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First Floor è uno spazio coworking fondato nel 2013 grazie a tre aziende promotrici (una società nel campo della progettazione architettonica e di pianificazione urbanistica, una società di consulenza d'impresa e una società di comunicazione e consulenza marketing[1]), situato a Roè Volciano, nella provincia di Brescia.
Risulta essere il primo spazio coworking sul suolo della Valle Sabbia e del Lago di Garda[2], e si pone come obiettivo quello di offrire ai professionisti un luogo comune dove esercitare la propria professione con la possibilità di interagire con altre persone, mantenendo la propria privacy e scegliendo di non isolarsi in una stanza della propria abitazione.

Origine del nome e collocazione

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Il nome deriva dalla collocazione dello spazio: First Floor, "Primo piano", prende vita al primo piano della struttura ottocentesca recuperata De Angeli-Frua[3] che ospitava, fino agli anni Cinquanta, l'importante cotonificio costruito nel 1882.
Il 20 giugno 2013 First Floor è stato inaugurato[4] e il ricevimento ha visto l'esibizione musicale di Charlie Cinelli e Dj Macs.

First Floor si presenta come uno spazio di 1500 mq su un unico piano, suddiviso in uffici e scrivanie integrati da una sala riunioni ed uno spazio eventi.[5]

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Three logos: LibreOffice, IBM by Paul Rand and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures.
Early trademark of the Chiswick Press

A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (a logotype or wordmark).

In the days of hot metal typesetting, a logotype was a uniquely set and arranged typeface or colophon. At the level of mass communication and in common usage a company's logo is today often synonymous with its trademark or brand.[6]

Numerous inventions and techniques have contributed to the contemporary logo, including cylinder seals (c.2300 BCE), coins (c.600 BCE),[7][8] trans-cultural diffusion of logographic languages, coats of arms,[9] watermarks,Template:Sfn silver hallmarks and the development of printing technology.

As the industrial revolution converted western societies from agrarian to industrial in the 18th and 19th centuries, photography and lithography contributed to the boom of an advertising industry that integrated typography and imagery together on the page.Template:Sfn Simultaneously, typography itself was undergoing a revolution of form and expression that expanded beyond the modest, serif typefaces used in books, to bold, ornamental typefaces used on broadsheet posters.Template:Sfn

The arts were expanding in purpose—from expression and decoration of an artistic, storytelling nature, to a differentiation of brands and products that the growing middle classes were consuming. Consultancies and trades-groups in the commercial arts were growing and organizing; by 1890 the US had 700 lithographic printing firms employing more than 8,000 people.Template:Sfn Artistic credit tended to be assigned to the lithographic company, as opposed to the individual artists.

A coin from early 6th century BC Lydia bearing the head of a roaring lion with sun rays

Innovators in the visual arts and lithographic process—such as French printing firm Rouchon in the 1840s, Joseph Morse of New York in the 1850s, Frederick Walker of England in the 1870s, and Jules Chéret of France in the 1870s—developed an illustrative style that went beyond tonal, representational art to figurative imagery with sections of bright, flat colors.Template:Sfn Playful children’s books, authoritative newspapers, and conversational periodicals developed their own visual and editorial styles for unique, expanding audiences. As printing costs decreased, literacy rates increased, and visual styles changed, the Victorian decorative arts lead to an expansion of typographic styles and methods of representing businesses.Template:Sfn

The First logo to be trademarked was the Bass red triangle in 1876

The Arts and Crafts Movement of late-19th century, partially in response to the excesses of Victorian typography, aimed to restore an honest sense of craftsmanship to the mass-produced goods of the era.Template:Sfn A renewal of interest in craftsmanship and quality also provided the artists and companies with a greater interest in credit, leading to the creation of unique logos and marks.

By the 1950s, Modernism had shed its roots as an avant-garde artistic movement in Europe to become an international, commercialized movement with adherents in the United States and elsewhere. The visual simplicity and conceptual clarity that were the hallmarks of Modernism as an artistic movement formed a powerful toolset for a new generation of graphic designers whose logos embodied Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s dictum, "Less is more." Modernist-inspired logos proved successful in the era of mass visual communication ushered in by television, improvements in printing technology, and digital innovations.

Contemporary logos

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Red Cross and Red Crescent emblems

The current era of logo design began in the 1870s with the first abstract logo, the Bass red triangle. Today there are many corporations, products, brands, services, agencies and other entities using an ideogram (sign, icon) or an emblem (symbol) or a combination of sign and emblem as a logo. As a result, only a few of the thousands of ideograms people see are recognized without a name. An effective logo may consist of both an ideogram and the company name (logotype) to emphasize the name over the graphic, and employ a unique design via the use of letters, colors, and additional graphic elements.

The Coca-Cola logo is identifiable in other languages, here written in Cyrillic.

Ideograms and symbols may be more effective than written names (logotypes), especially for logos translated into many alphabets in increasingly globalized markets. For instance, a name in the Arabic language would be of little help in most European markets. By contrast, ideograms keep the general proprietary nature of the product in both markets. In non-profit areas, the Red Cross (known also as Red Crescent in Muslim countries and Red Star of David in Israel) is an example of a well known emblem that does not need an accompanying name. The red cross and red crescent are among the best recognized symbols in the world. On their own, they signify protection of medical personnel in war time, dating back 150 years. They also signify the protection of victims of armed conflict and those who try to help them. National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and their Federation as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross include these symbols in their logos.

Branding aims to facilitate cross-language marketing. The Coca-Cola logo can be identified in any language because of its standard color and well known "ribbon wave" design.

Logo design is an important area of graphic design, and one of the most difficult to perfect. The logo (ideogram), is the image embodying an organization. Because logos are meant to represent companies' brands or corporate identities and foster their immediate customer recognition, it is counterproductive to frequently redesign logos.

Color is considered important to brand recognition, but it should not be an integral component to the logo design, which could conflict with its functionality. Some colors are formed/associated with certain emotions that the designer wants to convey. For instance loud primary colors, such as red, are meant to attract the attention of drivers on highways are appropriate for companies that require such attention. In the United States red, white, and blue are often used in logos for companies that want to project patriotic feelings. Green is often associated with the health and hygiene sector, and light blue or silver is often used to reflect diet foods. For other brands, more subdued tones and lower saturation can communicate reliability, quality, relaxation, or other traits.

The logo design profession has substantially increased in numbers over the years since the rise of the Modernist movement in the United States in the 1950s.Template:Sfn Three designers are widelyTemplate:Sfn considered the pioneers of that movement and of logo and corporate identity design: The first is Chermayeff & Geismar,Template:Sfn which is the firm responsible for a large number of iconic logos, such as Chase Bank (1964), Mobil Oil (1965), PBS (1984), NBC (1986), National Geographic (2003) and others. Due to the simplicity and boldness of their designs, many of their earlier logos are still in use today. The firm recently designed logos for the Library of Congress and the fashion brand Armani Exchange. Another pioneer of corporate identity design is Paul Rand,Template:Sfn who was one of the originators of the Swiss Style of graphic design. He designed many posters and corporate identities, including the logos for IBM, UPS, and ABC. The third pioneer of corporate identity design is Saul Bass.Template:Sfn Bass was responsible for several recognizable logos in North America, including both the Bell Telephone logo (1969) and successor AT&T Corporation globe (1983). Other well-known designs were Continental Airlines (1968), Dixie (1969), and United Way (1972). Later, he would produce logos for a number of Japanese companies as well. Charmayeff, Rand and Bass all died in 1996.

Logo design process

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Designing a good logo is no simple task. It requires involvement from the marketing team and the design agency (if outsourced). It requires a clear idea about the concept and values of the brand as well as understanding of the consumer or target group as marketers call. Broad step in logo design process would be formulating concept, doing initial sketch, finalizing the logo concept, deciding the theme colors and format.

Dynamic logos

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Nunc est bibendum (now is the time to drink), 1898 poster of the Michelin.
Coca-Cola logo

In 1898 the French tire manufacturer Michelin introduced the Michelin Man, a cartoon figure presented in many different contexts, such as eating, drinking and playing sports.

The MTV logo. It has been modified to include images within the black areas from time to time.

By the early 21st century, large corporations such as MTV, Google, Morton Salt and Saks Fifth Avenue had adopted dynamic logos that change over time from setting to setting.[10]

Internet-compatible logos

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A company that use logotypes (wordmarks) may desire a logo that matches the firm's Internet Address. For short logotypes consisting of two or three characters, multiple companies are found to employ the same letters. A "CA" logo, for example, is used by the French Bank Credit Agricole, the Dutch Clothing Retailer C&A and the US Software Corporation CA Technologies, but only one can have the internet domain name CA.com.

In today's interface adaptive world, the use of a logo will be formatted and re-formatted from large monitors to small handheld devices. With the constant size change and re-formatting, logo designers are shifting to a more bold and simple approach, with heavy lines and shapes, and solid colors. This reduces the confusion when mingled with other logos in tight spaces and when scaled between mediums.

Design protection

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Logos and their design may be protected by copyright, via various Intellectual Property organisations worldwide which make available application procedures to register a design to give it protection at law. For example in the UK, the Intellectual Property Office (United Kingdom)[11] govern registered designs, patents and trademarks. Ordinarily the trademark registration will not 'make claim' to colours used, meaning it is the visual design that will be protected, even if it is reproduced in a variety of other colours or backgrounds.

For many teams, a logo is an important way to recognize a team's history and can intimidate opponents. For certain teams, the logo and colour scheme are synonymous with the team's players. For example; the Toronto Maple Leafs, Cleveland Indians, or New York Yankees all have highly recognizable logos that can be recognized by nearly any fan of the respective sport.

  1. ^ http://www.vallesabbianews.it/notizie-it/(Ro%C3%A8-Volciano,Valsabbia)-E'-nato-First-Floor-23893.html
  2. ^ http://www.giornaledelgarda.info/roe-volciano-bs-nasce-first-floor/
  3. ^ http://www.ffloor.it/assets/files/de9e0-20130707_Giornale-Di-Brescia.pdf
  4. ^ http://www.ffloor.it/assets/files/3ab22-20130620_GiornaleBrescia.pdf
  5. ^ http://www.vallesabbianews.it/index.php?idn=1&art=23893
  6. ^ Wheeler, Alina. Designing Brand Identity ©2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (page 4) ISBN 978-0-471-74684-3
  7. ^ Herodotus. Histories, I, 94.
  8. ^ A. Ramage, "Golden Sardis," King Croesus' Gold: Excavations at Sardis and the History of Gold Refining, edited by A. Ramage and P. Craddock, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2000, p. 18.
  9. ^ C. A. Stothard, Monumental Effigies of Great Britain (1817) pl. 2, illus. in Wagner, Anthony, Richmond Herald, Heraldry in England (Penguin, 1946), pl. I.
  10. ^ Alice Rawsthorn, The new corporate logo: Dynamic and changeable are all the rage, International Herald Tribune, 11 febbraio 2007. URL consultato il 21 maggio 2008.
  11. ^ Intellectual Property Office (United Kingdom), su ipo.gov.uk, UK Patent Office.
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