Discussioni utente:Randushkesh
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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi.
Pagina cancellata
[modifica wikitesto]Ciao! La modifica che hai effettuato alla pagina Lista di compositori italiani è sembrata un test e per questo motivo è stata annullata. Se sei poco pratico/a di Teknopedia, per favore utilizza la pagina delle prove, oppure puoi dare un'occhiata al tour guidato o alle Domande Frequenti (FAQ) per imparare a contribuire al meglio sulle pagine dell'enciclopedia. Grazie dei contributi. (Not Italian? It-0?) --Euphydryas (msg) 16:45, 29 ott 2015 (CET)
[@ Euphydryas] Grazie ! :) --Randushkesh (msg) 16:51, 29 ott 2015 (CET)
Lista di compositori italiani
[modifica wikitesto]Ti è già stato scritto che le liste sono per natura WP:POV e quindi non neutrali come devono essere le voci di un'enciclopedia.--Burgundo(posta) 14:12, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
[modifica wikitesto]Dear Randushkesh, the lists are generally not welcome in wikipedia in Italian because they are never complete as they may not contain all the composers of a nation but the decision of who compiles the list. But on wikipedia it is necessary that everything is confirmed by authoritative and controllable sources.--Burgundo(posta) 14:35, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- Dear [@ Burgundo], Thank you for the answer.
- I am also an editor of the "List of Austrian composers" page in the English wiki.
- There was a conversation with them on the same topic: "Removal of reliably sourced entries ?"
- The conclusion was: other Teknopedia articles are "in principle" not reliable but "in fact" they accept the list entry inherits the reliability of the respective Teknopedia article.
- Yes, I know lists are necessarily incomplete.
- However, I want to avoid any prejudice when including the composers in the list.
- So, let me ask you for undeleting the "Lista di compositori italiani" page.
- Thank you in advance. --Randushkesh (msg) 15:45, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- Please, check out the "List of Italian composers" page.
- You may say it is already "not too bad" ... :) --Randushkesh (msg) 16:13, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- The Hungarian list of Italian composers page is also of some kind of quality ... :) --Randushkesh (msg) 17:03, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- The French list is quite amazing ! :) --Randushkesh (msg) 18:29, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- Dear Randushkesh, you can try to insert the complete list of which is en: wiki but do not know if it will be put on cancellation. On it: wiki, lists are not very welcome.--Burgundo(posta) 23:40, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- Dear [@ Burgundo], I do not want to force you to have this list.
- I think it is strange: several nations have lists of the Italian composers but the Italians have not.
- If you are convinced about the necessity of this list, please, undelete it, otherwise I discontinue editing it.
- Thank you for helping me. --Randushkesh (msg) 08:32, 27 feb 2016 (CET)
- Dear Randushkesh, if you want to insert the complete list present on en: wiki, you should translate it into your own sandbox, but that was canceled really something of little value that still post in Utente:Randushkesh/sandbox where you can continue translation then posting the item when complete.--Burgundo(posta) 08:43, 27 feb 2016 (CET)
- OK, thank you :) --Randushkesh (msg) 08:52, 27 feb 2016 (CET)
- Dear Randushkesh, if you want to insert the complete list present on en: wiki, you should translate it into your own sandbox, but that was canceled really something of little value that still post in Utente:Randushkesh/sandbox where you can continue translation then posting the item when complete.--Burgundo(posta) 08:43, 27 feb 2016 (CET)
- Dear Randushkesh, you can try to insert the complete list of which is en: wiki but do not know if it will be put on cancellation. On it: wiki, lists are not very welcome.--Burgundo(posta) 23:40, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
Alphabetical sorting of persons' names
[modifica wikitesto]- There are some persons' names in Italian consisting of a prefix and a base name like "Evaristo Felice Dall'Abaco".
- Some nations sort these names regarding them literally from the very beginning (in case of Maestro Dall'Abaco under the letter "D").
- "The English" and "the German" follow this way.
- Some other nations sort these names regarding them etymologically from the beginning of the base name (in case of Maestro Dall'Abaco under the letter "A").
- "The French" and "the Hungarian" follow this 2nd way.
- Dear [@ Burgundo] please, help me which way to follow when editing the Italian list. --Randushkesh (msg) 09:36, 1 apr 2016 (CEST)
Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te
[modifica wikitesto]Gentile Randushkesh,
oggi ti scrivo a nome dell'associazione Wikimedia Italia per ringraziarti del tempo che hai dedicato ai progetti Wikimedia.
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