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Anticorpi monoclonali
  • Tocilizumab, farmaco anti-artrite utilizzato anche nei casi di lupus e psoriasi; in 24 ore di terapia ha evidenziato ottimi risultati su pazienti in ventilazione assistita.[1]
NB: Al 14/3/2020 non risulta nessuna pubblicazione censista da Pubmed sull'uso del Tocilizumab contro COVID-19.[2]

Tocilizumab, an en:immunosuppressive drug, mainly used for the treatment of en:rheumatoid arthritis, has been included in treatment guidelines by China's w:en:National Health Commission after a completed preliminary study by the en:University of Science and Technology of China.[3][4] The drug is undergoing testing in five hospitals in Italy after showing positive results in people with severe disease.[5][6] Combined with a serum ferritin blood test to identify cytokine storms, it is meant to counter such developments which are thought to be the cause of death in some patients.[7][8] The w:en:interleukin-6 w:en:receptor antagonist was approved by the FDA for treatment against cytokine release syndrome induced by a different cause, CAR T cell therapy, in 2017.[9]