Contemporary Records

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Contemporary Records
Logo utilizzato dal 1979 alla metà degli anni 2000
StatoStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
Fondazione1951 a Los Angeles
Fondata daLester Koenig
Sede principale
ControllateConcord Bicycle Music
SettoreEtichetta discografica
ProdottiDiscografia jazz

Contemporary Records è stata un'etichetta discografica fondata da Lester Koenig a Los Angeles nel 1951. Musica contemporanea prodotta da una varietà di stili e musicisti jazz.[1]

Musicisti della West Coast

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La Contemporary Records si identificò con uno stile di jazz chiamato West Coast jazz come dimostrato da Art Pepper, Chet Baker, Shelly Manne e André Previn.[1]

A metà degli anni '60 la compagnia cadde in un parziale limbo, ma alla fine degli anni '70 furono effettuate nuove registrazioni limitate tra cui una serie di album di Art Pepper registrati al club Village Vanguard di New York. Dopo la morte di Les Koenig nel 1977, l'etichetta fu gestita per sette anni da suo figlio John,[1] che produsse album di George Cables, Joe Farrell, Joe Henderson, Bobby Hutcherson, Peter Erskine e Chico Freema

Nel 1984 la Contemporary venne acquistata dalla Fantasy Records, che utilizzò il nome per un breve periodo. La maggior parte dei titoli contemporanei sono stati ristampati da Fantasy. Inoltre, alcuni titoli hanno trovato nuova vita tra gli audiofili di oggi come rimasterizzazioni di LP di alta qualità dalla Analogue Productions e altre etichette audiofile. Il catalogo Fantasy, tra cui Contemporary e le sue etichette associate, Good Time Jazz Records, Society for Forgotten Music e Contemporary Composers Series, è stato venduto alla Concord Records nel 2004.

Nel corso degli anni, numerose figure importanti del mondo della musica hanno lavorato per Contemporary. Tra loro c'erano il dirigente della Atlantic Records Nesuhi Ertegun, gli scrittori Nat Hentoff e Leonard Feather, il produttore Joe Boyd, l'ingegnere del suono e designer di studio Howard Holzer e l'ingegnere di masterizzazione Bernie Grundman.

Koenig mantenne standard audio elevati. Assunse Roy DuNann dalla Capitol Records nel 1956, il quale, dalla sala spedizioni dell'etichetta trasformata in studio, produsse alcuni dei dischi dal miglior suono dell'epoca. DuNann fornì alcuni dettagli delle sue tecniche in un articolo di Stereophile quasi 50 anni dopo. Disse che Koenig gli aveva fornito microfoni a condensatore tedeschi (Neumann/Telefunken U-47) e austriaci (AKG C-12) e immediatamente notò l'altissimo rendimento di questi microfoni, particolarmente vicino al modo dinamico di suonare dei musicisti jazz. DuNann ottenne il suo suono caratteristico, nitido, chiaro ed equilibrato senza distorsioni o sgradevoli "presenze di picco", mantenendo le configurazioni del suo microfono molto semplici, generalmente uno per musicista, ed evitando l'uso di preamplificatori.

Costruì un semplice sistema di mixaggio passivo che alimentava direttamente l'elettronica delle sue macchine a nastro Ampex 350 e 351. Inoltre, DuNann disse a Stereophile che le sessioni contemporanee erano state registrate "asciutte", cioè senza eco elettronica aggiunta o in una stanza riverberante. A volte, come nel caso di Way Out West di Sonny Rollins, un'unità di riverbero a piastra veniva inserita tra il registratore e il tornio per il taglio del disco LP. Questo è il motivo per cui alcune ristampe successive di LP e CD di album contemporanei suonano "secche" e "morte" rispetto agli LP originali masterizzati da DuNann.

Serie Contemporanea 3500/7500

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La serie 3500 (mono)/7500 (stereo) di dischi LP da 12 pollici iniziò nel 1955 e durò fino al 1961.[2] La Contemporary fu la prima etichetta jazz a registrare album in stereo a partire dal 1956.[3]

Catalogo Artista Album
3501 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Sunday Jazz a la Lighthouse, Vol. 1
3502 Hampton, Lionel Lionel Hampton He Swings the Most
3503 Niehaus, Lennie Lennie Niehaus Vol 3: The Octet #2
3504 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Vol. 6
3505 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Trio Hampton Hawes Trio
3506 Murphy, Lyle Lyle Murphy 12-Tone Compositions and Arrangements by Lyle Murphy
3507 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men The West Coast Sound
3508 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Vol. 3
3509 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars/Barney Kessel/Hampton Hawes Trio with Shelly Manne Lighthouse at Laguna
3510 Niehaus, Lennie Lennie Niehaus Vol 4: The Quintets & Strings
3511 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Easy Like
3512 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Kessel Plays Standards
3513 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel To Swing or Not to Swing
3514 Tatro, Duane Duane Tatro Duane Tatro's Jazz for Moderns
3515 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Trio This Is Hampton Hawes
3516 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men Swinging Sounds
3517 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars In the Solo Spotlight
3518 Niehaus, Lennie Lennie Niehaus Volume 1: The Quintets
3519 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men More Swinging Sounds
3520 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Oboe/Flute
3521 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Music to Listen to Barney Kessel By
3522 Collette, Buddy Buddy Collette Man of Many Parts
3523 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Trio Everybody Likes Hampton Hawes
3524 Niehaus, Lennie Lennie Niehaus Vol 5: The Sextet
3525 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne Shelly Manne & His Friends
3526 Counce, Curtis Curtis Counce The Curtis Counce Group
3527 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Friends My Fair Lady
3528 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey's Lighthouse All-Stars Music for Lighthousekeeping
3529 Deuchar, Jimmy Jimmy Deuchar Pub Crawling with Jimmy Deuchar
3530 Rollins, Sonny Sonny Rollins Way Out West
3531 Collette, Buddy Buddy Collette Nice Day with Buddy Collette
3532 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Art Pepper Meets the Rhythm Section
3533 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Friends Li'l Abner
3534 Norvo, Red Red Norvo Music to Listen to Red Norvo By
3535 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel, Shelly Manne and Ray Brown The Poll Winners
3536 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men Concerto for Clarinet & Combo
3537 Previn, André André Previn & Russ Freeman Double Play!
3538 Mitchell, Red Red Mitchell Presenting Red Mitchell
3539 Counce, Curtis Curtis Counce You Get More Bounce with Curtis Counce!
3540 Niehaus, Lennie Lennie Niehaus Zounds!
3541 Feldman, Victor Victor Feldman Suite Sixteen
3542 Vinnegar, Leroy Leroy Vinnegar Leroy Walks!
3543 Previn, André André Previn & His Pals Pal Joey
3544 Cooper, Bob Bob Cooper Coop! The Music of Bob Cooper
3545 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes All Night Session! Vol. 1
3546 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes All Night Session! Vol. 2
3547 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes All Night Session! Vol. 3
3548 Previn, André André Previn & His Pals Gigi
3549 Feldman, Victor Victor Feldman The Arrival of Victor Feldman
3550 Land, Harold Harold Land Harold in the Land of Jazz
3551 Coleman, Ornette Ornette Coleman Something Else!!!!
3552 Golson, Benny Benny Golson Benny Golson's New York Scene
3553 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Four!
3554 Farmer, Art Art Farmer Portrait of Art Farmer
3555 Carter, Benny Benny Carter Jazz Giant
3556 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel, Shelley Manne & Ray Brown The Poll Winners Ride Again!
3557 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men The Gambit
3558 Previn, André André Previn André Previn Plays Songs by Vernon Duke
3559 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Friends Bells Are Ringing
3560 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men Shelly Manne & His Men Play Peter Gunn
3561 Carter, Benny Benny Carter Quartet Swingin' the '20s
3562 Taylor, Cecil Cecil Taylor Looking Ahead!
3563 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Carmen
3564 Rollins, Sonny Sonny Rollins Sonny Rollins and the Contemporary Leaders
3565 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Some Like It Hot
3566 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men Son of Gunn!!
3567 Previn, André André Previn André Previn Plays Songs by Jerome Kern
3568 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Art Pepper + Eleven - Modern Jazz Classics
3569 Coleman, Ornette Ornette Coleman Tomorrow Is the Question!
3570 Previn, André André Previn Jazz Trio King Size!
3571 Humes, Helen Helen Humes 'Tain't Nobody's Biz-Ness If I Do
3572 Previn, André André Previn & His Pals West Side Story
3573 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Gettin' Together
3574 Counce, Curtis Curtis Counce Group Carl's Blues
3575 Previn, André André Previn Like Previn!
3576 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel, Shelly Manne & Ray Brown Poll Winners Three!
3577 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men At the Black Hawk 1
3578 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men At the Black Hawk 2
3579 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men At the Black Hawk 3
3580 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men At the Black Hawk 4
3581 Poll Winners, The The Poll Winners Exploring the Scene!
3582 Humes, Helen Helen Humes Songs I Like to Sing!
3583 Edwards, Teddy Teddy Edwards Teddy's Ready!
3584 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne The Three & The Two
3585 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Workin' Out! with the Barney Kessel Quartet
3586 Previn, André André Previn André Previn Plays Songs by Harold Arlen
3587 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men The Proper Time
3588 Edwards, Teddy Teddy Edwards and Howard McGhee Together Again!!!!
3589 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes For Real!
3590 Price, Ruth Ruth Price Ruth Price with Shelly Manne & His Men at the Manne-Hole
3591 Smith, Bill Bill Smith Folk Jazz
3592 Edwards, Teddy Teddy Edwards Good Gravy!
3593/4 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men Live! Shelly Manne & His Men at the Manne-Hole
3595 Wiggins, Gerry Gerry Wiggins Relax and Enjoy It!
3596 McGhee, Howard Howard McGhee Maggie's Back in Town!!
3597 Gordon, Joe Joe Gordon Lookin' Good!
3598 Humes, Helen Helen Humes Swingin' with Humes
3599 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne & His Men Shelly Manne & His Men Play Checkmate

Serie Contemporanea Popolare 5000/9000

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La serie 5000 (mono)/9000 (stereo) di dischi da 12 pollici iniziò nel 1956 e durò fino al 1962.[4][5]

Catalogo Artista Album
5001 Henke, Mel Mel Henke Dig Mel Henke
5002 Austin, Claire Claire Austin Claire Austin Sings "When Your Lover Has Gone"
5003 Henke, Mel Mel Henke Now Spin This!
5004 Romero, Pepe Pepe Romero !Flamenco Fenomeno!
5005 Feldman, Victor Victor Feldman Latinsville!
5006 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne and Jack Marshall Sounds Unheard Of!

Serie Contemporanea 3600/7600

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La serie 3600 (mono)/7600 (stereo) di dischi da 12 pollici iniziò nel 1962 e durò fino ai primi anni '80.[6] Dopo la 3624 tutte le versioni erano solo stereo.[7]

Catalogo Artista Album
3600 Newborn Jr., Phineas Phineas Newborn Jr. A World of Piano!
3601 Stewart, Helyne Helyne Stewart Love Moods
3602 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Smack Up
3603 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Let's Cook!
3604 Bryan, Joy Joy Bryan Make the Man Love Me
3605 Woods, Jimmy Jimmy Woods Awakening!!
3606 Edwards, Teddy Teddy Edwards Heart & Soul
3607 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Intensity
3608 Vinnegar, Leroy Leroy Vinnegar Leroy Walks Again!!
3609 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne My Son the Jazz Drummer!
3610 Lasha, Prince Prince Lasha Quintet featuring Sonny Simmons The Cry!
3611 Newborn, Jr., Phineas Phineas Newborn, Jr. The Great Jazz Piano of Phineas Newborn Jr.
3612 Woods, Jimmy Jimmy Woods Conflict
3613 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Barney Kessel's Swingin' Party
3614 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes The Green Leaves of Summer
3615 Newborn, Jr., Phineas Phineas Newborn, Jr. The Newborn Touch
3616 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Here and Now
3617 Lasha, Prince Prince Lasha and Sonny Simmons Firebirds
3618 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Feeling Free
3619 Land, Harold Harold Land The Fox
3620 Hope, Elmo Elmo Hope Elmo Hope Trio
3621 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes The Seance
7622 Newborn, Jr., Phineas Phineas Newborn, Jr. Please Send Me Someone to Love
3623 Simmons, Sonny Sonny Simmons Rumasuma
3624 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne Outside
7625/6 Simmons, Sonny Sonny Simmons Burning Spirits
7627/8 Shaw, Woody Woody Shaw Blackstone Legacy
7629 Manne, Shelly Shelly Manne Alive in London
7630 Pepper, Art Art Pepper The Way It Was!
7631 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes I'm All Smiles
7632 Shaw, Woody Woody Shaw Song of Songs
7633 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Living Legend
7634 Newborn, Jr., Phineas Phineas Newborn, Jr. Harlem Blues
7635 Poll Winners, The The Poll Winners Straight Ahead
7636 Farmer, Art Art Farmer On the Road
7637 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Hampton Hawes at the Piano
7638 Pepper, Art Art Pepper The Trip
7639 Pepper, Art Art Pepper No Limit
7640 Freeman, Chico Chico Freeman Beyond the Rain
7641 Brown, Ray Ray Brown Something for Lester
7642 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Thursday Night at the Village Vanguard
7643 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Friday Night at the Village Vanguard
7644 Pepper, Art Art Pepper Saturday Night at the Village Vanguard
7645 Davis, Miles Miles Davis and The Lighthouse All-Stars At Last!
7646 Webster, Ben Ben Webster Ben Webster at the Renaissance
7647 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Dream Band
7648 Newborn, Jr., Phineas Phineas Newborn, Jr. Back Home
7649 Baker, Chet Chet Baker and The Lighthouse All-Stars Witch Doctor
7650 Pepper, Art Art Pepper More for Les at the Village Vanguard
7651 Rollins, Sonny Sonny Rollins Contemporary Alternate Takes
7652 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Dream Band The Sundown Sessions
7653 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes The Sermon
7654 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Dream Band Flying Home
7655 Counce, Curtis Curtis Counce Sonority
7656 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Dream Band Main Stem
7657 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs The Big Cat
7658 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Dream Band One More Time

La serie 14000 iniziò nel 1980 con dischi da 12 pollici e nel 1982 iniziò le pubblicazioni su compact disc.[8] Dopo il 1992 tutte le pubblicazioni furono solo su CD.[7]

Catalogo Artista Album
14001 Cables, George George Cables Cables' Vision
14002 Farrell, Joe Joe Farrell Sonic Text
14003 Garson, Mike Mike Garson Avant Garson
14004 Montoliu, Tete Tete Montoliu Lunch in L.A.
14005 Freeman, Chico Chico Freeman Peaceful Heart, Gentle Spirit
14006 Henderson, Joe Joe Henderson Relaxin' at Camarillo
14007 Hoggard, Jay Jay Hoggard Rain Forest
14008 Freeman, Chico Chico Freeman Destiny's Dance
14009 Hutcherson, Bobby Bobby Hutcherson Solo / Quartet
14010 Erskine, Peter Peter Erskine Peter Erskine
14011 Perkins, Bill Bill Perkins Journey to the East
14012 Shank, Bud Bud Shank California Concert
14013 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan Easy Living
14014 Cables, George George Cables Phantom of the City
14015 Cables, George George Cables Circle
14016 Rowles, Jimmy Jimmy Rowles and Red Mitchell Jimmy Rowles with the Red Mitchell Trio
14017 Cooper, Bob Bob Cooper and Snooky Young In a Mellotone
14018 Manne, Shelley Shelley Manne In Zurich
14019 Shank, Bud Bud Shank That Old Feeling
14020 Jazztet, The The Jazztet Back to the City
14021 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan Lament
14022 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs The Latin Connection
14023 Connor, Chris Chris Connor Classic
14024 Higgins, Billy Billy Higgins Bridgework
14025 Breakstone, Joshua Joshua Breakstone Quintet Echoes
14026 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan Quintet Bebop Lives!
14027 Shank, Bud Bud Shank Bud Shank Quartet at Jazz Alley
14028 Hughes, Luther Luther Hughes Luther Hughes and Cahoots
14029 Farmer, Art Art Farmer Something to Live For: The Music of Billy Strayhorn
14030 Cables, George George Cables By George
14031 Shank, Bud Bud Shank Serious Swingers
14032 Rowles, Jimmy Jimmy Rowles I'm Glad There Is You
14033 Kessel, Barney Barney Kessel Spontaneous Combustion
14034 Jazztet, The The Jazztet Real Time
14035 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan & George Cables Double Image
14036 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs and Buddy DeFranco Chicago Fire
14037 Harrell, Tom Tom Harrell and George Robert Sun Dance
14038 Connor, Chris Chris Connor New Again
14039 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan and the McCoy Tyner Trio Major Changes
14040 Breakstone, Joshua Joshua Breakstone Evening Star
14041 Campbell, Kerry Kerry Campbell Phoenix Rising
14042 Farmer, Art Art Farmer Blame It On My Youth
14043 Harrell, Tom Tom Harrell Stories
14044 Kessell, Barney Barney Kessell Red Hot & Blue
14045 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan Quartet Yardbird Suite
14046 Jackie and Roy Full Circle
14047 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs and Buddy DeFranco Holiday for Swing
14048 Shank, Bud Bud Shank Tomorrow's Rainbow
14049 Sloane, Carol Carol Sloane Love You Madly
14050 Breakstone, Joshua Joshua Breakstone Quartet Self-Portrait in Swing
14051 Rumsey, Howard Jazz Invention
14052 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan Allstars Reflections
14053 Campbell, John John Campbell After Hours
14054 Harrell, Tom Tom Harrell Sail Away
14055 Farmer, Art Art Farmer Ph.D.
14056 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs and Buddy DeFranco Air Mail Special
14057 Farmer, Art Art Farmer and Frank Morgan Central Avenue Reunion
14058 Burrell, Kenny Kenny Burrell Guiding Spirit
14059 Harrell, Tom Tom Harrell Form
14060 Sloane, Carol Carol Sloane The Real Thing
14061 Campbell, John John Campbell Turning Point
14062 Breakstone, Joshua Joshua Breakstone Trio 9 by 3
14063 Harrell, Tom Tom Harrell Visions
14064 Morgan, Frank Frank Morgan and Bud Shank Quiet Fire
14065 Burrell, Kenny Kenny Burrell Sunup to Sundown
14066 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Memories of You
14067 Gibbs, Terry Terry Gibbs Kings of Swing
14068 Vinnegar, Leroy Leroy Vinnegar Walking the Basses
14069 Romero, Celedonio Celedonio Romero and Celin Romero Spanish Guitar Music
14070 Romero, Pepe Pepe Romero ¡Flamenco Fenomeno!
14071 Humes, Helen Helen Humes 'Deed I Do
14072 Hawes, Hampton Hampton Hawes Something Special
14073 Freeman, Chico Chico Freeman Focus
14074 Edwards, Teddy Teddy Edwards Back to Avalon
14075 Mustafa, Melton Melton Mustafa Boiling Point
14076 Orta, Michael Michael Orta Freedom Tower
14077 Rumsey, Howard Howard Rumsey Mexican Passport
14078 Myers, Terry Terry Myers Soul Mates
14079 Ross, Billy Billy Ross Woody
14080 Allison, Eric Eric Allison Mean Streets Beat
14081 Points, Dennis Dennis Points Images
14082 Jones, Jesse Jesse Jones Soul Serenade
14083 Marcus, Billy Billy Marcus Hamp
14084 Morgan, Lanny Lanny Morgan Pacific Standard
14085 Mustafa, Melton Melton Mustafa St. Louis Blues
14086 Pepper, Art Art Pepper San Francisco Samba
14087 Ranier, Tom Tom Ranier In the Still of the Night
14088 Allison, Eric Eric Allison After Hours

Musicisti della Contemporary

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  1. ^ a b c (EN) Mark Gardner, The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, a cura di Barry Kernfeld, vol. 1, 2ª ed., New York, Grove's Dictionaries Inc., 2002, p. 506, ISBN 1561592846.
  2. ^ (EN) Contemporary Records Catalog: Serie 3500/7500, su URL consultato il 6 maggio 2015.
  3. ^ (EN) Concord Music Group website, su URL consultato il 7 maggio 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 18 maggio 2015).
  4. ^ (EN) Contemporary Records Catalog: Serie 3600/7600, 5000, 6000 - album index, su, 5 gennaio 2017.
  5. ^ (EN) Contemporary Label Discography (PDF), su URL consultato il 5 gennaio 2017.
  6. ^ (EN) Contemporary Records Catalog: Serie 3600/7600, su URL consultato il 7 maggio 2015.
  7. ^ a b (EN) Callahan, M., Contemporary Label Discography, Both Sides Now website (PDF), su URL consultato il 7 maggio 2015.
  8. ^ (EN) Contemporary Records Catalog: Serie 14000, su URL consultato il 7 maggio 2015.

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