Ferrovia Lione-Marsiglia

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Ferrovia Lione-Marsiglia
Nome originale(FR) Ligne de Lyon-Perrache à Marseille-Saint-Charles (via Grenoble)
Stati attraversatiFrancia (bandiera) Francia
AttivazioneDal 1856 al 1878
Lunghezza444 km
Scartamento1435 mm
Elettrificazione1500 V CC da Lione a Chandieu - Toussieu
25 kV ~ 50 Hz tra Chandieu - Toussieu e bivio di Veynes

La ferrovia Lione-Marsiglia (in francese Ligne de Lyon-Perrache à Marseille-Saint-Charles (via Grenoble)) è una linea ferroviaria francese che collega Lione con Marsiglia passando per Grenoble, Sisteron e Aix-en-Provence.

La legge del 16 luglio 1845 autorizzava la costruzione di una ferrovia da Lione ad Avignone con una diramazione per Grenoble[1]. Tra i percorsi considerati (linea diretta da Lione a Grenoble, linea da Valence a Grenoble, linea est-ovest situata tra le prime due), fu scelta quest'ultima opzione, sotto forma di una diramazione di 93 km tra Saint-Rambert-d'Albon e Grenoble. Questa soluzione oltre a ridurre la lunghezza della linea, rappresentava un compromesso tra i collegamenti da Grenoble a nord e a sud della valle del Rodano. Un primo segmento da Saint-Rambert a Rives fu quindi concessa alla Compagnie du chemin de fer de Lyon à Avignon il 10 giugno 1846[2]. Poiché la società non riuscì a completare la costruzione di questa ferrovia, la concessione fu revocata con decreto ministeriale il 28 dicembre 1847.

Il 13 gennaio 1855[3], una nuova concessione per una linea da Saint-Rambert a Grenoble fu assegnata alla Compagnie du chemin de fer de Saint-Rambert à Grenoble. Il tratto da Saint-Rambert a Rives fu inaugurato il 5 novembre 1856, mentre quello da Rives a Piquepierre il 10 luglio 1857. Quest'ultimo segmento, lungo 39 km, fu prolungato fino a Grenoble il 1º luglio 1858, una volta completato il ponte sull'Isère. Grenoble era collegata a Lione, ma con una grande deviazione attraverso Saint Rambert.

Il 18 marzo 1857[4], la Compagnie du Chemin de Fer de Saint-Rambert à Grenoble ottenne, su sua richiesta, una linea più diretta da Lione a Grenoble. Numerosi dibattiti precedettero l'istituzione della linea, che alla fine sarebbe passata per La Tour-du-Pin mediante la realizzazione di un percorso a "S". La linea fu messa in servizio in cinque tappe:

Il 5 dicembre 1857[5] la società concessionaria cambiò nome in Compagnie des chemins de fer du Dauphiné, che a sua volta si fonderà con la Compagnie des chemins de fer de Paris à Lyon et à la Méditerranée (PLM) l'11 giugno 1859[6].

Il 19 giugno 1857[7], una linea da Avignone a Gap con una diramazione per Aix-en-Provence fu concessa alla PLM su base contingente. La linea comprendeva anche un prolungamento da Gap al confine con il Regno di Sardegna al valico del Monginevro. Il 25 agosto 1861 la concessione fu dichiarata di pubblico interesse e divenne definitiva[8]. L'apertura all'esercizio avvenne in quattro fasi:

  • Veynes a Sisteron il 1º febbraio 1875
  • Sisteron a Volx il 25 novembre 1872
  • Volx a Pertuis l'8 luglio 1872
  • Pertuis ad Aix-en-Provence l'11 maggio 1872.

L'11 giugno 1863[9], la PLM ottenne una concessione su base contingente per una linea da Grenoble alla linea Avignone-Gap. In seguito a una dichiarazione di pubblico interesse, la concessione divenne definitiva il 2 gennaio 1869[10]. La messa in servizio avvenne in due fasi:

  • Grenoble a Vif l'11 dicembre 1876;
  • Vif a Veynes (nodo di Poteau-Saint-Luc) il 27 luglio 1878.

Infine, l'11 giugno 1863, fu assegnato alla PLM anche il tratto da Aix-en-Provence a Marsiglia che entrò in servizio il 15 ottobre 1877.

L'8 ottobre 1950 è stato inaugurato un collegamento diretto a Pertuis che evita ai treni che non hanno una fermata commerciale alla stazione di Pertuis di cambiare direzione.

Stazioni e fermate
Unknown route-map component "vLSTR-"
Parigi-Marsiglia verso Paris-Gare-de-Lyon
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "vLSTR-"
Linea per Collonges-Fontaine
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-LSTR"
508,204 linea per verso Genève-Cornavin
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "SPLa" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq" Unknown route-map component "vWBRÜCKE1" Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vÜWBl"
510,486 Viadotto de la Quarantaine (Saône) (126 m)
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2+l"
Unknown route-map component "vSHI2r-" + Unknown route-map component "vÜST"
Unknown route-map component "vBHF"
Lyon-Part-Dieu (171 m)
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exLSTRq"
Linea per Montalieu-Vercieu
Unknown route-map component "dXPLTaq" + Unknown route-map component "dBHF"
Unknown route-map component "vXBHF-R" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Lyon-Perrache (174 m)
Unknown route-map component "dLSTR" Unknown route-map component "vÜST" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Linea per Givors-Canal
Unknown route-map component "dRAq" Unknown route-map component "vSKRZ-Ao" Unknown route-map component "dRAq" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
0,303 Quai Perrache – M7 / ex-A7 (30 m)
Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq" Unknown route-map component "vWBRÜCKE1" Unknown route-map component "dWASSERq" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vÜST"
0,430 Viadotto di Perrache (Rodano) (217 m)
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-BHF" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Lyon-Jean-Macé (171 m)
Unknown route-map component "BS2+l"
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c4"
Unknown route-map component "SHI4g+rq" Unknown route-map component "STRr+1h"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "BS2c4"
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "KRZo" Unknown route-map component "SHI4lq" Straight track
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "vSTR+l-STRo" Transverse track Transverse track Unknown route-map component "v-STRr"
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "dSHI2gl" Unknown route-map component "d-KRZ2+4o" Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "dSTR2"
Unknown route-map component "dKRZc1o" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc2" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc3"
Unknown route-map component "STR3+4"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-" + Unknown route-map component "lv-INT" + Unknown route-map component "STRc1"
Unknown route-map component "dABZg+14" Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
1,615 Lyon-Guillotière
Straight track Unknown route-map component "ABZg2" Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
4,000 Raccordo voie 1
Unknown route-map component "dABZg2"
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2gr" + Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
Unknown route-map component "cSTRc1" Unknown route-map component "STR+4" Unknown route-map component "cd"
4,200 Raccordo voie 2
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc1"
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2l" + Unknown route-map component "dSTR2+4-"
Unknown route-map component "d-KRZ2+4u"
Unknown route-map component "STRc3" + Unknown route-map component "v-STR"
Unknown route-map component "vSHI2l-" Unknown route-map component "dKRZc1u"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR+4-" + Unknown route-map component "v-STR+4" + Unknown route-map component "v-STR"
Raccordo di Saint-Fons
Unknown route-map component "dLSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "dSTRr+1h" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "STRr+1h" + Unknown route-map component "ABZqr" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c4"
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c4"
linea Parigi-Marsiglia verso Marseille-Saint-Charles
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
7,285 Vénissieux-Sud (vecchia stazione)
Station on track
7,728 Vénissieux (186 m)
Non-passenger station/depot on track
9,710 Vénissieux-Nord
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
11,878 Saint-Priest (209 m)
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "emKRZu" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq"
Tranvia Lyon - Saint-Marcellin (TOD)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Ao"
14,010 Pone sull'A46
Unknown route-map component "lSHST" + Unknown route-map component "STR~L"
Unknown route-map component "STR~R"
14,800 Sottostazione 63 / 1,5 kV – CC de Chandieu
Unknown route-map component "exlBHF" + Small non-passenger station on track
17,867 Chandieu - Toussieu (242 m)
Unknown route-map component "SEC2"
18,677 Sezione di separazione
1,5 kV CC
25 kV CA
Unknown route-map component "exlBHF" + Small non-passenger station on track
21,843 Heyrieux (273 m)
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "BS2c2"
Unknown route-map component "STR3h+l" Unknown route-map component "LSTRq"
Linea Combs-la-Ville - Saint-Louis (LGV) verso Paris-Gare-de-Lyon
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2+l"
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2r" + Unknown route-map component "dKRZc2u"
Unknown route-map component "dABZg3"
Unknown route-map component "dSHI2g+l"
Unknown route-map component "dKRZ3+1u-" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "dSTR3" + Unknown route-map component "dSTRc4"
bivio di Saint-Quentin-Fallavier
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq" Unknown route-map component "dSTRq"
Unknown route-map component "cd" + One way rightward
Unknown route-map component "dABZg+1" Unknown route-map component "cSTRc4"
26,070 Ligne à Grande Vitesse (LGV) verso Marseille-Saint-Charles
Unknown route-map component "STR~L"
Unknown route-map component "STR~R" + Unknown route-map component "lSHST"
Sous-station 63 / 2 × 25 kV – 50 Hz CA di Saint-Quentin-Fallavier
Station on track
26,186 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (251 m)
Station on track
30,447 La Verpillière (232 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
33,550 Vaulx-Milieu (221 m)
Station on track
36,321 L'Isle-d'Abeau (227 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
37,752 Saint-Alban-La Grive (239 m)
Station on track
41,667 Bourgoin-Jallieu (254 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
48,056 Sérézin-de-la-Tour
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
48,475 Passaggio sotto l'A48
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
50,621 Cessieu (309 m)
Unknown route-map component "GENAIR" Straight track
Aerodromo di La Tour-du-Pin - Cessieu (LFKP)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
55,608 Passaggio sotto l'A43
Station on track + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFa" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
56,696 La Tour-du-Pin (339 m)
Unknown route-map component "SHI2gl"
Unknown route-map component "uexSTRl" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c3"
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq"
tranvia TOD per Les Avenières
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vBHF"
63,424 Saint-André-le-Gaz (409 m)
Unknown route-map component "SHI2g+l" Unknown route-map component "STRl+4h" Unknown route-map component "LSTRq"
63,496 Linea per Chambéry
Straight track Unknown route-map component "lSHST"
63,xxx Punto di messa in parallelo 25 kV di Saint-André-le-Gaz
Unknown route-map component "SEC2"
Punto di sezionamento
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
71,502 Virieu-sur-Bourbre (406 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
79,456 Châbons (509 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
80,330 Passaggio sotto l'A48
Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "uexSTR+r" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Tranvia per Vienne
Unknown route-map component "cd" + Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFa" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "uexBHF"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "dHUBq"
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
Unknown route-map component "d"
84,559 Le Grand-Lemps (476 m)
Unknown route-map component "uexdLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "uexSTRr" Unknown route-map component "uexdSTR" Straight track
Tranvia per La Côte-Saint-André
Unknown route-map component "uexSTRl" Unknown route-map component "emdKRZu" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq"
Tranvia per Charavines
Unknown route-map component "exLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
91,250 Linea per Saint-Rambert-d'Albon
Unknown route-map component "pHST"
92,548 Beaucroissant (429 m)
Station on track
94,866 Rives (411 m)
Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae"
96,107 Viadotto de la Fure (263 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
96,415 Passaggio sotto l'A48
Enter and exit tunnel
98,530 Tunnel du Château (81 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
99,180 Réaumont - Saint-Cassien
Enter and exit tunnel
103,138 Tunnel de Criel (581 m)
Unknown route-map component "uexSTR+l" Unknown route-map component "emKRZo" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq"
Tranvia per Charavines
Unknown route-map component "uexBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Station on track + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
105,216 Voiron (290 m)
Unknown route-map component "uexSTRl" Unknown route-map component "emKRZu" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq"
Tranvia per Saint-Béron - La Bridoire
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
106,526 Saint-Jean-de-Moirans (243 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
108,885 Passaggio sotto l'A48
Unknown route-map component "lSHST" Straight track
Sottostazione 225 / 2 × 25 kV – 50 Hz di Perelle
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq" Unknown route-map component "STR2h+r"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "BS2c3"
linea Valence-Moirans verso Valence-Ville
Unknown route-map component "vÜSTu+r" Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "vBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
112,121 Moirans (192 m)
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "d"
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
116,140 Passaggio sotto l'A48
Enter and exit tunnel
116,671 Tunnel de Voreppe (350 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
117,422 Voreppe (200 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
117,989 Les Chartreux
Station on track
124,250 Saint-Égrève-Saint-Robert (202 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
128,778 Pont de la Buisserate sotto l'A48
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
128,882 Viadotto di Pique-Pierre (Isère) (125 m)
Station on track
130,538 Grenoble (212 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
131,108 Estacade (462 m)
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "ENDExeq" Unknown route-map component "exSTR+r"
131,629 Linea Grenoble-Montmélian (vecchio tracciato)
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Transverse track Unknown route-map component "xABZg+r"
133,682 Bivio di Veynes
Straight track Unknown route-map component "LSTR"
Linea Grenoble-Montmélian (nuovo tracciato) verso Montmélian
Unknown route-map component "SEC1"
Fine linea elettrificata
Station on track
138,144 Pont-de-Claix (245 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
142,330 Tunnel du Saut-du-Moine (101 m)
Station on track + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFa" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
143,967 Jarrie - Vizille (270 m)
Unknown route-map component "eKRWgl"
Unused straight waterway + Unknown route-map component "exKRW+r"
Straight track
Unknown route-map component "uexKSTRa" + Unknown route-map component "exKDSTe"
Straight track Unknown route-map component "uexSTRl" Unknown route-map component "uexLSTRq"
Linea per Le Bourg-d'Oisans
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
144,216 Ponte sulla Romanche (60 m)
Unknown route-map component "b" Straight track Unknown route-map component "uexSTR+l" Unknown route-map component "uexSTR+r"
Unknown route-map component "b"
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFe" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
Unknown route-map component "uexTUNNEL1"
149,711 Saint-Georges-de-Commiers (316 m)
Unknown route-map component "b" Straight track Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR"
Linea per La Mure
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
150,273 Pont du Drac (121 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
150,380 Tunnel du Drac (51 m)
Station on track
151,119 Vif (320 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
151,200 Passaggio sotto l'A51
Enter and exit tunnel
151,340 Tunnel de Rivoire (120 m)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
153,154 Viadotto Crozet-de-Vif (277 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
153,450 Passaggio sotto l'A51
Enter and exit tunnel
156,768 Tunnel du Grand-Brion (1 176 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
160,432 Viadotto della Merlière (115 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
163,670 Saint-Martin-de-la-Cluze (622 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
166,034 Tunnel des Cadorats (150 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
168,198 Tunnel de la Motte Template:Numéro (106 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
168,384 Tunnel de la Motte Template:Numéro (152 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
169,138 Tunnel de Vières (93 m)
Station on track
173,017 Monestier-de-Clermont (847 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
173,293 Tunnel du Fau (603 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
178,474 Saint-Michel-les-Portes (819 m; vecchia stazione)
Enter and exit tunnel
179,536 Tunnel de Renaudy (203 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
179,844 Tunnel de Côte-Rouge (98 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
180,092 Viaduc des Portes (131 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
180,590 Saint-Michel-les-Portes (801 m)
Unknown route-map component "eTUNNEL2"
180,676 Tunnel des Terrasses (détruit) (62 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
180,851 Tunnel de la Sorbière (148 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
181,181 Tunnel de Rouzine (107 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
181,496 Viaduc de Saint-Michel (163 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
181,640 Tunnel de Thoranne (179 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
184,978 Tunnel de Chauplanon (106 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
185,198 Viaduc de Chalabaud (68 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSTRae"
185,998 Viaduc des Riperts (144 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
186,577 Viaduc de l'Orbanne (199 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
186,729 Tunnel de Clelles (628 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
187,514 Clelles - Mens (831 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
190,355 Viaduc de Merdary (100 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
192,441 Percy (867 m)
Unknown route-map component "STRo"
193,452 Viadotto de Chabulière (44 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
194,353 Viadotto de Casseyres (181 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
196,820 Tunnel de la Renardière (200 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
197,593 Saint-Maurice-en-Trièves (981 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
198,596 Tunnel de Saint-Maurice (291 m)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
199,730 Viaduc de Bonson (100 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
199,838 Tunnel de Larchat (141 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
200,416 Tunnel de Pré-Fury (75 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
201,323 Tunnel de Lalley (45 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
201,447 Viaduc de Lalley (10 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
201,586 Viaduc des Combes (52 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
202,443 Tunnel de Deveys (87 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
203,213 Tunnel de Deviras (67 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
203,716 Tunnel du Bois-Noir (709 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
204,453 Tunnel de la Croix-Haute (136 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
205,243 Col de la Croix-Haute-Lalley (1 165 m)
Unknown route-map component "GIPl"
205,348 Faîte de la ligne (1 167 m)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
209,718 Viaduc des Fauries (159 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
211,807 Lus-la-Croix-Haute (1 014 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
216,093 Pont sur le Buëch (24 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
218,675 Saint-Julien-en-Beauchêne (922 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
218,886 Pont sur le Buëch (43 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
222,468 Pont sur le Buëch (32 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
225,186 La Faurie - Montbrand (841 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
227,979 Galerie des Traverses (60 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
228,330 Tunnel des Agnielles (203 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
228,998 Pont de la Dame (Buëch) (44 m)
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq" Unknown route-map component "STR2h+r"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "BS2c3"
Ligne de Livron–Aspres-sur-Buëch vers Livron
Unknown route-map component "veBHF-BHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
233,413 Aspres-sur-Buëch (761 m)
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "d"
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
233,860 Ponte sul Buëch (80 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
234,856 Tunnel du Pignon (205 m)
Unknown route-map component "ABZl+l" Unknown route-map component "STR+r"
Bivio di Poteau-Saint-Luc
Unknown route-map component "+c" Straight track Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "evSHI2gl-"
Unknown route-map component "+c" Straight track Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "vSTR-exKDSTe"
Deposito di Veynes
Straight track Station on track
240,048 Veynes - Dévoluy (814 m ; posto di inversione)
Straight track One way leftward Unknown route-map component "LSTRq"
linea per Briançon
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
247,819 Ponte di Chabestan (735 m)
Unknown route-map component "GENAIR"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "vDSTR~RR"
Passage près de l'aérodrome de Serres - La Bâtie-Montsaléon (LFTM)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
252,920 Pont de la Barque (Petit Buëch) (34 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
253,611 Tunnel de la Fontaine (48 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
254,747 Tunnel de Serres (270 m)
Station on track
256,124 Serres (671 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
260,790 Montrond (631 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
261,677 Tunnel de Montrond (167 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
266,349 Eyguians - Orpierre (603 m)
Station on track
271,586 Laragne (573 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
272,231 Pont sur la Véragne (29 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
278,614 Mison (597 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
280,831 Canal EDF (41 m)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
289,101 Viaduc de Sisteron (sur le Buëch) (208 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
289,228 Tunnel de Sisteron (847 m)
Station on track
290,566 Sisteron (482 m)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
293,663 Pont sur le Jabron (105 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
296,583 Peipin (455 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
298,300 Passage sous l'A51
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
302,211 Château-Arnoux - Volonne (440 m)
Unknown route-map component "b"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "exBS2c2"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR3h+l" Unknown route-map component "exLSTRq"
Ligne de Saint-Auban à Digne vers Digne
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vBHF-exBHF"
306,940 Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban (428 m)
Unknown route-map component "GENAIR"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "vDSTR~RR"
Unknown route-map component "evSHI2g+l-"
Passage près de l'aérodrome de Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban (LFMX)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
310,044 Passaggio sotto l'A51
Unknown route-map component "STRo"
311,042 Pont du Mardaric (40 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
312,153 Peyruis - Les Mées (401 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
315,000 Ganagobie (385 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
319,942 Lurs (372 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
320,958 Passaggio sotto l'A51
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
324,226 Passaggio sotto l'A51
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
324,957 Canal de la Brillanne (25 m)
Station on track
325,402 La Brillanne - Oraison (349 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
327,0xx Pont sur le Lauzon (25 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
327,690 Passage sur le canal EDF (en siphon) (48 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
330,026 Villeneuve (334 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
Pont sur un bras du canal EDF (27 m)
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
332,153 Pont sur le Largue (27 m)
Unknown route-map component "exLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exSTR2h+r"
Straight track + Unknown route-map component "exBS2c3"
Ligne de Forcalquier à Volx vers Forcalquier
Unknown route-map component "vexBHF-eBHF" Unknown route-map component "d"
332,944 Volx (335 m)
Unknown route-map component "ev-SHI2g+r" Unknown route-map component "d"
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "KRZWu" Unknown route-map component "WASSER+r"
335,295 Galerie de Saint-Clément (sous le canal EDF) (88 m)
Station on track Water
339,907 Manosque - Gréoux-les-Bains (329 m)
Unknown route-map component "WASSER+l" Small bridge over water Water straight and to right
341,754 Canal EDF (58 m)
Unknown route-map component "WABZgl" Small bridge over water Unknown route-map component "v-WASSER+r"
Conduite forcée EDF Sainte-Tulle Template:II
Unknown route-map component "WSPLal" Unknown route-map component "hKRZvWae"
Unknown route-map component "WSPLe+r" + Unknown route-map component "WSHI1+l"
Canal de décharge ;
conduite forcée EDF Sainte-Tulle Template:I
(33 m) ;
(40 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
344,764 Sainte-Tulle (288 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
348,460 Corbières (272 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
355,093 Tunnel de Saint-Eucher (534 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
359,850 Mirabeau (239 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
360,256 Tunnel de Mirabeau (285 m)
Unknown route-map component "STRc2" Unknown route-map component "ABZg3"
371,164 Template:Bif. vers le Template:Racc. de Pertuis
Unknown route-map component "ABZ+1l"
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r" + Unknown route-map component "STRc4"
Template:Bif. de Pertuis, vers le Template:Racc. de Pertuis
Station on track Straight track
375,434 Pertuis (195 m ; point de rebroussement du chaînage)
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq" One way rightward Straight track
Ligne de Cheval-Blanc à Pertuis vers Cheval-Blanc
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
379,897 Viaduc de la Durance (321 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Ao"
380,195 Pont sur l'A51 (28 m)
Straight track Unknown route-map component "uexLSTR+l"
Ligne Central-Var (CP) vers Draguignan
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF" + Unknown route-map component "HUBaq"
Unknown route-map component "exKBHFa" + Unknown route-map component "HUBq"
Unknown route-map component "uexKBHFe" + Unknown route-map component "HUBeq"
382,048 Meyrargues (207 m)
Unknown route-map component "exLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZo" Unknown route-map component "exSTRr"
382,941 Ligne d'Eyguières à Meyrargues (BDR) vers Arles
Transverse water Small bridge over water Transverse water
384,225 Canal EDF (45 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
385,151 Tunnel de la Barraque (370 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Reclavier (248 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Au"
393,512 Passage sous l'A51
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
393,854 Venelles - Les Logissons (326 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Puyricard (298 m)
Unknown route-map component "exLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
Ligne de Salon à La Calade - Éguilles vers Salon
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
400,569 La Calade - Éguilles (272 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
401,106 Tunnel des Figons (790 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Pey-Blanc (236 m)
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq" Transverse track Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
407,680 Template:BS-lien vers Rognac
Unknown route-map component "l-MKRZo" + Unknown route-map component "tSTRa@g"
407,534 Copertura urbana (85 m)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe@f"
407,672 Copertura urbana (262 m)
Station on track
408,274 Aix-en-Provence (177 m)
Unknown route-map component "hSKRZ-Aa"
Viadotto, con attraversamento dell'A8
Unknown route-map component "WASSERq-"
Unknown route-map component "WASSERq-" + Unknown route-map component "MSTR" + Unknown route-map component "hSTRe"
Unknown route-map component "WASSERq-"
409,795 Viaduc dell'Arc (547 m)
Enter and exit tunnel
411,338 Tunnel des Dés (263 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
413,750 Tunnel du Logis Neuf (40 m)
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
414,87x Luynes (169 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
416,296 Galerie des Quatre-Tours (129 m)
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" + Unknown route-map component "BS2c2"
Transverse track + Unknown route-map component "STR3h+l"
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq"
Ligne de Carnoules à Gardanne vers Carnoules
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vBHF-eBHF"
419,361 Gardanne (205 m)
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2g+l-"
Station on track
423,264 Simiane (207 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
426,698 Bouc - Cabriès (225 m)
Unknown route-map component "HSTeBHF"
430,228 Septèmes (209 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
430,421 Tunnel de Septèmes (189 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
431,020 Tunnel des Patrons (149 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
431,842 Tunnel de Paragallo (48 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
432,526 Galerie de la Redoute (32 m)
Unknown route-map component "SKRZ-Ao"
433,491 Pont sur l'A7 (77 m)
Unknown route-map component "STRo"
433,711 Promenade du canal (48 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
434,094 Galerie de la Gavotte (96 m)
Stop on track
434,85x Saint-Antoine (146 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
434,913 Saint-Antoine (146 m ; ancienne gare)
Unknown route-map component "RAe" + Unknown route-map component "lKRZo+L"
Unknown route-map component "tRAq" + Straight track
Unknown route-map component "RAw" + Unknown route-map component "lKRZo+R"
435,100 Passage sur l'A7
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
435,320 Viaduc des Aygalades (310 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
435,475 Galerie de la Sappe (15 m)
Unknown route-map component "eBHF"
436,35x Les Aygalades-Accates (126 m)
Stop on track
437,500 Saint-Joseph-le-Castellas (109 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel
437,953 Galerie de Rossolin (31 m)
Station on track
439,374 Sainte-Marthe-en-Provence (82 m)
Stop on track
440,406 Picon-Busserine (66 m)
Unknown route-map component "tRAq" + Unknown route-map component "lhMSTRae" + Straight track
440,583 Pont sur la tranchée couverte de Sainte-Marthe (A507) (50 m)
Unknown route-map component "LSTR+r" Straight track
Linea per Paris-Gare-de-Lyon
Unknown route-map component "eBHF" Straight track
859,343 Saint-Barthélémy (48 m)
Unknown route-map component "STR2"
Unknown route-map component "STRc3" + Unknown route-map component "SEC1"
Limite d'électrification
Unknown route-map component "STRc1" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+4"
Template:Bif. de Grenoble
Unknown route-map component "STRc2" Unknown route-map component "ABZ23" Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
860,256 Bif. vers le min des Chartreux
Unknown route-map component "dSTRc2" Unknown route-map component "STR3+1" Unknown route-map component "STRc14" Unknown route-map component "tSTR+4a@g" Unknown route-map component "d"
860,636 Tunnel des Chartreux (524 m)
Unknown route-map component "v-STR+1~R" + Unknown route-map component "v-STR+l"
Unknown route-map component "dSTRq" Unknown route-map component "tSTR+ra" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "d"
1,427 Tunnel de Saint-Charles (bitube) (222 m)
Unknown route-map component "vÜST"
Unknown route-map component "d" + Unknown route-map component "lvSHST@G-"
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "d"
861,050 Sottostazione 20 / 1,5 kV – CC di Marseille-Saint-Charles
Unknown route-map component "dLSTRq" Unknown route-map component "vABZg+r-STR" Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe@f" Unknown route-map component "tSTRe@f"
Linea L'Estaque - Marseille-Joliette verso L'Estaque
Unknown route-map component "vKBHFe" + Unknown route-map component "lv-BST"
Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2gl"
Unknown route-map component "vSHI2+r-" + Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2r"
Unknown route-map component "cd"
Marseille-Saint-Charles (49 m)
Unknown route-map component "d" Unknown route-map component "vÜSTr"
2,062 Template:Bif. des Chartreux
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI2gr" Unknown route-map component "dSTR"
Unknown route-map component "exldBHF-L" + Unknown route-map component "dBST"
Unknown route-map component "vBHF-R"
Marseille-Blancarde (50 m)
Unknown route-map component "LSTRq" Unknown route-map component "v-STRr"
Unknown route-map component "vSHI5l-" + Unknown route-map component "vSTR-SHI3gl"
Unknown route-map component "SHI5+r" + Unknown route-map component "SHI3+r"
Unknown route-map component "d"
Ligne de Marseille-Blancarde à Marseille-Prado vers Marseille-P.
Unknown route-map component "+d" Unknown route-map component "vSHI2g+l-" Non-passenger end station
Dépôt de Marseille-Blancarde
Unknown route-map component "LSTR"
linea Marsiglia-Ventimiglia verso Ventimiglia

La linea è gestita in tre segmenti separati: Lione-Grenoble, Grenoble-Veynes e Veynes-Marsiglia. Il primo segmento è utilizzato dai TGV Parigi-Grenoble e dai TER Lione-Grenoble, dal traffico tra Lione e Chambery fino al nodo di Saint-André-le-Gaz e dal traffico tra Valence e Grenoble da Moirans. Il secondo segmento è utilizzato dai servizi TER tra Grenoble e Veynes o Gap. L'ultimo segmento è utilizzato dai servizi TER tra Aix-Marsiglia, Briançon-Gap-Marsiglia, Veynes-Marsiglia e Romans Bourg-de-Péage - Briançon.

Altri progetti

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