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Monuments of Brugherio are three sculptures dedicated respectively to the Fallen during the First World War, to the Blood Donor and to Peace, which are at different points of the city center.

War World Memorial

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Un primo piano del Monumento ai Caduti.

The War Memorial is a sculptur in bronze and stone, built in 1933[1] by Ernesto Bazzaro, which rises in Brugherio in Via Vittorio Veneto, in front of the Primary Schools "Federico Sciviero". It was wanted by the mayor, Ercole Balconi, to commemorate the soldiers who fell in the First World War brugheresi. It is characterized by a dramatic tension,[1] determined by the dichotomy between the complex gesture of the two soldiers, at the base of the rock, and the Victory leaning against an eagle. In turn, the Victory is a figure leans towards the outside and therefore dynamic. The same tension is expressed finally in the group of two soldiers: in fact, while one is lying on the ground motionless and lifeless, the other stretches to the goddess who is about to throw a rose.

Donor Blood Monument

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Un primo piano del Monumento al Donatore.

Donor Blood Monument was inaugurated on 4th June 1978 in the presence of minister Vittorino Colombo, to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Brugherio's Group AVIS (Associazione Volontari Italiani del Sangue).[2] It is located in Via Galvani, better known as Blood Donors street, and it is a work by Max Squillace.[3] The sculpture measures four meters in height, two in width and one in depth. It is made of bronze and it represent the life that flows from a drop of blood, symbolizing the theme of solidarity.[3] At the base of the monument there is written the phrase "do not look after, the eyes of those in need will find you anywhere."[4]

Peace Monument

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Il Monumento alla Pace.

The Peace Monument is a sculpture that is located in Piazza Giovanni XXIII in Brugherio. It was designed by Max Squillace[5] by the will of the municipal administration, who in that year proclaimed Brugherio "City for Peace".[6] It is entitled The spirit of a calm place. The inauguration took place on 23 November 2003 and was dedicated "to those who, in every part of the world, lost his life on a mission of peace."[7] Following the attacks of Nasiriya was entitled also to the police-men who died in that circumstance.[8] Its location in the city space did rather discuss, during days immediately after the opening, because according to many the importance of the work deserved a larger space.[9] The monument is in fact very large (four meters high, four and a half wide and one deep)[10] and looks like a huge sphere that depicts the universe dominated by the planets. Within the universe, the dominant element is the sun that gives birth to life. From it flows a water source. Water has its roots (deeply embedded in the ground) a tree, with branches ascending to heaven.[1] The work was constructed in bronze with the lost wax technique.[10]

  1. ^ a b c (Italian) Brugherio: i suoi luoghi, la sua gente. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  2. ^ (Italian) AVIS comunale Brugherio. La nostra storia, su avisbrugherio.it. URL consultato il 19 Aprile 2015. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  3. ^ a b Mancini, p. 33
  4. ^ Pollastri, p. 186
  5. ^ (Italian) Comune di Brugherio. Gli artisti, su comune.brugherio.mb.it. URL consultato il 19 April 2015. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  6. ^ (Italian) Prima pagina (PDF), in Noi Brugherio, Associazione Kairòs, 20 Dicember 2003. URL consultato il 19 Aprile 2015. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  7. ^ (Italian) Lo "spirito" di Squillace per i costruttori di pace, in Il Cittadino di Monza e Brianza, Editoriale Il Cittadino, 29 November 2003. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  8. ^ (Italian) Luigi Corbetta, Un sole splende per la pace, in Il Giorno, Monrif, 20 November 2003. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  9. ^ (Italian) Donatella Zilla, Scusi, le piace il monumento per la pace? (PDF), in Noi Brugherio, Associazione Kairòs, 6 December 2003. URL consultato il 19 April 2015. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  10. ^ a b (Italian) Un'opera per la pace, in Il Giornale di Monza, Editrice Vimercatese, 25 November 2003. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Manuela Mancini, Brugherio: presente e passato, Milano, Swan, 1996. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Brugherio: i suoi luoghi, la sua storia: 225. anniversario del primo volo italiano in mongolfiera con uomini a bordo, Brugherio, Comune di Brugherio, 2009. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Claudio Pollastri, Gocce di vite donate : 1958-2010 Avis Comunale di Brugherio, 2010. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
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