Michael Morton (commediografo)

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Michael Morton

Michael Morton (Londra, 1864Londra, 11 gennaio 1931) è stato un commediografo inglese.

Spettacoli teatrali

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  • Miss Francis of Yale
  • A Rich Man's Son
  • Caleb West
  • Resurrection
  • The Little Stranger
  • My Wife (Broadway, 31 agosto 1907)
  • The Richest Girl
  • Detective Sparks
  • The Imposter
  • The Runaway
  • Tantalizing Tommy
  • The Yellow Ticket
  • The Prodigal Husband
  • The Shadow
  • Colonel Newcome
  • On With the Dance
  • Remnant
  • In the Night Watch
  • The Guilty One
  • The Fatal Alibi

Altri progetti

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Collegamenti esterni

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