264 A0V
HD 60060 60060 36444 07h 29m 59.74s −52° 39′ 04.6″ 5.87 0.84 330 K0III
HD 66441 66441 39184 08h 00m 49.96s −54° 09′ 04.7″ 5.87 −0.79 700 B5Vn
HD 82536 82536 46620 09h 30m 23.45s −58° 21′ 42.9″ 5.88 −1.68 1058 M2III
HD 92287 92287 52043 10h 38m 02.66s −57° 15′ 22.7″ 5.89 −2.08 1278 B3IV
HD 82406 82406 46460 09h 28m 30.60s −66° 42′ 07.2″ 5.90 1.33 268 A0V
HD 82347 82347 46482 09h 28m 47.19s −62° 16′ 23.5″ 5.91 0.06 482 K1III
HD 87283 87283 49164 10h 02m 00.11s −60° 25′ 15.2″ 5.93 −4.03 3196 A9IV
HD 90454 90454 50993 10h 24m 59.50s −58° 34′ 34.7″ 5.93 1.13 297 F2III
T Car 94776 53394 10h 55m 17.26s −60° 31′ 01.9″ 5.93 1.07 306 K0III stella variabile
HD 60228 60228 36496 07h 30m 30.91s −54° 23′ 58.0″ 5.95 0.33 433 M1III
HD 94683 94683 53334 10h 54m 29.60s −61° 49′ 35.8″ 5.95 −2.59 1663 K4III
HD 54732 54732 34349 07h 07m 13.30s −51° 58′ 06.2″ 5.96 −0.23 564 K0III
HD 56705 56705 35084 07h 15m 21.27s −52° 29′ 58.3″ 5.96 0.58 389 K0V
HD 70839 70839 40932 08h 21m 12.10s −57° 58′ 23.6″ 5.96 −3.36 2380 B1.5III
HD 92436 92436 52127 10h 38m 59.70s −58° 49′ 00.8″ 5.96 −0.53 648 M1III
HD 91533 91533 51623 10h 32m 47.82s −58° 40′ 00.3″ 5.98 −6.71 11241 A2Iab
HD 93737 93737 52827 10h 48m 05.42s −59° 55′ 09.0″ 5.98 A0Ia
HD 81613 81613 46101 09h 24m 05.50s −61° 38′ 55.6″ 5.99 0.92 337 K0III
HD 94650 94650 53272 10h 53m 42.13s −70° 43′ 13.2″ 5.99 −0.89 776 B6V
HD 98560 98560 55280 11h 19m 16.84s −64° 34′ 57.4″ 5.99 3.12 122 F6IV
HD 90874 90874 51194 10h 27m 25.40s −65° 42′ 17.0″ 6.00 1.76 229 A2V
HD 53349 53349 33800 07h 01m 05.18s −58° 56′ 25.1″ 6.01 2.36 175 F0V
HD 76346 76346 43620 08h 53m 03.80s −56° 38′ 58.5″ 6.02 1.23 296 A0V
HD 80094 80094 45418 09h 15m 17.66s −58° 23′ 18.2″ 6.02 0.00 522 B7IV
HD 56239 56239 34780 07h 12m 01.98s −63° 11′ 24.2″ 6.03 −0.29 598 A0IV/V
HD 82068 82068 46328 09h 26m 44.18s −64° 55′ 47.5″ 6.05 1.88 223 A3Vn
HD 61966 61966 37248 07h 39m 00.34s −53° 16′ 24.2″ 6.06 −0.05 544 B9IV-Vp...
HD 98292 98292 55140 11h 17m 19.02s −67° 49′ 24.6″ 6.06 −2.52 1698 M2III
HD 88647 88647 49926 10h 11m 35.49s −58° 49′ 40.2″ 6.07 −0.75 755 M5III
HD 88825 88825 50044 10h 13m 01.16s −59° 55′ 05.1″ 6.07 −2.84 1976 B4Ve
HD 96544 96544 54294 11h 06m 29.30s −58° 40′ 30.1″ 6.07 −1.81 1226 K2II/III
HD 92682 92682 52150 10h 39m 15.94s −74° 29′ 36.2″ 6.08 −1.57 1105 K3II
HD 91619 91619 51676 10h 33m 25.40s −58° 11′ 24.6″ 6.09 −7.01 13583 B7Ia
HD 63382 63382 37854 07h 45m 35.52s −56° 43′ 21.3″ 6.10 −1.20 942 F0II
R Car 82901 09h 32m 14.60s −62° 47′ 20.0″ 6.10 variabile Mira
HD 70982 70982 40926 08h 21m 07.65s −64° 06′ 21.4″ 6.11 0.34 464 G6/G8III
HD 66546 66546 39225 08h 01m 23.05s −54° 30′ 56.0″ 6.12 −1.92 1320 B2IV-V
HD 65908 65908 38863 07h 57m 12.76s −63° 17′ 48.8″ 6.14 0.37 464 B8V
HD 80710 80710 45615 09h 17m 51.67s −67° 03′ 03.2″ 6.14 −1.96 1358 K2III
HD 87543 87543 49281 10h 03m 34.14s −61° 53′ 02.6″ 6.14 −2.49 1734 B4:Vne
HD 95208 95208 53546 10h 57m 15.81s −75° 05′ 59.2″ 6.16 −3.12 2345 K1II
HD 95324 95324 53701 10h 59m 14.05s −61° 19′ 14.7″ 6.16 0.93 363 B8IV
HD 96088 96088 54082 11h 04m 00.25s −57° 57′ 19.2″ 6.16 −3.63 2964 B3III
HD 47001 47001 31265 06h 33m 26.31s −52° 19′ 45.5″ 6.18 −0.17 607 G8III
HD 86659 86659 48782 09h 56m 59.84s −69° 06′ 06.6″ 6.18 −1.43 1087 B3V
HD 87436 87436 49233 10h 02m 59.95s −60° 10′ 43.3″ 6.18 −3.80 3228 A6II/III
HD 90630 90630 50976 10h 24m 44.56s −73° 58′ 18.3″ 6.18 0.53 441 A2/A3V
HD 91272 91272 51425 10h 30m 08.81s −66° 59′ 04.8″ 6.19 −1.70 1235 B4IV
HD 62897 62897 37599 07h 42m 53.36s −58° 13′ 48.5″ 6.20 −0.23 629 K0III
HD 75086 75086 42936 08h 45m 05.55s −58° 43′ 27.6″ 6.20 −1.23 997 B7III
HD 87238 87238 49160 10h 01m 58.09s −57° 20′ 59.4″ 6.20 −0.62 753 K1II
η Car η 93308 10h 45m 03.60s −59° 41′ 03.0″ 6.21 -3.64 7502 LBv... Foramen, Tseen She; Variabile S Dor; membro di Tr 16
HD 87238 87238 47913 09h 45m 55.82s −58° 47′ 38.4″ 6.22 1.68 264 F5IV
HD 89263 89263 50287 10h 16m 03.26s −59° 54′ 12.4″ 6.22 1.63 270 A5V
HD 97451 97451 54708 11h 12m 03.60s −58° 25′ 24.1″ 6.24 −0.53 736 M4III
HD 67536 67536 39530 08h 04m 42.94s −62° 50′ 10.9″ 6.25 −1.67 1249 B2.5Vn
HD 91767 91767 51732 10h 34m 12.72s −60° 59′ 15.5″ 6.25 −0.78 830 K2/K3III
HD 93344 93344 52520 10h 44m 20.10s −70° 51′ 35.0″ 6.25 1.12 346 A5IV/V
HD 52603 52603 33588 06h 58m 39.81s −55° 43′ 44.1″ 6.26 1.59 280 K2III
HD 74622 74622 42717 08h 42m 20.90s −55° 46′ 28.8″ 6.26 1.23 331 K2III
υ Car B υ 85124 09h 47m 06.70s −65° 04′ 21.0″ 6.26 componente del sistema υ Car
HD 93372 93372 52535 10h 44m 27.25s −72° 26′ 37.1″ 6.26 3.74 104 F6V
HD 93502 93502 52679 10h 46m 17.12s −60° 36′ 10.4″ 6.26 1.01 365 A0IV
HD 94491 94491 53231 10h 53m 21.18s −58° 53′ 36.5″ 6.26 −2.16 1575 B5V
HD 82858 82858 46737 09h 31m 33.05s −66° 43′ 08.6″ 6.27 −0.40 703 K1III
HD 66607 66607 39238 08h 01m 31.58s −55° 27′ 16.8″ 6.28 −0.28 668 B4V
HD 61031 61031 36856 07h 34m 39.58s −51° 28′ 28.3″ 6.29 −1.76 1331 A1III/IV
HD 93662 93662 52797 10h 47m 38.41s −57° 28′ 02.7″ 6.29 −3.35 2763 M1II
HD 94275 94275 53100 10h 51m 46.93s −57° 16′ 20.3″ 6.29 −0.05 604 A6III
HD 63926 63926 38087 07h 48m 19.51s −56° 28′ 15.9″ 6.30 −2.91 2264 K0III+...
HD 66341 66341 39073 07h 59m 40.09s −60° 12′ 26.6″ 6.30 −1.81 1364 B8III
HD 81502 81502 46049 09h 23m 27.33s −60° 18′ 08.4″ 6.30 −2.91 2264 K1/K2II/III
HD 86606 86606 48715 09h 56m 09.76s −71° 23′ 21.5″ 6.30 −2.69 2050 B1Ib
HD 68423 68423 39843 08h 08m 24.65s −63° 48′ 03.0″ 6.32 −0.58 782 B6V
HD 80126 80126 45437 09h 15m 34.73s −57° 34′ 39.9″ 6.32 −1.32 1098 G8II
QZ Car 93206 52526 10h 44m 22.92s −59° 59′ 36.0″ 6.32 −3.23 2650 B0Ib: binaria ad eclisse; appartiene all'ammasso stellare Collinder 228
HD 82458 82458 46407 09h 27m 49.19s −71° 46′ 52.3″ 6.33 2.57 184 F3/F5V
HD 84416 84416 47591 09h 42m 12.99s −66° 54′ 53.4″ 6.33 0.04 592 A0V
HD 92536 92536 52160 10h 39m 22.85s −64° 06′ 42.5″ 6.33 0.49 479 B8V
HD 74341 74341 42579 08h 40m 43.55s −57° 32′ 43.9″ 6.34 2.13 227 A3V
HD 90074 90074 50785 10h 22m 10.48s −58° 15′ 56.3″ 6.34 1.23 343 G6III
HD 90289 90289 50916 10h 23m 50.66s −57° 57′ 14.1″ 6.34 −0.59 793 K5Ib-II
HD 93649 93649 52730 10h 46m 48.09s −69° 12′ 35.3″ 6.34 −2.04 1545 A2IV
HD 97472 97472 54673 11h 11m 29.57s −71° 26′ 10.3″ 6.34 0.08 583 K2/K3III
HD 74148 74148 42440 08h 39m 13.24s −60° 19′ 02.4″ 6.35 0.71 437 A0V
HD 89805 89805 50562 10h 19m 42.04s −65° 08′ 14.1″ 6.35 −2.59 2000 K2II
HD 92740 92740 52308 10h 41m 17.52s −59° 40′ 36.9″ 6.35 −4.72 5344 WN7 + A(SB1)
HD 93739 93739 52785 10h 47m 30.62s −69° 26′ 15.8″ 6.35 −1.57 1249 B2IV
HD 65189 65189 38667 07h 55m 00.44s −52° 35′ 00.1″ 6.36 −1.08 1003 B8III
HD 72322 72322 41653 08h 29m 36.40s −55° 11′ 27.3″ 6.36 −0.36 721 G0V
HD 76640 76640 43763 08h 54m 54.05s −58° 14′ 22.9″ 6.36 −0.77 869 B5V
HD 79699 79699 45214 09h 12m 50.63s −60° 55′ 00.5″ 6.36 0.21 553 B9V
HD 95109 95109 53589 10h 57m 48.19s −59° 43′ 55.9″ 6.36 G3Ia
HD 78632 78632 44665 09h 06m 07.61s −64° 29′ 59.7″ 6.37 0.08 590 K3III
HD 61394 61394 36977 07h 36m 01.62s −55° 53′ 15.8″ 6.39 0.06 601 K1/K2IIICN.
HD 96568 96568 54289 11h 06m 24.32s −64° 50′ 23.8″ 6.39 0.58 473 A3V
HD 44267 44267 29913 06h 17m 51.74s −52° 43′ 58.9″ 6.40 −0.70 858 K2/K3III
HD 62758 62758 37530 07h 42m 10.22s −58° 37′ 51.4″ 6.40 −1.18 1069 B2.5V
HD 84046 84046 47422 09h 39m 45.15s −62° 56′ 34.7″ 6.40 −0.01 623 B8/B9III/IV
HD 51210 51210 33012 06h 52m 45.44s −59° 20′ 28.6″ 6.41 0.62 470 A3m...
HD 87438 87438 49223 10h 02m 49.42s −62° 09′ 24.0″ 6.41 −3.23 2763 K3Ib
HD 91270 91270 51461 10h 30m 39.24s −61° 21′ 23.4″ 6.41 −0.57 811 M2III
HD 88907 88907 50067 10h 13m 21.20s −61° 39′ 31.8″ 6.42 −1.06 1022 B2V
HD 90966 90966 51265 10h 28m 18.28s −63° 09′ 52.5″ 6.42 −2.56 2037 B2/B3III:ne
HD 91094 91094 51327 10h 29m 03.67s −65° 10′ 34.8″ 6.42 0.00 627 M1III
HD 98025 98025 55003 11h 15m 42.76s −57° 21′ 21.1″ 6.42 0.16 583 A3V
HD 78293 78293 44565 09h 04m 48.00s −57° 51′ 09.5″ 6.43 −1.21 1101 A8III
HD 93359 93359 52537 10h 44m 32.42s −70° 51′ 18.9″ 6.43 1.25 354 A6IV
HD 65867 65867 38963 07h 58m 21.47s −51° 26′ 54.9″ 6.44 0.43 518 A8/A9IV
HD 72303 72303 41644 08h 29m 29.82s −54° 12′ 42.5″ 6.44 −0.28 720 Ap Si
HD 49705 49705 32477 06h 46m 41.70s −54° 41′ 42.2″ 6.45 0.93 414 G6III
HD 81896 81896 46143 09h 24m 37.16s −70° 04′ 32.8″ 6.45 0.06 617 K1III
HD 88158 88158 49642 10h 07m 56.64s −62° 13′ 17.2″ 6.45 −0.55 817 Ap Si
HD 93131 93131 52488 10h 43m 52.27s −60° 07′ 04.0″ 6.45 −5.06 6520 WN7 + A stella Wolf-Rayet; appartiene all'ammasso stellare Collinder 228
HD 52622 52622 33577 06h 58m 36.39s −56° 23′ 41.2″ 6.46 1.46 326 F2II
HD 54967 54967 34350 07h 07m 16.28s −59° 42′ 59.2″ 6.46 −1.79 1455 B3V
HD 93738 93738 52815 10h 47m 53.55s −64° 15′ 46.3″ 6.46 0.67 469 B9.5V
HD 49219 49219 32269 06h 44m 12.81s −54° 41′ 43.9″ 6.47 −0.30 736 B5/B6V
HD 70267 70267 40655 08h 17m 55.79s −59° 10′ 00.3″ 6.47 2.01 254 F5V
HD 84809 84809 47893 09h 45m 40.64s −57° 11′ 09.8″ 6.47 −0.66 869 B8III/IV
HD 93695 93695 52806 10h 47m 44.34s −59° 52′ 30.9″ 6.47 −1.41 1230 B5Vvar
HD 95122 95122 53556 10h 57m 20.22s −69° 02′ 17.0″ 6.48 −0.55 832 B7V
HD 92399 92399 52103 10h 38m 45.39s −59° 15′ 44.7″ 6.50 −1.82 1502 B4/B5III/IV
S Car 88366 49751 10h 09m 22.01s −61° 32′ 57.1″ 6.94 −1.10 1320 M2/M3e variabile Mira
AG Car 94910 53461 10h 56m 11.58s −60° 27′ 12.8″ 7.09 B2:pe variabile luminosa blu
HD 65216 65216 7.98 112 ha un pianeta
OGLE-TR-113 14.42 1500 ha un pianeta scoperto col metodo del transito sul disco della stella
OGLE-TR-111 15.55 1500 ha un pianeta scoperto col metodo del transito sul disco della stella
OGLE-TR-132 15.72 1500 ha un pianeta scoperto col metodo del transito sul disco della stella
            Legenda della tabella                                      

 · Nome = nome proprio della stella.
 · B = designazione di Bayer nell'ambito della costellazione.
 · F = designazione di Flamsteed ove presente.
 · HD = numero della stella nel Catalogo Henry Draper.
 · HIP = numero della stella nel Catalogo Hipparcos.
 · AR = ascensione retta della stella all'Epoca dell'equinozio J2000.0.
 · Dec = Declinazione della stella all'Epoca dell'equinozio J2000.0.
 · vis. = magnitudine visuale della stella (m o mv), conosciuta anche come magnitudine apparente.

 · ass. = magnitudine assoluta della stella (Mv).
 · Dist. (al) = distanza in anni luce dalla Terra.
 · Classe spettrale = classificazione stellare in base alla temperatura superficiale.
 · Note = principalmente sono indicati i nomi comuni con cui è conosciuta la stella; inoltre sono brevemente citate alcune peculiarità della stella (se è una stella doppia o multipla; se è una stella variabile, il tipo e il periodo di variabilità; se possiede esopianeti; ecc.).

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