Terry Oldfield

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Terry Oldfield
NazionalitàBandiera del Regno Unito Regno Unito
GenereColonna sonora
Sito ufficiale

Terry Oldfield (Palmers green, 12 agosto 1949) è un compositore britannico, fratello di Sally e Mike Oldfield.

Discografia parziale

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  • Sunshine Holidays – 1983
  • In Search of the Trojan War – 1985
  • Cascade – 1986
  • Reverence – 1986
  • Return to Treasure Island – 1987
  • In the Presence of Light – 1987
  • Resonance – 1988
  • Star of Heaven – 1989
  • Spirit of the Rainforest – 1990
  • Angel – 1990
  • Zen – 1991
  • Illumination – 1992
  • Spiral Waves – 1992
  • Out of the Depths – 1993
  • Spirit of Africa – 1993
  • Australia – 1994
  • Spirit of Tibet – 1994
  • Earth Spirit – 1995
  • Icon – 1995
  • Theme for the Telford Time Machine – 1996
  • Spirit of India – 1996
  • South East Asia – 1997
  • All The Rivers Gold – 1999
  • Music for Wildlife – 2000
  • Reflections - The Best of Terry Oldfield 1985-1995 – 2000
  • Across the Universe – 2000
  • Spirit of the World – 2000
  • Turning Point 2002
  • A Time for Peace – 2003
  • Yoga Harmony – 2004
  • Celt – 2004
  • De Profundis / Out of the Depths II – 2005
  • Ethereal – 2005
  • Reiki Harmony – 2006
  • Labrynth – 2007

Voci correlate

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