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Numero CAS123896-30-0
Indicazioni di sicurezza

La Bolesatina è una glicoproteina isolata dal fungo Boletus satanas che provoca nell'uomo gastroenteriti. Questa lectina, a concentrazioni molto basse, ha attività mitogenica sui linfociti umani, mentre a concentrazioni più alte inibisce la sintesi proteica.

LD50 orale 3,3 mg/kg in ratto

  • Ennamany R, Bingen A, Creppy EE, Kretz O, Gut JP, Dubuisson L, Balabaud C, Bioulac Sage P, Kirn A. Aspirin and heparin prevent hepatic blood stasis and thrombosis induced by the toxic glycoprotein Bolesatine in mice.Hum Exp Toxicol. 1998 Nov;17(11):620-4.
  • Gachet C, Ennamany R, Kretz O, Ohlmann P, Krause C, Creppy EE, Dirheimer G, Cazenave JP. Bolesatine induces agglutination of rat platelets and human erythrocytes and platelets in vitro. Hum Exp Toxicol. 1996 Jan;15(1):26-9.
  • Ennamany R, Marzetto S, Saboureau D, Creppy EE. Lipid peroxidation induced by bolesatine, a toxin of Boletus satanas: implication in m5dC variation in Vero cells related to inhibition of cell growth. Cell Biol Toxicol. 1995 Dec;11(6):347-54.
  • Basset L, Ennamany R, Portail JP, Kretz O, Deffieux G, Badoc A, Guillemain B, Creppy EE. Effects of bolesatine on a cell line from the SP2/O thymic lymphosarcoma. Toxicology. 1995 Nov 30;103(2):121-5.
  • Ennamany R, Lavergne JP, Reboud JP, Dirheimer G, Creppy EE. Mode of action of bolesatine, a cytotoxic glycoprotein from Boletus satanas Lenz. Mechanistic approaches. Toxicology. 1995 Jun 26;100(1-3):51-5.
  • Ennamany R, Kretz O, Creppy EE. Effect of bolesatine on phospholipid/calcium dependent protein kinase in Vero cells and in rat thymus. Arch Toxicol. 1995;69(9):624-30.
  • Ennamany R, Kretz O, Badoc A, Deffieux G, Creppy EE. Effect of bolesatine, a glycoprotein from Boletus satanas, on rat thymus in vivo. Toxicology. 1994 Apr 18;89(2):113-8.
  • Licastro F, Morini MC, Kretz O, Dirheimer G, Creppy EE, Stirpe F. Mitogenic activity and immunological properties of bolesatine, a lectin isolated from the mushroom Boletus satanas Lenz. Int J Biochem. 1993 May;25(5):789-92.
  • Kretz O, Reinbolt J, Creppy EE, Dirheimer G. Properties of bolesatine, a translational inhibitor from Boletus satanas Lenz. Amino-terminal sequence determination and inhibition of rat mitochondrial protein synthesis. Toxicol Lett. 1992 Dec;64-65 Spec No:763-6.
  • Kretz O, Barbieri L, Creppy EE, Dirheimer G. Inhibition of protein synthesis in liver and kidney of mice by bolesatine: mechanistic approaches to the mode of action at the molecular level. Toxicology. 1992;73(3):297-304.
  • Kretz O, Creppy EE, Dirheimer G. Characterization of bolesatine, a toxic protein from the mushroom Boletus satanas Lenz and it's effects on kidney cells. Toxicology. 1991 Feb;66(2):213-24.
  • Kretz O, Creppy EE, Dirheimer G. Disposition of the toxic protein, bolesatine, in rats: its resistance to proteolytic enzymes. Xenobiotica. 1991 Jan;21(1):65-73.
  • Kretz O, Creppy EE, Boulanger Y, Dirheimer G. Purification and some properties of bolesatine, a protein inhibiting in vitro protein synthesis, from the mushroom Boletus satanas Lenz (Boletaceae). Arch Toxicol Suppl. 1989;13:422-7.

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