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Il Lago di Koman (in albanese: Liqeni i Komanit) è un bacino idrico artificiale costruito lungo il Fiume Drin, nella parte settentrionale dell'Albania. Sulle sue rive sorgono gli abitati di Fierzë e Koman.

Lake Koman is surrounded by dense forested hills, vertical slopes, deep gorges, and a narrow valley, completely taken up by the river. Besides the Drin, it is fed by the Shala and Valbona Rivers. The lake stretches in an area of 34 km² (13 mi²), its width being 400 m (0,25 mi). The narrowest gorge, which is surrounded by vertical canyon walls, is more than 50 m (0,031 mi) wide. The reservoir was constructed between 1979 and 1988 near the village of Koman with a height of 115 m (377 ft).[1]

The combination of specific topography and hydrological conditions have contributed to the formation of different habitats.[2] The golden jackal, red fox, european badger, eurasian otter, beech marten, european polecat are the primary predatory mammals.[2] A high number of bird species have been observed in the region, including the common kingfisher, common quail, grey heron, eurasian wryneck, great spotted woodpecker and black-headed gull.[2]

The Lake Koman Ferry operates daily on the lake from Koman to Fierza. The ferry connects the city of Bajram Curri to the region of Tropojë. The journey takes about two and a half hours and is also popular with the foreign tourists.[3] Smaller boats bring people and goods to remote villages, which are often far away from the lake, but can only be reached by water.

The vertical canyons of the lake are sometimes comparable to the Scandinavian fjords.[4]
  1. ^ (English) Specification (PDF), su kesh.al.
    «This dam is 115 m high»
    Lingua sconosciuta: English (aiuto)
  2. ^ a b c (English) REHABILITATION OF KOMAN HYDRO POWER PLANT (PDF), su documents.worldbank.org, 22–24. Lingua sconosciuta: English (aiuto)
  3. ^ (English) How to Get Here, su journeytovalbona.com. Lingua sconosciuta: English (aiuto)
  4. ^ Albania - Bradt Travel Guides, su bradtguides.com. URL consultato il 18 maggio 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 marzo 2014).