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Mappa globale del termine del copyright

Questa è la lista delle durate del copyright in ogni nazione.

Anche se non sono paesi, l'elenco comprende anche le voci per il dell'Unione europea, Convenzione di Berna, e Convenzione Universale sul Diritto d'Autore, che ha fissato condizioni minime per la loro paesi membri o firmatari. Il TRIPS, anche se non incluso, richiede una lunghezza d'autore di almeno 50 anni dopo la morte.

  • ibid. = ibidem, "nello stesso luogo"
  • 0, nessun copyright = copyright non contemplato dalla legge, per cui inesistente
  • Vita + xx anni = copyright costituito dalla vita degli autori + xx anni dopo la loro morte
  • Xx anni dopo la pubblicazione, la creazione, ecc. = copyright che dira per xx anni dopo la pubblicazione, la creazione, ecc, di opere
  • Fino a fine anno = fino copyright alla fine di un anno solare, ovvero 31 dicembre
  • Berna = ha firmato la Convenzione di Berna
Nazioni ed entità Durata del copyright basato sulla morte dell'autore Durata del copyright basata sulla pubblicazione o creazione Fino a fine anno?
Bandiera dell'Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Nessun copyright, ma è in corso un processo legislativo[1] In corso un processo legislativo,
Bandiera dell'Albania Albania Vita + 70 anni[2] 70 anni dalla pubblicazione (opera anonima o pseudonima) Art.[3]

70 anni dalla pubblicazione; 70 anni dalla creazione, se non pubblicati (le opere fotografiche o audiovisive più coautori) [4]
25 anni dalla produzione (opere di arte applicata) Art.[5]

Bandiera dell'Algeria Algeria Vita + 50 anni (except posthumous work)[7] 50 anni dalla pubblicazione; 50 anni dalla creazione, se non pubblicati (opera collettiva, un'opera anonima o pseudonima, opera audiovisiva, opera postuma) Arts [8]

50 anni dalla creazione (fotografie o l'opera d'arte applicata) Art.[9]

Bandiera di Andorra Andorra Life + 70 anni [11][12] 70 anni dalla pubblicazione; 70 anni dalla creazione, se non pubblicati (lavoro collettivo con autore ignoto) Art.[13]

70 anni dalla pubblicazione (opera anonima o pseudonima) Art.[14]

Bandiera dell'Angola Angola Vita + 50 anni[16]

Vita + 25 anni (lavori fotografici o arti applicate) [16]

Bandiera di Anguilla Anguilla Vita + 50 anni[17] 50 anni dalla morte dell'autore, dell'ultimo autore sopravvissuto per le opere con più di un autore[17]
Bandiera di Antigua e Barbuda Antigua e Barbuda Vita + 50 anni[18][19] 50 anni dalla pubblicazione; 50 anni dalla creazione, se non pubblicati (opera anonima o pseudonima, generati al computer di lavoro, registrazione del suono o di un film)[20]

50 anni dalla creazione (broadcast); 50 anni dopo il programma incluso in un servizio di programmi via cavo[21]
25 anni dalla pubblicazione (disposizione tipografica di un'edizione pubblicata) [22]

Bandiera dell'Argentina Argentina Argentina Vita + 70 anni[24] 50 anni dalla pubblicazione (opere d'ingegno anonime appartenenti a istituzioni, enti o persone giuridiche)[25] Yes[26]
Bandiera dell'Armenia Armenia Vita + 70 years [27] 70 anni dalla pubblicazione (opere anonime o pseudonime)[28] [28]
Bandiera di Aruba Aruba Vita + 50 anni[29]
Bandiera dell'Australia Australia Australia (including external territories) Vita + 50 anni[30]

[Vita + 50 annni (morte precente al 1955)][31]

70 anni dalla pubblicazione (registrazioni sonore, pellicole cinematografiche) [32]

50 anni dopo la messa in onda (trasmissioni televisive e trasmissioni audio) [33] <br[50 anni dalla pubblicazione (fotografie, non sono più applicabili dal 1 ° gennaio 2005)][31]

Bandiera dell'Austria Austria Vita + 70 anni [35][36] 70 anni dalla pubblicazione; 70 anni dalla creazione, se non pubblicati (opera anonima o sotto falso nome)[37] Yes[38]
[[File:Template:Naz/Azerbaigan|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/AzerbaiganTemplate:Naz/Azerbaigan|20x16px]] Template:Naz/Azerbaigan Azerbaigan Vita + 50 anni (ad eccezione opera postuma pubblicata per la prima volta dopo 30 anni) [39] 50 anni dalla pubblicazione (opera anonima o pseudonima, opera postuma pubblicata per la prima volta dopo 30 anni)[40] [41]
Bandiera delle Bahamas Bahamas Berna
Bandiera del Bahrein Bahrein Vita + 50 anni di calendario (ad eccezione opera postuma) [42] 50 anni di calendario dalla data di pubblicazione (pellicole cinematografiche, arti applicate opere e fotografie, opere anonime o pseudonime, opere sociali; opere postume)[43]

40 anni dalla pubblicazione o 50 anni dal suo completamento, se anteriore (software per computer)[44]

Bandiera del Bangladesh Bangladesh Vita + 50 anni
Bandiera di Barbados Barbados Vita + 50 anni [45][46] 50 anni dalla pubblicazione (opere anonime o pseudonime)[47]

50 anni dal fare (generate dal computer di lavoro) [48]
50 anni dalla pubblicazione; 50 anni dalla creazione, se non pubblicati (registrazioni sonore e film)[49]
50 anni dalla creazione (broadcast), 50 anni dopo il programma incluso in un servizio di programmi via cavo [50]
25 anni dalla pubblicazione (disposizione tipografica di un'edizione pubblicata) [22]

Bandiera della Bielorussia Vita + 50 anni[52] 50 anni dalla pubblicazione o, se inediti a 50 anni dalla creazione (opere anonime o pseudonime) Art.[53]

50 anni dalla fissazione (performance) [54]
50 anni dalla pubblicazione o, se inediti a 50 anni dalla fissazione (fonogramma) [55]
50 anni dalla prima trasmissione via etere o la trasmissione via cavo [56]

Bandiera del Belgio Vita + 70 anni[58]
Bandiera del Belize Vita + 50 anni[59]
Bandiera del Benin Vita + 50 anni
Bandiera di Bermuda Vita + 50 anni[60]
Convenzione di Berna Vita + 50 anni[61]

I firmatari possono garantire termini più lunghi[62]

50 anni dalla pubblicazione o, se non indicato 50 anni dalla creazione (opere cinematografiche) [63]

50 anni dalla pubblicazione (opere anonime o pseudonime) [64]
25 anni dalla creazione (opere fotografiche) [65]
I firmatari possono garantire termini più lunghi[62]

Bandiera del Bhutan Vita + 50 anni[67]
Bandiera della Bolivia Vita + 50 anni[68]
Bandiera della Bosnia ed Erzegovina Vita + 70 anni[69]
Bandiera del Botswana Berna, TRIPS, WCT[70]
Bandiera del Brasile Vita + 70 anni[71]
Bandiera del Brunei Vita + 50 anni[72]
Bandiera della Bulgaria Vita + 70 anni (UE)[73]
Bandiera del Burkina Faso Vita + 70 anni[74]
Bandiera del Burundi Vita + 50 anni


50 anni dalla pubblicazione (fonogrammi)[75]
Bandiera della Cambogia Vita + 50 anni[76]
Bandiera del Camerun Vita + 50 anni[77]
Bandiera del Canada Canada Life + 50 years[78][79] For anonymous works, 50 years from publication or 75 years from creation, whichever is shorter.[78] Yes [78]
Bandiera di Capo Verde Life + 50 years[4]
Bandiera delle Isole Cayman unknown
Bandiera della Rep. Centrafricana Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera del Ciad Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera del Cile Chile Life + 70 years[80]
[[File:Template:Naz/China, People's Republic of|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/China, People's Republic ofTemplate:Naz/China, People's Republic of|20x16px]] China, People's Republic of (Mainland only) Life + 50 years (citizens' works)[81] 50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (works of legal entities, cinematographic works, films or photographic works)[82] Yes[6]
Bandiera della Colombia Life + 80 years[83] 80 years from publication (cinematographic works)[28] Yes[84]
Bandiera delle Comore Berne
[[File:Template:Naz/Congo, Democratic Republic of the|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/Congo, Democratic Republic of theTemplate:Naz/Congo, Democratic Republic of the|20x16px]] Berne, TRIPS
[[File:Template:Naz/Congo, Republic of the|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/Congo, Republic of theTemplate:Naz/Congo, Republic of the|20x16px]] Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera della Costa Rica Life + 70 years[85]
Bandiera della Costa d'Avorio Life + 99 years (except posthumous works published within this period)[86] 99 years from publication (photographic or audiovisual works or works of applied art; anonymous or pseudonymous works; posthumous works)[87] Yes[88]
Bandiera della Croazia Life + 70 years[89]
Bandiera di Cuba Life + 50 years
Bandiera di Cipro Life + 50 years
(EU, WCT)[90]
Bandiera della Rep. Ceca Life + 70 years[91] 70 years from publication (anonymous works)[92] Yes[93]
Bandiera della Danimarca Life + 70 years[94]
Bandiera di Gibuti Life + 25 years (Berne, TRIPS)[95] 25 years from publication or if unpublished 25 years from completion (film)[96]

25 years from completion (a photographic work or a work of applied art)[97]

Bandiera della Dominica Life + 70 years[99]
Bandiera della Rep. Dominicana Life + 50 years[100]
Bandiera dell'Ecuador Life + 70 years[101]
Bandiera dell'Egitto Egypt Life + 50 years[102]
Bandiera di El Salvador Life + 50 years[103]
Bandiera della Guinea Equatoriale Berne
Bandiera dell'Eritrea unknown
Bandiera dell'Estonia Life + 70 years (EU)[104] 70 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous works)[105] Yes[106]
Bandiera dell'Etiopia Life + 50 years[107]
Bandiera dell'Unione europea Members Life + 70 years[108] 70 years from publication or if unpublished 70 years from creation (anonymous works)[109] Yes[110]
Bandiera delle Figi Life + 50 years[111]
Bandiera della Finlandia Life + 70 years[112] 50 years from publication (sound recordings, television broadcasts and sound broadcasts)[113]

50 years from creation (photographic works)[114]

Bandiera della Francia France Life + 70 years (except posthumous works published after this term)[116][117]

The following additions to copyright term formerly applied to all works, but the French Cour de Cassation has found them to be superseded by later copyright treaties, thus limiting the copyright term to life + 70 years total, at least for non-musical works of authors who did not "die for France".[118]

+ 6 years 152 days for musical work published through 1920[119]
+ 8 years and 120 days for musical work published through 1947[120]
+ 30 years for all works if the author died on active service[121]

70 years from publication (pseudonymous, anonymous or collective works)[122]

25 years from publication (posthumous works published after Art. L123-1 term)[123]

Bandiera del Gabon Berne, TRIPS, WCT
Bandiera del Gambia Life + 50 years[125]
Bandiera della Georgia Life + 70 years[126]
Bandiera della Germania Germany Life + 70 years[127] 25 years from first publication or first public performance if copyright has expired before such publication or performance, or if the work has never been protected in Germany and the author died more than 70 years before the first publication[128] Yes[129]
Bandiera del Ghana Life + 70 years[130]
Bandiera della Grecia Greece Life + 70 years[131][132] 70 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous works)[133] Yes[134]
Bandiera di Grenada Berne, TRIPS[135]
Bandiera del Guatemala Life + 75 years[136] 75 years from publication or if unpublished 75 years from creation (computer programs and collective works; anonymous or pseudonymous works; audiovisual works)[137] Yes[138]
Bandiera della Guinea TRIPS, WCT
Bandiera della Guinea-Bissau Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera della Guyana Life + 50 years[139]
Bandiera di Haiti Berne, TRIPS[140]
Bandiera dell'Honduras Life + 75 years[141] 70 years from publication or, if unpublished within 50 years, 70 years from creation (works of applied art and photographs)[142] Yes[142]
Bandiera di Hong Kong Hong Kong[143] Life + 50 years (literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works with known authorship)[144]

Life + 50 years (films)[145]

50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works with unknown authorship)[146]

50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (sound recordings)[147]
50 years from creation (broadcast); 50 years after programme included in a cable programme service[148]
25 years from publication (typographical arrangement of published editions)[149]

Bandiera dell'Ungheria Life + 70 years[151]
Bandiera dell'Islanda Life + 70 years[152]
Bandiera dell'India India[153] Life + 60 years (except posthumous works)[154][155] 60 years from publication (posthumous works, photographs, cinematograph films, sound recordings, works of public undertakings, and works of international organisations)[156] Yes[157]
Bandiera dell'Indonesia Life + 50 years[158]
Bandiera dell'Iran Life + 50 years[159] 30 years from publication (photographic or cinematographic works)[160]
Bandiera dell'Iraq Life + 50 years[161]
Bandiera dell'Irlanda Ireland Life + 70 years[162]
Bandiera d'Israele Life + 70 years[163] 50 years from publication (photographs created till May 2007)[164] Yes[165]
Bandiera dell'Italia Life + 70 years
[Life + 50 years][166]
70 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous work)[167]

20 years from publication (copyright of State, the provinces, the communes, the academies or public cultural organizations, or to private legal entities of a non-profit making character)

Bandiera della Giamaica Life + 50 years[169]
Bandiera del Giappone Japan Life + 50 years[170] 70 years from publication or if unpublished 70 years from creation (cinematographic works)[171]

50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (works of a legal person or other corporate body)[172]

Bandiera della Giordania Jordan Life + 50 years[174]
Bandiera del Kazakistan Life + 50 years[175]
Bandiera del Kenya Life + 50 years (literary, musical or artistic work other than photographs)[176] 50 years from the latest of creation or publication (audio-visual works and photographs)[177] Yes[178]
Bandiera delle Kiribati Life + 50 years[125]
[[File:Template:Naz/Korea, Democratic People's Republic of|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/Korea, Democratic People's Republic ofTemplate:Naz/Korea, Democratic People's Republic of|20x16px]] Life + 50 years (Berne)[179] Works authored by "an institution, enterprise or organization", 50 years from publication[179]
[[File:Template:Naz/Korea, Republic of|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/Korea, Republic ofTemplate:Naz/Korea, Republic of|20x16px]] Life + 50 years[180] 50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (organizational works)[181] Yes[182]
Bandiera del Kuwait TRIPS[183]
Bandiera del Kirghizistan Life + 50 years[184]
Bandiera del Laos 0, no copyright.[185] 0, no copyright.
Bandiera della Lettonia Life + 70 years[186]
[Life + 50 years][187]
70 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous work)[188] Yes[181]
Bandiera del Libano Life + 50 years[189]
Bandiera del Lesotho Life + 50 years[125]
Bandiera della Libia Life + 25 years with 50-year minimum (as of 1968; may have changed since)
Bandiera del Liechtenstein Life + 70 years
[Life + 50 years][190]
Bandiera della Lituania Life + 70 years
[Life + 50 years][191]
Bandiera del Lussemburgo Life + 70 years
[Life + 50 years][192]
Bandiera di Macao(b) Life + 50 years[193] 50 years from publication (anonymous works)[194]

50 years from publication (audiovisual works)[195]
25 years from completion (works of applied art and photographic works)[196]

Bandiera della Macedonia del Nord Life + 70 years[198]
Bandiera del Madagascar Life + 70 years[199]
Bandiera del Malawi Life + 50 years[200]
Bandiera della Malaysia Malaysia Life + 50 years[201]
Bandiera delle Maldive Life + 50 years from death.
Bandiera del Mali Life + 50 years[202]
Bandiera di Malta Life + 70 years[203]
Bandiera delle Isole Marshall 0, no copyright. Copyright legislation is not known to exist.[204] 0, no copyright.
Bandiera della Mauritania Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera di Mauritius Life + 50 years[205]
Bandiera del Messico Life +100 years (effective 23 July 2003 non-retroactively)[206]

[Life + 75 years (before the law change on 23 July 2003, applicable for deaths before 23 July 1928)][207]
[Life + 50 years (before the law change on 1 January 1994, applicable for deaths before 1 January 1944)][208]

Micronesia Life + 50 years[209]
Bandiera della Moldavia Life + 50 years[210]
Bandiera di Monaco WCT
Bandiera della Mongolia Life + 50 years[211]
Bandiera del Montenegro[212] Life + 70 years[213]
Bandiera del Marocco Life + 50 years[214]
Bandiera del Mozambico Life + 70 years[215]
Bandiera della Birmania TRIPS
Bandiera della Namibia Life + 50 years (except posthumous works)[216] 50 years from publication (posthumous works)[217]

50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (cinematograph films, photographs and computer programs)[218]

Bandiera di Nauru unknown
Bandiera del Nepal Life + 50 years 25 years from creation (applied art and photographic work)[220]
Bandiera dei Paesi Bassi Netherlands[221] Life + 70 years[222] 70 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous work, corporate works with no listed natural author)[223]
Bandiera della Nuova Zelanda New Zealand Life + 50 years (literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work)[224] 50 years from creation (computer-generated work)[225] Yes[226]
Bandiera del Nicaragua Life + 70 years[227]
Bandiera del Niger Life + 50 years[228]
Bandiera della Nigeria Life + 70 years (literary, musical or artistic works other than photographs)[229] 70 years from publication (literary, musical or non-photograph artistic works in the case of government or a body corporate)

50 years from publication (cinematograph films and photographs)
50 years from creation (sound recordings)
50 years from publication (broadcasts)[229]

Bandiera della Norvegia Life + 70 years[230] Yes [231]
Bandiera dell'Oman Life + 50 years[232]
Bandiera del Pakistan Pakistan Life + 50 years[233]
Bandiera di Palau Life + 50 years[234]
Bandiera di Panama Life + 50 years[235]
Bandiera della Papua Nuova Guinea Life + 50 years[236]
Bandiera del Paraguay Life + 70 years[237]
Bandiera del Perù Life + 70 years[238]
Bandiera delle Filippine Philippines Life + 50 years[239] 50 years from publication (photographic works)[240] Yes[241]
Bandiera della Polonia Poland Life + 70 years[242]
Bandiera del Portogallo Life + 70 years
[Life + 50 years][243]
Bandiera del Qatar Life + 50 years[244]
Bandiera della Romania Life + 70 years[245]
Bandiera della Russia Life + 70 years[246]

Rehabilitation + 70 years (for repressed and rehabilitated)

Life + 74 years (for those taking part or working during the war of 1941–1945)

Life + 50 years (death before 1943)[247]
70 years from publication date for non-amateur cinematographic works published before 1993.

All coryrights prior to October Revolution (7-th November 1917) are believed to be expired...
Bandiera del Ruanda Berne, TRIPS
[[File:Template:Naz/St. Kitts and Nevis|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/St. Kitts and NevisTemplate:Naz/St. Kitts and Nevis|20x16px]] Life + 50 years[125]
[[File:Template:Naz/St. Lucia|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/St. LuciaTemplate:Naz/St. Lucia|20x16px]] Life + 50 years[248]
[[File:Template:Naz/St. Vincent and the Grenadines|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/St. Vincent and the GrenadinesTemplate:Naz/St. Vincent and the Grenadines|20x16px]] Life + 75 years (literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work)[249] 75 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (sound recording or film)[250]

50 years from creation (computer-generated work)[251]
50 years from creation (broadcast); 50 years after programme included in a cable programme service[252]

Bandiera di Samoa Life + 75 years[254]
Bandiera di San Marino unknown
Bandiera di São Tomé e Príncipe unknown
Bandiera dell'Arabia Saudita Life + 50 years[255]
Bandiera del Senegal Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera della Serbia Serbia[256] Life + 70 years[213]
Bandiera delle Seychelles Life + 25 years[257] 25 years from publication (photograph, film, or broadcast)[258]

25 years from creation (sound recording)[259]

Bandiera di Singapore[260] Life + 70 years (except posthumous work)[261][262] 70 years from publication (posthumous work, photograph)[263]

70 years from publication (sound recordings and cinematograph films)[264]
50 years after making (television broadcasts, sound broadcasts, cable programmes)[265]
25 years from publication (published editions of works)[266]

Bandiera della Slovacchia Life + 70 years[268]
Bandiera della Slovenia Life + 70 years[269]
Bandiera delle Isole Salomone Life + 50 years[270]
Bandiera della Somalia unknown
Bandiera del Sudafrica South Africa Life + 50 years (literary or musical works or artistic works, other than photographs)[271] 50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from creation (cinematography films, photographs, computer programs)[218]

50 years from publication (sound recordings; broadcasts; programme-carrying signals; and published editions)[272]

Bandiera della Spagna Spain Life + 70 years
[Life + 80 years(1879–1987), Life + 60 years(1987–1994)][273]
Bandiera dello Sri Lanka Life + 50 years[275] 50 years from publication or if unpublished 50 years from completion (cinematographic, radiophonic or audiovisual work)[276]

25 years from publication (photographic work or a work of applied art)[277]

Bandiera del Sudan Life + 50 years[279] 25 years from publication (photographic pictures and cinematographic films and other audiovisual works; works published under unknown pseudonym or anonymously)[280]
Bandiera del Suriname Berne, TRIPS
Bandiera dell'eSwatini Life + 50 years[281]
Bandiera della Svezia Life + 70 years[282] Yes[282]
Bandiera della Svizzera Switzerland Life + 70 years effective 1 July 1993 non-retroactively, but Life + 50 years for computer programs[283]

[Life + 50 years (before the law change on 1 July 1993, applicable for deaths through 1942)][284]

50 years after performance (performers' rights)[285] Yes[286]
Bandiera della Siria Life + 50 years[287] 10 years from production (photographic, fine arts or plastic arts)[288]
Bandiera di Taiwan Life + 50 years (except posthumous works first published 40 to 50 years after death)[289] 50 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous work)[286]

50 years from publication; 50 years from creation if unpublished (corporate works; photographic works, audiovisual works, sound recordings, and performances)[290]
10 years from publication (posthumous works first published 40 to 50 years after death)[291]

Bandiera del Tagikistan Tajikistan Berne
Bandiera della Tanzania Life + 50 years[293]
Bandiera della Thailandia Thailand Life + 50 years[294] 50 years from publication or 50 years from creation if not published within 50 years from creation
[[File:Template:Naz/Timor Leste|class=noviewer|Bandiera Template:Naz/Timor LesteTemplate:Naz/Timor Leste|20x16px]] Life + 50 years[158]
Bandiera del Togo Life + 50 years[295]
Bandiera delle Tonga Life + 50 years[296]
Bandiera di Trinidad e Tobago Life + 50 years[297]
Bandiera della Tunisia Life + 50 years[298]
Bandiera della Turchia Turkey Life + 70 years[299]
Bandiera del Turkmenistan Life + 50 years[300]
Bandiera di Tuvalu Life + 50 years[125]
Bandiera dell'Uganda TRIPS
Bandiera dell'Ucraina Life + 70 years
[Life + 50 years][301]
Bandiera degli Emirati Arabi Uniti Life + 50 years[302]
Bandiera del Regno Unito United Kingdom Life + 70 years[303] 70 years after release or if not released 70 years after making (sound recordings)[304] Yes[305]
Bandiera degli Stati Uniti United States[306] Life + 70 years (works published since 1978 or unpublished works)[307] 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation whichever is shorter (anonymous works, pseudonymous works, or works made for hire, published since 1978)[308]

95 years from publication for works published 1964–1977; 28 (if copyright not renewed) or 95 years from publication for works published 1923–1963 (Copyrights prior to 1923 have expired.)[309]

Universal Copyright Convention minimum terms Life + 25 years (general works)[311] 25 years from publication (specific works not based on authors' deaths)[312]

10 years (photographic works or to works of applied art)[313]

Bandiera dell'Uruguay Life + 50 years[314]
Bandiera dell'Uzbekistan Life + 50 years[315]
Bandiera di Vanuatu unknown
Bandiera della Città del Vaticano Life + 70 years[316]
Bandiera del Venezuela Life + 60 years[317] 60 years from publication; 60 years from creation if unpublished (an audiovisual work, a broadcast work or a computer program)[28]

60 years from publication (anonymous or pseudonymous work)[167]

Bandiera del Vietnam Berne
Bandiera dello Yemen Life + 30 years
Bandiera dello Zambia Life + 50 years[319]
Bandiera dello Zimbabwe Life + 50 years[320][321] 50 years from publication (photographs)[322]

50 years from creation (Sound recordings)[323]
50 years from publication (cinematograph films, broadcasts)[324]


Terms of protection were taken from a variety of sources, including WIPO, UNESCO and the University of Pennsylvania (see External links). Where no more specific information is available for a country, an indication of its probable minimum copyright term can be gained from its status as:

  • a signatory of the Berne Convention ("Berne"); minimum term of life + 50 years, except for photographs.
  • a member of the WTO ("TRIPS"); minimum term of life + 50 years.
  • a candidate for membership of the European Union ("EU"); term must be life + 70 years before accession.


  1. ^ Wick, Patricia Wick and Klosek, Jacqueline (November 19, 2003). "The Clean Slate: Drafting Afghanistan's First Copyright Laws" (PDF). www.ipworldonline.com Copyright World (archive: Goodwin/Procter). (change file extension from .ashx to .pdf)
  2. ^ Art. 17, Law no. 7564 of 19 April 1992, as modified by Law no. 7923 of 19 May 1995
  3. ^ . 18,,ibid .
  4. ^ a b Art. 19, Lei no. 101/III/90 de 29 de dezembro de 1990
  5. ^ . 20,ibid .
  6. ^ a b dell'art. 21,ibid .
  7. ^ Art. 54, Ordonnance n° 03-05 du 19 Joumada El Oula 1424 correspondant au 19 juillet 2003 relative aux droits d’auteur et aux droits voisins[collegamento interrotto]
  8. ^ . 56, 57, 58, 60,ibid .
  9. ^ . 59,ibid .
  10. ^ Art. 54, 56, 57, 58, 60,ibid .
  11. ^ un'opera audiovisiva è protetto da copyright in Andorra per lo stesso periodo, calcolato dall'ultimo delle seguenti persone per sopravvivere: il regista principale, l'autore della sceneggiatura, l'autore del dialogo e il compositore della musica specificamente creata per l'opera audiovisiva
  12. ^ Art. 18(1), (4), Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 1999
  13. ^ . 18 (3),ibid .
  14. ^ . 18 (5),ibid .
  15. ^ Art. 18 (8),ibid .
  16. ^ a b c Art. 20(1), Copyright Law n° 4/90, March 1990 (PDF).
  17. ^ a b IP laws revised – Anguilla
  18. ^ letteraria, drammatica, musicale o artistica d'autore
  19. ^ s. 10(1), Copyright Act, 2002
  20. ^ s. 10(2), (4), 11(1), ibid.
  21. ^ s. 12(1), ibid.
  22. ^ a b s. 13, ibid.
  23. ^ s. 10(1), 10(2), (4), 11(1), 12(1), 13, ibid.
  24. ^ Art. 5, Ley 11.723 del 28 de septiembre de 1933, as modified by Ley 24.870 del 11 de septiembre de 1997
  25. ^ Art. 8, ibid.
  26. ^ Art. 5, ibid.
  27. ^ Art. 37 Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 15 June 2006
  28. ^ a b c d Art. 37, ibid.
  29. ^ "Guide to Doing Business, Aruba". LexMundi.com. p. 13.
  30. ^ s. 33, Copyright Act 1968 (Australia)
  31. ^ a b Information Sheets G023 (Duration), Australian Copyright Council
  32. ^ s. 93, 94, Copyright Act 1968 (Australia)
  33. ^ s. 95, ibid.
  34. ^ Tutte le note australiane precedenti
  35. ^ Un'opera cinematografica è protetto da copyright in Austria per lo stesso periodo, calcolato dalla persona ultimo sopravvissuto tra i seguenti: il regista principale del film e gli autori della sceneggiatura, i dialoghi e l'opera musicale appositamente creato per l'opera cinematografica
  36. ^ § 60, 62, Urheberrechtsgesetz;
    § 1(2), Urheberrechtsgesetznovelle 1972 (Nr. 492, 1972-12-16)
  37. ^ § 61, Urheberrechtsgesetz
  38. ^ § 64, ibid.
  39. ^ Art. 25(1), (2), Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 5 June 1996
  40. ^ Arts. 25(2), 26(1), (3), ibid.
  41. ^ Art. 25(1), (2), 26(1), (3), ibid.
  42. ^ Art. 31(1), Legislative Decree no. 10 of 1993
  43. ^ Art. 31(2)(a), (b), (c), (d), ibid.
  44. ^ Art. 31(3), ibid.
  45. ^ letteraria, drammatica, musicale o artistica
  46. ^ s. 10(1), Copyright, Act, 05/03/1998, No. 4
  47. ^ s. 10(3), ibid.
  48. ^ s. 10(4), ibid.
  49. ^ s. 11, ibid.
  50. ^ s. 12, ibid.
  51. ^ s. 10, 11, 12, 13, ibid.
  52. ^ Art. 22(1), Law 194-3 of 11 August 1998
  53. ^ . 22 (2),ibid .
  54. ^ Art. 38 (1),ibid .
  55. ^ Art. 38 (2),ibid .
  56. ^ Art. 38 (3),ibid .
  57. ^ Arts. 22(4), 38(4), ibid.
  58. ^ Wet betreffende het auteursrecht en de naburige rechten van 30 juni 1994. (Hoofdstuk 1, afdeling 1, Art. 2)/Loi relative au droit d’auteur et aux droits voisins du 30 juin 1994.
  59. ^ s. 10, Copyright Act Ch. 252
  60. ^ How long does copyright last? from Bermuda Government website.
  61. ^ Art. 7, Convenzione di Berna(1)
  62. ^ a b Art. 7(6), ibid.
  63. ^ Art. 7(2), ibid.
  64. ^ Art. 7(3), ibid.
  65. ^ Art. 7(4), ibid.
  66. ^ Art. 7(5), ibid.
  67. ^ s. 18, Copyright Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2001
  68. ^ Art. 18, Ley No 1322 de 13 de abril de 1992
  69. ^ Art. 84, Law on Copyright and Related Rights (7/02)
  70. ^ Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, Act No. 8 of 2000
  71. ^ Art. 41, Law no 9610 of 19 February 1998
  72. ^ s. 14, Emergency (Copyright) Order 1999
  73. ^ Art. 27, Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, last changed in 2007
  74. ^ Art. 34, Loi N°032-99AN portant protection de la propriété littéraire et artistique
  75. ^ a b ACT No. 1/021 of December 30, 2005, On the Protection of Copyright and Related Rights in Burundi". WIPO.int.
  76. ^ Art. 30, Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 2003
  77. ^ Art. 37, Loi no 2000/011 du 19 décembre 2000
  78. ^ a b c s. 6, Copyright Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-42);
    s. 7, S.C. 1997, c. 24
  79. ^ Cory Doctorow (2012) Canadians: tell Parliament to preserve Canada's public domain! at Boing Boing, 6/1/2012
  80. ^ Art. 3, Law 19914 implementing free trade agreement with the US (2003)
  81. ^ Art. 21, first paragraph, Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China
  82. ^ Art. 21, second and third paragraphs, ibid.
  83. ^ Art. 21, Ley 23 de 1982
  84. ^ Art. 28, ibid.
  85. ^ Art. 58, Ley de Derechos de Autor y Derechos Conexos modified by the Ley 7979 del 6 del enero del 2000
  86. ^ Art. 45(1), Loi no. 96-564 du 25 juillet 1996
  87. ^ Art. 45(3)(a), (b), (c), ibid.
  88. ^ Art. 45, ibid.
  89. ^ Art. 99, Copyright and Related Rights Act 197/2003
  90. ^ s. 4, Copyright Law 1976
  91. ^ Art. 27(1), Law No. 121/2000 Coll.
  92. ^ Art. 27(3), Law No. 121/2000 Coll.
  93. ^ Art. 27(7), ibid.
  94. ^ s. 63, Consolidated Act on Copyright 2006
  95. ^ Art. 59, Loi n°114/AN/96/3e L relatif à la protection du droit d'auteur
  96. ^ Art. 62, ibid.
  97. ^ Art. 63, ibid.
  98. ^ Art. 65, ibid.
  99. ^ s. 11, Copyright Act 2003
  100. ^ Art. 21, Ley sobre Derecho de Autor del 24 de julio de 2000
  101. ^ Art. 80, Ley No 83 de Propiedad Intelectual (1998)
  102. ^ Art. 160, Law on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
  103. ^ Art. 86, Decreto Legislativo No. 604 del 15 de julio de 1993
  104. ^ § 38(1), Edition of the Copyright Act effective since 01.01.2009 Template:Et icon; First enacted on 11.11.1992
  105. ^ § 40, ibid.
  106. ^ § 43, ibid.
  107. ^ Wondwossen Belete (2004), The Intellectual Property System in Ethiopia, Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office, Addis Ababa, December 2004; see also [1]
  108. ^ Art. 1 (1), Directive 2006/116/EC
  109. ^ Art. 1 (3), (6), ibid.
  110. ^ Art. 1 (8), ibid.
  111. ^ Copyright Act 1999
  112. ^ Art. 43, Law No. 404/1961, as amended by Law No. 1654/1995
  113. ^ Arts. 46, 48, Copyright, Act, 08/07/1961
  114. ^ Art. 49a, ibid.
  115. ^ Art. 43, ibid.
  116. ^ An audiovisual work is copyrighted in France for the same term, computed from the last surviving person among the following: the author of the scenario, the author of the dialogue, the author of the musical compositions, with or without words, specially composed for the work and the main director.
  117. ^ Arts. L123-1, L123-2, Code de la propriété intellectuelle
  118. ^ Judgement No. 280 of February 27, 2007 Court of Cassation – First Civil Chamber 04-12138
  119. ^ Art. L123-8, ibid.
  120. ^ Art. L123-9, ibid.
  121. ^ Art. L123-10, ibid.
  122. ^ Art. L123-3, ibid.
  123. ^ Art. L123-4, ibid.
  124. ^ Arts. L123-1, L123-3, L123-4, ibid., but not Arts. L123-8 or, L123-9,
  125. ^ a b c d e Copyright Act 1956 (p)
  126. ^ Art. 31, Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 22 June 1999
  127. ^ § 64 Urheberrechtsgesetz [2], as amended by the Law of 17 December 2008
  128. ^ § 71 Urheberrechtsgesetz
  129. ^ § 69 Urheberrechtsgesetz
  130. ^ Art. 12, Copyright Act, 2005
  131. ^ An audiovisual work is copyrighted in Greece for the same term, computed from the last of the following persons to survive: the principal director, the author of the screenplay, the author of the dialogue and the composer of the music specifically created for use in the audiovisual work.
  132. ^ Arts. 29, 31(3), Law 2121/1993
  133. ^ Art. 31(1), ibid.
  134. ^ Arts. 29, 31, ibid.
  135. ^ Copyright Act, dated 3 February 1989
  136. ^ Art. 43, Decreto No. 33-98, as modified by Art. 13, Decreto No. 56-2000
  137. ^ Arts. 44, 45, 47, ibid.
  138. ^ Art. 48, ibid.
  139. ^ Copyright Act 1956
  140. ^ Decree of January 9, 1968, relating to Copyright in Literary, Scientific and Artistic Works
  141. ^ Art. 44, Law on Copyright and Related Rights
  142. ^ a b Art. 30, Decreto Ley 16 2006: Implementación del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre la República Dominicana, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos
  143. ^ The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau have their own status, distinct from that of the rest of China, under international copyright and trade law
  144. ^ s. 17(2), Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528)
  145. ^ s. 19, ibid. Computed from the last of the following persons with known identity to survive: (a) the principal director; (b) the author of the screenplay; (c) the author of the dialogue; or (d) the composer of music specially created for and used in the film.
  146. ^ s. 17(3), ibid.
  147. ^ s. 18, ibid.
  148. ^ s. 20, ibid.
  149. ^ s. 21, ibid.
  150. ^ s. 17, 18, 20, 21, ibid.
  151. ^ Art. 31, Act No. LXXVI of 1999[collegamento interrotto]
  152. ^ Art. 43, Act No. 73/1972, as amended by Art. 4, Act No. 145/1996
  153. ^ See also Copyright in India.
  154. ^ Literary, dramatic, musical, and non-photograph artistic works.
  155. ^ s. 22, Copyright Act, 1957
  156. ^ s. 24, s. 25, s. 26, s. 27, s. 28A, s. 29, ibid.
  157. ^ s. 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28A, 29, ibid.
  158. ^ a b Art. 29, Law No. 19 of 2002
  159. ^ Reformation of article 12 (August 22, 2010) Copyright Law of 12 January 1970
  160. ^ Art. 16, ibid.
  161. ^ s. 2(11), Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 2004/83
  162. ^ s. 24, Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000
  163. ^ Post-2007: Israeli Copyright Act of 2007 Pre-2007: Crown Law: Art. 5(4), Copyright Ordinance 1924
  164. ^ Post-2007: Israeli Copyright Act of 2007 | Pre-2007: Crown Law: Art. 21, Copyright, Act (Consolidation), 16/12/1911
  165. ^ Post-2007: Israeli Copyright Act of 2007 | Pre-2007: Crown Law: Art. 5(3), Copyright Ordinance 1924
  166. ^ Art. 25, Law No. 633 of 22 April 1941, as amended by Art. 17, Law No. 52 of 6 February 1996
  167. ^ a b Art. 27, ibid.
  168. ^ s. 25, s. 32ter, ibid.
  169. ^ s. 10, Copyright Act 1993
  170. ^ Art. 51(2), Law No. 48 of 6 May 1970, as amended in 2006
  171. ^ Art. 54(1), ibid.
  172. ^ Art. 53(1), ibid.
  173. ^ Art. 57, ibid.
  174. ^ Art. 30, Law No. 22 of 1992, as amended
  175. ^ Art. 28, Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 1996
  176. ^ s. 23(2)1, Copyright Act, 2001
  177. ^ s. 23(2), ibid.
  178. ^ s. 23, ibid.
  179. ^ a b Copyright Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, discussed at: Paul Karl Lukacs, Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About the North Korean Copyright Act, su nomadlaw.com, The Nomad Lawyer, 3 August 2007. URL consultato il 24 May 2011.
  180. ^ Art. 36, Copyright Act of 30 December 1989
  181. ^ a b Art. 38, ibid.
  182. ^ Art. 40, ibid.
  183. ^ | Decree Law No. 64 of 1999 concerning Intellectual Property Rights
  184. ^ Art. 27, Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 16 December 1997
  185. ^ "2007 Special 301 Report Special Mention – Laos (Lao People's Democratic Republic") (PDF). International Intellectual Property Alliance.
  186. ^ Art. 36, Copyright Law of 6 April 2000
  187. ^ Art. 28, Law on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights of 11 May 1993
  188. ^ Art. 37(2), Copyright Law of 6 April 2000
  189. ^ Art. 49, Loi sur la protection de la propriété littéraire et artistique (no. 75 du 3 avril 1999)
  190. ^ Art. 32, Law of 19 May 1999
    [Art. 36, Law of 26 October 1928
  191. ^ Art. 34, Law No. IX-1355 (2003)
    [Art. 536, Civil Code as modified by Law No. I-459 (1994)
  192. ^ Art. 9, Law of 18 April 2001
    [Art. 2, Law of 29 March 1972]
  193. ^ Art. 21(1), Decree-Law 43/99/M of August 16, 1999
  194. ^ Art. 23, ibid.
  195. ^ Art. 106, ibid.
  196. ^ Arts. 148 & 155, ibid.
  197. ^ Art. 21(3), ibid.
  198. ^ Art. 44, Law on Copyright and Related Rights No. 47/96 as amended
  199. ^ Art. 52, Loi no. 94-036 portant sur la propriété littéraire et artistique
  200. ^ s. 13, Copyright Act, 1989
  201. ^ s. 17, Copyright Act 1987
  202. ^ Art. 90, Loi No. 8426/AN-RM
  203. ^ s. 4(2), Copyright Act, 2000
  204. ^ UNESCO Culture Sector
  205. ^ s. 12, Copyright Act 1997
  206. ^ Art. 29, Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor (2003)
  207. ^ Art. 29, Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor (1996)
  208. ^ Art. 9, Decreto que reforma, adiciona y deroga disposiciones de diversas leyes relacionadas con el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, and the fourth transitional provision of the same, making the change from 50 pma to 75 pma non-retroactive.
  209. ^ § 113, Federated States of Micronesia Code, Title 35
  210. ^ Art. 17, Law No. 293-XIII of 23 November 1994
  211. ^ Art. 17, Law on Copyright of 1993
  212. ^ Montenegro is assumed to have succeeded to the copyright obligations of Serbia and Montenegro. See Serbia also.
  213. ^ a b Art. 100, Law on Copyright and Related Rights
  214. ^ Art. 25, Loi no. 2-00 relative aux droits d’auteur et droits voisins
  215. ^ Art. 22, Law No. 4/2001
  216. ^ s. 3(2)(a), Copyright Act 98 of 1978, as amended by s. 3, Act 52 of 1984, s. 3, Act 125 of 1992 and by s. 52, Act 38 of 1997
  217. ^ s. 3(2)(a), ibid.
  218. ^ a b s. 3(2)(b), ibid.
  219. ^ a b s. 3, ibid.
  220. ^ The Copyright Act, 2059 (2002) (PDF), su nepalcopyright.gov.np, Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture. URL consultato il 25 April 2011.
  221. ^ Including the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba: although Dutch adhesion to the Berne convention only applies to the Kingdom in Europe, membership of the WTO includes the overseas territories
  222. ^ Art. 37, Copyright Act, 1912, as amended by the Acts of 21 December 1995
  223. ^ Art. 38, Copyright Act, 1912, as amended by the Acts of 21 December 1995
  224. ^ s. 22(1), Copyright Act 1994
  225. ^ s. 22(2), ibid.
  226. ^ s. 22, ibid.
  227. ^ Art. 27, Ley de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos (No. 312)
  228. ^ Art. 22, Ordinance 93-027 of 30 March 1993 on copyright, related rights and expressions of folklore
  229. ^ a b c Schedule I, Copyright Act (Cap. 68) 1990
  230. ^ s. 40, Act No. 2 of 12 May 1961
  231. ^ ibid.
  232. ^ Art. 7, Royal Decree 37-2000
  233. ^ s. 18, Copyright Ordinance, 1962
  234. ^ s. 16, Republic of Palau Copyright Act of 2003
  235. ^ Art. 42, Ley No. 15 de 8 de agosto de 1994
  236. ^ s. 17, Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act 2000
  237. ^ Art. 47, Ley No. 1328/98 de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos
  238. ^ Art. 52, Decreto legislativo 822 del 23 de abril de 1996
  239. ^ s. 213.1, Intellectual Property Code
  240. ^ s. 213.5, ibid.
  241. ^ s. 214, ibid.
  242. ^ Art. 36, Law of February 4, 1994, on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, as amended by the Law of 22 July 2000
  243. ^ Art. 31, Code of Copyright and Related Rights, as amended by Decree Law No. 334/97 of 27 November 1997
  244. ^ s. 15, Law No. 7 of 2002
  245. ^ Art. 27, Law No. 8 of March 14, 1996
  246. ^ Article 1281 of Civil Code
  247. ^ Article 6 of Federal Law 231
  248. ^ s. 10, Copyright Act, 1995
  249. ^ Copyright Act, 2003
  250. ^ a b s. 9(1), ibid.
  251. ^ s. 8(4), ibid.
  252. ^ s. 10(1), ibid.
  253. ^ s. 8, 9, 10, ibid.
  254. ^ Copyright Act 1998
  255. ^ Royal Decree No: M/41 2nd Rajab 1424 H August 30, 2003
  256. ^ Serbia is deemed to be a successor state of Serbia and Montenegro, which itself was a successor state to Yugoslavia for international copyright treaties, notably the Berne Convention, effective 17 June 1930
  257. ^ s. 9(1)(i), Copyright Act, revised edition 1991
  258. ^ s. 9(1)(ii), (v), ibid.
  259. ^ s. 9(1)(iv), ibid.
  260. ^ See also the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
  261. ^ Literary, dramatic or musical work, or in an artistic work other than a photograph
  262. ^ s. 28(2), Copyright Act
  263. ^ s. 28(3), (6), ibid.
  264. ^ s. 92, 93, ibid.
  265. ^ s. 94, 95, ibid.
  266. ^ s. 96, ibid.
  267. ^ s. 28, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, ibid.
  268. ^ § 21, Law on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright (Copyright Act) No. 618/2003
  269. ^ Art. 59, Copyright and Related Rights Act of 30 March 1995
  270. ^ s. 3, Copyright Act (Ch. 138)
  271. ^ s. 3(2)(a), Copyright Act, 1978
  272. ^ s. 3(2)(c), (d), (e), (f), ibid.
  273. ^ Art. 26
  274. ^ Art. 30, ibid.
  275. ^ s. 19(1), Code of Intellectual Property Act No. 52 of 1979
  276. ^ s. 19(4), ibid.
  277. ^ s. 19(5), ibid.
  278. ^ s. 19(6), ibid.
  279. ^ s. 13(2), Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Protection Act 1996
  280. ^ s. 13(3)(a), (c), ibid.
  281. ^ Copyright Act No. 36 of 1912
  282. ^ a b Art. 43, Act 1960:729, as modified by Act 1995:1273
  283. ^ Art. 29 Urheberrechtgesetz/ Loi sur le droit d’auteur par. 2
  284. ^ BGE 124 III 266
  285. ^ Art. 39, Urheberrechtgesetz/ Loi sur le droit d’auteur
  286. ^ a b Art. 32, ibid.
  287. ^ Art. 22, Law No. 12/2001
  288. ^ Art. 25, ibid.
  289. ^ Art. 30, Copyright Act
  290. ^ Arts. 33, 34, ibid.
  291. ^ Art. 30, ibid.
  292. ^ Art. 35, ibid.
  293. ^ s. 14, Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, 1999
  294. ^ s. 19, Copyright Act, B.E. 2537 (1994)
  295. ^ Art. 36, Loi no. 91-12 portant protection du droit d'auteur, du folklore et des droits voisins
  296. ^ s. 13, Copyright Act (Cap. 121)
  297. ^ s. 19, Copyright Act, 1997
  298. ^ Art. 18, Loi no. 94-36
  299. ^ Art. 27, Law No. 5846 of 5 December 1951
  300. ^ Art. 1094, Civil Code of Turkmenistan
  301. ^ Art. 28, Law of Ukraine on Copyright and Related Rights, 1993 with amendments 2004
  302. ^ s. 20, Federal Law No. 7 of 2002
  303. ^ s. 12, Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, as amended by s. 5, Duration of Copyright and Rights in Performances Regulations 1995
  304. ^ "British music industry hails extension of copyright term, 12 September 2011". BPI.co.uk.
  305. ^ s. 12, 13, ibid.
  306. ^ See also Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States by Peter B. Hirtle.
  307. ^ Template:UnitedStatesCode(a)
  308. ^ Template:UnitedStatesCode(c)
  309. ^ Template:UnitedStatesCode
  310. ^ Template:UnitedStatesCode
  311. ^ Article IV 2(a), Universal Copyright Convention
  312. ^ Article IV 2(a), ibid.
  313. ^ Article IV 3, ibid.
  314. ^ Art. 14, Law on Copyright No. 9.739 of 17 December 1937
  315. ^ Art. 38, Law No. 272-I of 30 August 1996
  316. ^ N. XII. Legge sil diritto di autore
  317. ^ Art. 25, Ley sobre el Dercho de Autor as modified by the Decreto del 14 de agosto de 1993
  318. ^ Arts. 25, 26, 27, ibid.
  319. ^ s. 12, Copyright and Performance Rights Act, 1994
  320. ^ Literary, dramatic, and musical works; non-photograph artistic works.
  321. ^ s. 5(3), 6(3)(a), Copyright Act (Chapter 26:1)
  322. ^ s. 6(3)(b), ibid.
  323. ^ s. 16(2), ibid.
  324. ^ s. 17(2), s. 18(2), ibid.
  325. ^ s. 6, 16, 17, 18, ibid.
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