Coordinate: 51°43′N 36°11′E


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Oblast' di Kursk
Ку́рская о́бласть
Oblast' di Kursk – Stemma
Oblast' di Kursk – Bandiera
StatoRussia (bandiera) Russia
Circondario federaleCentrale
GovernatoreAleksandr Mikhàilov
Lingue ufficialirusso
Data di istituzione13 giugno 1934
del capoluogo
51°43′N 36°11′E
Superficie29 800 km²
Acque interneTrascurabili
Abitanti1 127 081 (2010)
Densità37,82 ab./km²
Altre informazioni
Fuso orarioUTC+4
ISO 3166-2RU-KRS
Oblast' di Kursk – Localizzazione
Oblast' di Kursk – Localizzazione
Sito istituzionale

L'Oblast' di Kursk (in russo Ку́рская о́бласть?, Kurskaya oblast) è un soggetto federale della Russia (un oblast). Il suo centro amministrativo è la città di Kursk. Popolazione: 1,127,081 (Censimento del 2010).[1]

L'oblast occupa le pendici meridionali del Rialto Centrale Russo,e la sua altezza media è da 177 a 225 metri (580-738 piedi). la superficie è collinare e intersecata da burroni. La parte centrale dell'Oblast' di Kursk è più elevata della valle del Sejm a ovest. La cresta Timsko-Shchigrinsky è il punto più altro dell'oblast' con i suoi 288 metri (945 piedi) sopra il livello del mare. Il bassorilievo, pendii più dolci, e l'inverno mite rendono la zona adatta per l'agricoltura, e gran parte della foresta è stata cancellata.

Il suolo chernozem il 70% del territorio dell'oblast'; il suolo podsol copre il 26%.

L'Oblast' di Kursk contribuisce a due aree principali di drenaggio, il fiume Dnepr e il fiume Don (rispettivamente 78% e 22%). Ci sono 902 fiumi e torrenti nell'Oblast', con una lunghezza totale approssimativa di 8000 km. I torrenti principali sono il Sejm e lo Psel.

The inland waters of Kursk oblast consist of 145 artificial lakes and about 550 small ponds.

Natural resources

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Welcome sign upon entry into Kursk Oblast

Kursk Oblast is one of the nation's major producers of iron ore. The area of Kursk Magnetic Anomaly has one of the richest iron ore deposits in the world. Also, rare-earth and base metals occur in commercial quantities in several locations. Refractory loam, mineral sands, and chalk are quarried and processed in the region. Oblast's sufficient reserves of artesian well water are proving useful for medical purposes.

The oblast's location at the center of the European part of Russia gives the region a medium continental climate: warm summers and relatively mild winters. In July, the average daytime high temperature is +19,3 °C (66,7 °F). In January the average high is −8,6 °C (16,5 °F). The average number of frost-free days ranges from 150 in the north to 160 in the south. The growing season in Kursk Oblast varies, from 180 days in the north to 195 days in the southwest. The average annual precipitation for the oblast is 584 millimetri (23,0 in)[converti: opzione non valida], but it ranges from 634 millimetri (25,0 in)[converti: opzione non valida] in the northwest, to about 500 millimetri (20 in)[converti: opzione non valida] or less in the southeastern corner. The maximum of the rain falls during June and July. The snow depth in Kursk Oblast differs considerably, from 300–400 mm (12–16 in) in the north of the oblast, to 150–250 mm (6–10 in) in the south. Annual sunshine is 1,775 hours.

Flora and fauna

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Kursk Oblast is a part of the Eastern European forest-steppe. One-quarter of Kursk oblast was once heavily wooded. Hardwood timbers included oak, ash, and elm. Now forests cover only 10% of the oblast. Animals native to the area are numerous. Pike, bleak, and perch are abundant in local rivers. Otter and badger, as well as wild boar, red deer, and Roe Deer remain numerous in many parts of the area.

Administrative divisions

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Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Administrative divisions of Kursk Oblast.

Population: 1,127,081 (2010 Census);[1] Template:Ru-census

Ethnic composition (2010):[1]

  • Russians - 96.5%
  • Ukrainians - 1.3%
  • Armenians - 0.5%
  • Others - 1.7%
  • 52,722 people were registered from administrative databases, and could not declare an ethnicity. It is estimated that the proportion of ethnicities in this group is the same as that of the declared group.[2]

The annual growth rate of the oblast's population is negative; death rate exceeds overall birth rates and immigration.

Migration of borders of Kursk Oblast in 1934—1954

Although territory of Kursk Oblast had been populated since the end of the last Ice Age, information about the area was scanty until 1596 when the Kursk stronghold was built. A real growth of the area around Kursk began soon after that, with a large migration from Central Russia after famine in the beginning of the 17th century. Between 1708 and 1719, Kursk was a part of the newly created Kiev Governorate. From 1719 to 1727 it was a part of Belgorod province of Kiev Governorate. Later Kursk uyezd was a part of Belgorod Governorate. On May 23, 1779, Kursk Governorate was established. The latter subdivision existed until 1928, when the territory of Kursk Governorate became a part of Central Black Earth Oblast. As Central Chernozem Oblast was very large its administration was very difficult, on June 13, 1934 it was divided into two oblasts: Kursk Oblast and Voronezh Oblast. In the period between 1934 and 1954, oblasts' borders were frequently adjusted. However, the area and borders of the oblast have remained stable from 1954.

During World War II, the territory of Kursk Oblast was occupied by the German troops from fall of 1941 until summer of 1943. The Battle of Kursk, which was one of the major battles of World War II, took place in the region between July 5 and August 23, 1943.

The Parliament of Kursk Oblast is the Kursk Oblast Duma which consists of 45 members elected for four-year term. The head of the oblast is a governor who is appointed by the President of Russia.

The center-right United Russia Party and the left Communist Party of the Russian Federation are Kursk Oblast's major political parties. Traditionally, the Communist Party is the strongest in the Oblast's rural area.

The oblast's industrial production dropped rapidly during the 1990s, as an industrial crisis was stimulated by the nationwide economic crisis which followed the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, by the end of the decade output was increasing. Moreover, the manufacturing sector, despite a sagging economy in the late 20th century, continues to accounts for about 40% of the oblast's GDP. The engineering, electric-power, metal-working, chemicals, and food processing are the dominant industries.

Most of the main farming areas are used for natural pastures or cultivation, which involves mainly wheat, sugar beet, and fodder crops. The main categories of productive holdings are wheat farms, dairy farms, poultry farms, and beef cattle. Agricultural lands cover 23 000 chilometri quadri (8 900 mi²)[converti: opzione non valida], or 77% of the oblast's territory.


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Transportation industry of Kursk Oblast, with easy access to national and international markets, is the basis for the oblast's development. The most important modes of transport throughout the oblast are by railway and road. Total length of railway network is 1 100 chilometri (680 mi)[converti: opzione non valida]. Two major rail links pass through Kursk Oblast: Moscow–Kharkiv and KievVoronezh. Region roads serve all towns and rural settlements through 5 600 chilometri (3 500 mi)[converti: opzione non valida] road network. In addition, there is an airport in the oblast which was opened to international flights in July 1997.

Railroads are one on the most important component parts of the transportation system in the oblast. There is a total of sixty-five railway stations in the oblast. The operational length of the railways is 1 561,2 chilometri (970,1 mi)[converti: opzione non valida], of which 500 chilometri (310 mi)[converti: opzione non valida] are access roads. The length of the electrified lines is 242 chilometri (150 mi)[converti: opzione non valida]. The density of the railroads in Kursk Oblast is one of the highest in Russia. The largest railway junctions are Kursk, Lgov, and Kastornoye. Oblast's railroads are a part of the Moscow and South Eastern Railway systems.

An Orthodox monastery where Our Lady of Kursk used to be located

The largest universities of Kursk Oblast is Kursk State University, Kursk State Technical University, Kursk State Medical University and Kursk State Agricultural Academy which are located in the city of Kursk. There are also 19 other higher education facilities in Kursk Oblast.

Kursk Oblast's natural attraction is the State Central-Chernozem national park, which offers great opportunity for hiking. Oblast's forests and others undeveloped areas are ideal for hunting, fishing, and camping. Traditional art and architecture are preserved in the town-museum of Rylsk and others historical towns of Kursk Oblast.

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