Progetto:Matematica/Testi di riferimento generale per la matematica

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In questa pagina vengono elencati testi (non solo libri stampati) costituenti riferimenti generali per la matematica. Essa riguarda tendenzialmente testi che afferiscono alle sezioni 00A20 e 00A22 dello schema di classificazione Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC). L'elenco viene compilato pensando che esso possa servire, in particolare, per segnalare le opere che sarebbe bene fossero presenti in una biblioteca pubblica di buon livello.

  • Gunther Eisenreich (1982): Wörterbuch Mathematik: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch (i.e. Dictionary of Mathematics: English, German, French, Russian(, Thun: Harri Deutsch
  • E. J. Borowski, Jonathan M. Borwein: The Harper Collins Dictionary of Mathematics
  • Christopher Clapham (1996): The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press
  • Frank Tapson (1999): The Oxford Mathematics Study Dictionary, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-914567-9
  • A. L. Mackay (1991): A dictionary of scientific quotations, IOP


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  • Michiel Hazewinkel ed. (1994): Encyclopaedia of Mathematics: An Updated and Annotated Translation of the Soviet "Matematicheskaia Entsiklopediia" (I. M. Vinogradov ed. in chief), Kluwer Academic Publishers. L'enciclopedia alfabetica più completa ed autorevole; disponibile anche in paperback e su CD-ROM.
  • Michiel Hazewinkel ed. (1997-2001): Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. Supplement I, II, III. Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • Kiyosi Ito ed. (Mathematical Society of Japan) (1987): The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics, 2nd edition, 4 vols., MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-09016-3
  • Eric Weisstein (2001): Concise Mathematical Encyclopedy, 2nd ed., CRC Press
  • (1994): Companion Encyclopedia of the History and Philosophy of the Mathematical Sciences, 2 vols, London and New York: Routledge.
  • AAVV (1982): The Prentice-Hall Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Prentice-Hall
  • AAVV (1989): The VNR Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, 2nd edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold
  • AAVV (1982-1988): Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 9 vols. J. Wiley

Collane enciclopediche

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Trattati sistematici

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  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2004): Elements of Mathematics. Theory of sets -- Ch.1 Description of formal mathematics. Ch.2 Theory of sets. Ch.3 Ordered sets; cardinals; integers. Ch.4 Structures., Springer, ISBN 3-540-22525-0
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (1998): Elements of Mathematics. Algebra. Chapters 1-3 -- Ch.1 Algebraic structures. Ch.2 Linear algebra. Ch.3 Tensor algebras, exterior algebras, symmetric algebras., Springer, ISBN 3-540-64243-9
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2003): Elements of Mathematics. Algebra. Chapters 4-7-- Ch.4 Polynomials and rational fractions. Ch.5 Commutative fields. Ch.6 Ordered groups and fields. Ch.7 Modules over principal ideal rings., Springer, ISBN 3-540-00706-7
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (1958): Éléments de Mathématique. Algebra. Chapitre 8 -- Ch.8 Modules et anneaux semi-simples. [Semi-simple modules and rings.], Hermann, ISBN 2-7056-1261-0
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2006): Éléments de Mathématique. Algebra. Chapitre 9 -- Ch.9 Formes sesqui-linéaires et formes quadratiques. [Sesquilinear and quadratics forms.], Springer, ISBN 3-540-35338-0
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2006): Éléments de Mathématique. Algebra. Chapitre 10 -- Ch.10 Algèbre homologique. [Homological algebra.], Springer, ISBN 3-540-34492-6
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (1998): Elements of Mathematics. General topology. Chapters 1-4 -- Ch.1 Topological structures. Ch.2 Uniform structures. Ch.3 Topological groups. Ch.4 Real numbers., Springer, ISBN 3-540-64241-2
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (1998): Elements of Mathematics. General topology. Chapters 5-10 -- Ch.5 One-parameter groups. Ch.6 Real number spaces, affine and projective spaces. Ch.7 The additive groups Rn. Ch.8 Complex numbers. Ch.9 Use of real numbers in general topology. Ch.10 Function spaces., Springer, ISBN 3-540-64563-2
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2003): Elements of Mathematics. Functions of a real variable -- Ch.1 Derivatives. Ch.2 Primitives and integrals. Ch.3 Elementary functions. Ch.4 Differential equations. Ch.5 Local study of functions. Ch.6 Generalized Taylor expansion. The Euler-MacLaurin summation formula. Ch.7 The gamma function. Dictionary, Springer, ISBN 3-540-65340-6
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2002): Elements of Mathematics. Topological vector spaces -- Ch.1 Topological vector spaces over a valued field. Ch.2 Convex sets and locally convex spaces. Ch.3 Spaces of continuous linear mappings. Ch.4 Duality in topological vector spaces. Ch.5 Hilbert spaces: elementary theory. Dictionary, Springer, ISBN 3-540-42338-9
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2003): Elements of Mathematics. Integration. Chapters 1-6 -- Ch.1 Convexity inequalities. Ch.2 Riesz spaces. Ch.3 Measures on locally compact spaces. Ch.4 Extension of a measure. Lp spaces. Ch.5 Integration of measures. Ch.6 Vectorial integration., Springer, ISBN 3-540-41129-1
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2004): Elements of Mathematics. Integration. Chapters 7-9 -- Ch.7 Haar measure. Ch.8 Convolution and representation. Ch.9 Integration on Hausdorff topological spaces., Springer, ISBN 3-540-20585-3
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2004): Elements of Mathematics. Commutative algebra. Chapters 1-7 -- Ch.1 Flat modules. Ch.2 Localization. Ch.3 Graduations, filtrations, and topologies. Ch.4 Associated prime ideals and primary decomposition. Ch.5 Integers. Ch.6 Valuations. Ch.7 Dividers, Springer, ISBN 3-540-64239-0
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2006): Éléments de Mathématique. Algèbre commutative. Chapitres 8-9 -- Ch.8 Dimensions. [Dimensions.] Ch.9 Anneaux locaux noethériens complets. [Complete local noetherian rings.], Springer, ISBN 3-540-33942-6
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2006): Éléments de Mathématique. Algèbre commutative. Chapitre 10 -- Ch.10 Profondeur, régularité, dualité. [Depth, regularity, duality.], Springer, ISBN 3-540-34394-6
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2004): Elements of Mathematics. Lie groups and Lie algebras. Chapters 1-3 -- Ch.1 Lie algebras. Ch.2 Free Lie algebras. Ch.3 Lie groups., Springer, ISBN 3-540-64242-0
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2004): Elements of Mathematics. Lie groups and Lie algebras. Chapters 4-6 -- Ch.4 Coxeter groups and Tits systems. Ch.5 Groups generated by reflections. Ch.6 Root systems., Springer, ISBN 3-540-69171-5
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2008): Elements of Mathematics. Lie groups and Lie algebras. Chapters 7-9 -- Ch.7 Cartan subalgebras and regular elements. Ch.8 Split semi-simple Lie algebras. Ch.9 Compact real Lie groups., Springer, ISBN 3-540-68851-X
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2007): Éléments de Mathématique. Théories spectrales -- Ch.1 Algèbres normées. [Normed algebras.] Ch.2 Groupes localement compacts commutatifs. [Locally compact groups.], Springer, ISBN 3-540-35330-5
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (2007): Éléments de Mathématique. Variétés différentielles et analytiques -- Fascicule de résultats. [Summary of results], Springer, ISBN 3-540-34396-2
  • Nicolas Bourbaki (1998): Elements of History of Mathematics, Springer, ISBN 3-540-64767-8

  • Jean Dieudonné (1969): Foundation of Modern Analysis. Ch.I Elements of the Theory of Sets; Ch.II Real Numbers; Ch.III Metric Spaces; Ch.IV Additional Properties of the Real Line; Ch.V Normed Spaces; Ch.VI Hilbert Spaces; Ch.VII Spaces of Continuous Functions; Ch.VIII Differential Calculus; Ch.IX Analytic Functions; Ch.X Existence Theorems; Ch.XI Elementary Spectral Theory, Academic Press
  • Jean Dieudonné (1976): Treatise on Analysis. Volume II: Ch.XII Topology and Topological Algebra; Ch.XIII Integration; Ch.XIV Haar Measure and Convolution; Ch.XV Normed Algebra and spectral Theory , Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-215502-5
  • Jean Dieudonné (1972): Treatise on Analysis. Volume III: Ch.XVI Differential Manifolds; Ch.XVII Distribution and Differential Operators, Academic Press
  • Jean Dieudonné (1974): Treatise on Analysis. Volume IV: Ch.XVIII Differential ?Calculus on a differential Manifold; Ch.XIX Lie Groups and Lie Algebras; Ch.XX Principal Connections an Riemannian Geometry, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-215504-1
  • Jean Dieudonné (1977): Treatise on Analysis. volume V: Ch.XXI Compact Lie Groups and Semisimple Lie Groups, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-215505-X
  • Jean Dieudonné (1978): Treatise on Analysis. Volume VI: Ch.XXII Harmonic Analysis, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-215506-8
  • Jean Dieudonné (1988): Treatise on Analysis. Volume VII: Ch.XXIII Linear Functional Equations One Pseudodifferential operators, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-215507-6
  • Jean Dieudonné (1993): Treatise on Analysis. Volume VIII: Ch.XXIII Linear Functional Equations II: Boundary Value Problems, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-215508-4

Tavole di risultati

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  • Arthur Erdelyi, Wilhelm Magnus, Fritz Oberhettinger, Francesco Giacomo Tricomi {1953): Higher Transcendental functions. Volume I, Robert E. Krieger Publ. Co.
  • Arthur Erdelyi, Wilhelm Magnus, Fritz Oberhettinger, Francesco Giacomo Tricomi {1953): Higher Transcendental functions. Volume II, Robert E. Krieger Publ. Co.
  • Arthur Erdelyi, Wilhelm Magnus, Fritz Oberhettinger, Francesco Giacomo Tricomi {1955): Higher Transcendental functions. Volume III, Robert E. Krieger Publ. Co., ISBN 0-89874-207-2
  • Milton Abramowitz, Irene A. Stegun (1972): Handbook of Mathematical Functions, With Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publ., ISBN 486-61272-4
  • Izrail Solomonovich Gradshteyn, I. M. Ryzhik (1994): Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, 5th edition, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-294755-X (trad. dall'edizione russa del 1963).
  • Anatolii Platonovich Prudnikov, Yurii Aleksandrovich Brychkov, Oleg Igorevich Marichev (1986): Integrals and Series. Volume 1: Elementary Functions, Gordon & Breach, ISBN 2-88124-089-5 (trad. dall'edizione russa del 1983).
  • Anatolii Platonovich Prudnikov, Yurii Aleksandrovich Brychkov, Oleg Igorevich Marichev (1986): Integrals and Series. Volume 2: Special Functions, Gordon & Breach, ISBN 2-88124-090-9
  • Anatolii Platonovich Prudnikov, Yurii Aleksandrovich Brychkov, Oleg Igorevich Marichev (1990): Integrals and Series. Volume 3: More Special Functions, Gordon & Breach, ISBN 2-88124-682-6
  • Anatolii Platonovich Prudnikov, Yurii Aleksandrovich Brychkov, Oleg Igorevich Marichev (1992): Integrals and Series. Volume 4: Direct Laplace Transforms, Gordon & Breach
  • Anatolii Platonovich Prudnikov, Yurii Aleksandrovich Brychkov, Oleg Igorevich Marichev (1992): Integrals and Series. Volume 5: Inverse Laplace Transforms, Gordon & Breach
  • Conway et al. Atlas of finite groups

Manuali di tono generalista

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Manuali settoriali

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Riviste di recensioni e abstracts

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  • Zentralblatt fur Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete [Mathematics Abstracts], European Mathematical society, settimanale dal 1931
  • Mathematical Reviews / MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society, mensile, dal 1940
  • Current Index to Statistics, Applications, Methods and Theory, American Statistical Association, annuale, dal 1975

Guide alla letteratura matematica

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  • Barbara Kirsch Schaefer (1979): Using the Mathematical Literature: A Practical Guide, Marcel Dekker

Voci correlate

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