Jessica Sorensen

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Jessica Sorensen (...) è una scrittrice statunitense.

Serie delle coincidenze

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  • Con te sarà diverso (gennaio 2014)[1]
  • Con te sarà per sempre (settembre 2014)
  • Con te sarà un disastro (giugno 2015)
  • Con te sarà uno sbaglio (aprile 2016)
  • Con te sarà magia (gennaio 2017)
  • Con te sarà colpa mia (2018)
  • Seth & Greyson (2015)

Secret Series

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  • Non lasciarmi andare (The Secret of Ella and Micha) (2012)
  • Tienimi con te (The Forever of Ella and Micha) (2013)
  • Non cambiare mai (The Temptation of Lila and Ethan) (2013)
  • Per sempre insieme (The Ever After of Ella and Micha) (2013)
  • Sempre e per sempre (Lila and Ethan: Forever and Always) (2013)
  • The Prelude of Ella and Micha (2014) - (prequel inserito nel libro "Infinito amore")
  • Infinito amore (Ella and Micha: Infinitely and Always) (2015)

Unbeautiful Series

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  • Unbeautiful (2014)
  • Untamed (2015)

Unraveling You

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  • Unraveling You (2014)
  • Raveling You (2015)
  • Awakening You (2015)
  • Inspiring You (2015)
  • Undoing You
  • If I Fall

Shattered Promises

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  • Shattered Promises (2013)
  • Fractured Souls (2013)
  • Unbroken (2013)
  • Broken Visions (2014)
  • Scattered Ashes (2015)

Breaking Nova

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  • L'amore verrà (Breaking Nova) (2013)
  • C'è chi dice amore (settembre 2015)
  • Delilah: The Making of Red (2014)
  • Io e te = amore (novembre 2016)
  • Tristan: Finding Hope (2014)
  • Wreck Me (2014)
  • Ruin Me (2015)
  • The Fallen Star (2011)
  • The Underworld (2011)
  • The Vision (2012)
  • The Promise (2012)

Spin-off della serie "Fallen Star"

  • The Lost Soul (2012)
  • The Evanescence (2012)

Darkness Falls

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  • Darkness Falls (2012)
  • Darkness Breaks (2012)
  • Darkness Fades (2013)[2]

Death Collectors

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  • Ember X (2013)
  • CinderX (2013)
  • Spark X (2015)
  • Seduction & Temptation (2014)
  • Sins & Secrets (2014)
  • Lies & Betrayal (2015)


  • The Year I Became Isabella Anders (2015)
  • The Year Of Falling In Love (2016)
  • The Year Of Second Chances (2016)
  • The Year Of Kai And Isa (Prossimamente)

Broken City

  • Nameless (2016)
  • Forsaken (2016)
  • Oblivion (2016)
  • Forbidden (2017)

Guardian Academy

  • Entranced (2015)
  • Entangled (2016)
  • Enchanted (prossimamente 2017)

The Heartbreaker Society

  • The Opposite Of Ordinary (2016)
  • The Deal ( prossimamente)

Lexi Ashford

  • The Diary Of Lexi Ashford, Part 1 (2015)
  • The Diary Of Lexi Ashford, Part 2 (2016)


  • The Forgetten Girl (2014)
  • Rules Of A Rebel And Shy Girl (2016)
  • The Illusion Of Annabella (2015)
  • Confessions Of A Kleptomaniac (2015)
  1. ^ Copia archiviata, su URL consultato il 15 luglio 2013 (archiviato dall'url originale il 17 luglio 2013).
  2. ^ Darkness Fades (Darkness Falls, #3) by Jessica Sorensen — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists

Collegamenti esterni

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