Discussioni utente:Xgeorg

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Ciao Xgeorg, un benvenuto su Teknopedia, l'enciclopedia a contenuto libero!

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Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da parte di tutti i wikipediani!

Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. --ripe domande? 17:45, 10 set 2008 (CEST)[rispondi]

I'm sorry man, but we have a standard model. We don't add FC, VC, Volley, VfB. It follows the rules of the templates for the football teams: even if Benevento is just a city from Campania, you don't see Benevento Calcio in the template. Bergamo is just a city from Lombardia, but you don't see Volley Bergamo in the template. I have been working on volleyball on wikipedia for more than 10 years, I know what I do. --OTHravens 7 (msg) 12:43, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]

The rules are here: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:Sport/Template/Squadre_di_club_calcistiche --OTHravens 7 (msg) 12:45, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]
Your Arguments are simply not correct. There are many Volleyball Templates including abbreviations like MTV, SC etc. SC Rotation DJK Karbach Olympia Pirna just to name a few.
How do you decide, if you display an additonal name - Alemannia or the City Name - Berlin or something constructed/nonsense like Dresdner ? Why don't you ask for someone speaking German (e.g. in german wikpedia) for help ? Xgeorg (msg) 12:43, 28 apr 2021 (CEST) (PS: I am on Teknopedia for 16 years, but this is not an argument as well) --Xgeorg (msg) 12:51, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]
https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:Sport/Template/Squadre_di_club_calcistiche only applies to Soccer. It does not say, that SC etc. is forbidden. If you have mre than 1 Club per City, how will you determine which is meant? --Xgeorg (msg) 12:54, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]
Who are you to decide on your own our arguments are incorrect? Those decisions come from many discussions approved by the whole community woriking in the sports on Teknopedia. Some discussions took months or years to be approved, not just one occasional day you show up here to do whatever you think is right. Many names of clubs from Italy means "inhabitant of XXX": Sestese means inhabitant of Sesto Fiorentino, but it's the name of the club, so that's what appears on the template. Carrarese means inhabitant of Carrara, but it's the name of the club. Stuttgart keeps MTV simply because there are other clubs from the city and it's needed to distinguish the club, that used to be called simply Stuttgart till 2013. Other templates are still out of standards and need to be fixed, which is what we are being doing in the last 3/4 years. Stop making out of standard edits, please! --OTHravens 7 (msg) 14:53, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]
Okay, I will stop helping it.wp do have better names. Just to make you aware, that Dresdner and Schweriner does not make any sense in German. It simply does not work and nobody will recognise the club if it's just called Dresdner. Xgeorg (msg) 15:20, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]
This isn't Teknopedia from Italy, but italian Teknopedia: what we do has to have sense in italian linguage. Calling the clubs Dresdner, Schweriner and so on makes sense in our linguage. When we refer to a city we don't use the article "il/la" (which means "the"), but we just say for example "Parma"; but when we talk about the football club, we say "il Parma". I don't know if it's hard to understand for a foreigner, but this is what it is and that's all. We have these rules and they work for us. --OTHravens 7 (msg) 15:35, 28 apr 2021 (CEST)[rispondi]