Lo United States Army Materiel Command (AMC) è un comando dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti responsabile della fornitura di materiali. Il suo quartier generale è situato presso il Redstone Arsenal , Alabama .
408th Contracting Support Brigade
409th Contracting Support Brigade
410th Contracting Support Brigade
411th Contracting Support Brigade
412th Contracting Support Brigade
413th Contracting Support Brigade
414th Contracting Support Brigade
418th Contracting Support Brigade
419th Contracting Support Brigade
U.S. Army Mission and Installation Contracting Command
ACC-Aberdeen Proving Ground
ACC-New Jersey
ACC-Rock Island
ACC-Detroit Arsenal
Army Financial Services
Audit Response Center
Business Process Management
Military Pay Operations
System Support Operations
U.S. Army Security Assistance Training Management Organization
The Ministry of Interior-Military Assistance Group
Office of the Program Manager-Saudi Arabian National Guard
Corpus Christi Army Depot
Letterkenny Army Depot
Aviation Center Logistics Command
Army Medical Logistics Command
Tobyhanna Army Depot
Central Technical Support Facility
Integrated Logistics Support Center
Software Engineering Center
U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command
75 Installazioni o guarnigioni
4 Attività di supporto all'Esercito
U.S. Army Environmental Command
Anniston Munitions Center
Crane Army Ammunition Center
Holston Army Ammunition Plant
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
Letterkenny Munitions Center
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant
Milan Army Ammunition Plant
Radford Army Ammunition Plant
Scranton Army Ammunition Plant
Blue Grass Army Depot
Hawthorne Army Depot
Pine Bluff Arsenal
Tooele Army Depot
Anniston Army Depot
Rock Island Arsenal Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center
Red River Army Depot
Sierra Army Depot
Watervliet Arsenal
Joint Systems Manufacturing Center-Lima