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Lake Como Poetry way_EN - work in progress


Template:Pagebanner The Lake Como Poetry Way is a 16 km pedestrian itinerary that crosses the towns of Cernobbio, Como and Brunate, all located on Lago di Como. The peculiarity of the itinerary is that it is narrated by 16 acclaimed people that have lived in and have narrated about these places. The itinerary is mapped also by 12 Little Free Library dedicated to the exchange of books (in any language).

The itinerary connects well known sites of this territory, valuing characters, places and monuments having has fil rouge a number of historical figures that have woven ties with the surroundings enabling to build a novel storytelling.

It is recommended to use trekking shoes, especially if you are willing to go through stage no. 15 on foot, since the path follows an old mule track between Eremo di San Donato and Brunate. If for this stage you choose to take the funicular, then the itinerary can be walked using comfortable and adequate shoes for the 16 km lenght. For stage no. 15, it is also recommended to bring a water bottle with you.

Starting altitude: 335 m a.s.l.

Arrival altitude: 715 m a.s.l.

difference in level: 654 m (137 descending, 517 rising)

Duration: 6 hours

Type of activity: Hiking

Difficulty: Turistic

This itinerary starts from Roggiana and arrives in Brunate, crossing Cernobbio and Como, however it can be fractioned at will or followed in the opposite direction.

From Como, the starting point can be reached using public transport ASF urban line no. 6.

<mapframe>: L'attributo 'latitude' ha un valore non valido

The itinerary is organised in 16 stages crossing through some of the most important sites in Roggiana, Cernobbio, Como and Brunate. Associated to each stage one or more anecdotes of historical figures connected to Como and its surroundings.

The itinerary is also mapped by 12 little free little free library listed here below, where one can take and leave books free of charge.

Little free library

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Template:Marker, via Scaletto
Template:Marker, via Carcano angolo via Mondelli
Template:Marker, via Adda
Template:Marker, piazza Risorgimento
Template:Marker, via Regina 7
Template:Marker, via per Cernobbio 11
Template:Marker, via Sant'Elia 6
Template:Marker, piazza Verdi
Template:Marker, piazzetta Baratelli
Template:Marker, salita San Donato 6
Template:Marker, via Funicolare 16
Template:Marker, Via Scalini 66

The itinerary

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1 - Valico di Roggiana, Luigi Dottesio

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Roggiana Pass.

The itinerary starts from the border between Italy and Switzerland, between the towns of Vacallo and Maslianico, a frontier known by the name of Roggiana Pass, one of the very well known smuggling routes between the two countries.

«Our forefathers erected a statue for him in a sacred place: it would be worthy of the kindness of our present times to grant prestige to our Country with a work of art connecting the ages of our two great fellow citizens, Pliny and Volta».

This is what Luigi Dottesio wrote about Pliny the Elder in his Biographical Notes on Illustrious Comaschi, published in 1847 in Switzerland by the Tipografia Elvetica of Capolago. The author, back then deputy secretary of the municipality of Como, smuggled prohibited books published by this tipography in the Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom. A contraband of culture and ideals which Dottesio paid with his life. He was here, at Roggiana Pass the starting point of this itinerary, arrested on 12 January 1851. He was then hanged in Venice on 11 October 1851. As martyr to press freedom, he leaves in inheritance a biography still today of inspiration to all generations. Furthermore, Dottesio was the first ordinary man to represent Como and its province if official occasions. His sacrifice was fro a country which he hoped to be united by its culture.

From the Swiss border, one heads towards Lake Como.

Distance between the first and second stage: 3 km, on foot approx. 30 min slightly downhill.

Note: this distance can be travelled by car, by following an alternative route which avoids pedestrian-only paths, and leaving the car at the Villa Erba Parking located in Cernobbio along SP71 - Vecchia Regina.

2 - Riva di Cernobbio, Vincenzo Monti

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Riva di Cernobbio

3 - Villa del Grumello, Ugo Foscolo

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Villa del Grumello vista dal Lago

4 - Villa Olmo, Caninio Rufo

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Villa Olmo

5 - Villa Gallia, Paolo Giovio

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Villa Gallia

6 - Monumento ai caduti, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

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Monumento ai caduti

7 - Tempio Voltiano, Alessandro Volta

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Tempio Voltiano

8 - Piazza Cavour, Hermann Hesse

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Pizza Cavour Como

9 - Duomo (portale), Plinii

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La facciata principale del Duomo.

10 - Duomo (facciata Sud), Cecilio

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La facciata sud del Duomo.

11 - Teatro sociale, Mary Shelley

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Gli interni del Teatro Sociale.

12 - Piazzetta Baratelli, August Strindberg

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Punta Geno.

13 - Museo civico, Giacomo Leopardi

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La facciata del Museo civico.

14 - Mulattiera Como-Brunate, Alda Merini

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L'eremo di San Donato.

15 - Parco Volta, Penčo Slavejkov

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Gazebo all'interno del parco Volta.

16 - Faro voltiano

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Vista dal basso del Faro Voltiano

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