George Cecil Ives

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George Cecil Ives

George Cecil Ives (1º ottobre 18674 giugno 1950) è stato uno scrittore britannico.

Opere letterarie

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  • Book of Chains (1897)
  • Eros' Throne (1900)
  • Penal Methods in the Middle Ages (1910)
  • The Treatment of Crime (1912)
  • The Missing Baronet (1914)
  • A History of Penal Methods: Criminals, Witches, Lunatics (1914)
  • The Sexes, Structure, & "Extra-organic" Habits of certain Animals (1918)
  • The Continued Extension of the Criminal Law (1922)
  • English Prisons Today (1922)
  • Graeco-Roman View of Youth (1926)
  • Obstacles to Human Progress (1939)
  • The Plight of the Adolescent

Altri progetti

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Collegamenti esterni

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