Discussione:Giulio Clovio

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Italian painter

[modifica wikitesto]

What's matter with you people over there? The Italian painter is not an Italan painter??? The Italian painter under forged Croatian name??? I regret that, being an American Italian, I am not able to speak and write Italian. But, still wanted someone of you to read some of these references in order to write a better article about this great man of the Italian Renaissance.

  • Renaissance and Reformation, 1500-1620: A Biographical Dictionary (The Great Cultural Eras of the Western World) by Jo Eldridge Carney (editor) Greenwood Press 2001. Clovio Giulio p 88-89
  • Histoire des arts industriels an moyen age et a l'epoque de la Renaissance: 2:e ed. [Illustr.] - Pages 256, 257, 258 by Charles Jules Labarte - 1866
  • The Life and Works of Giorgio Giulio Clovio, Miniaturist: with notices of his contemporaries, and of the art of decoration in the Sixteenth Century - by John William Bradley - 1891
  • Painters and Their Works: A Dictionary of Great Artists who are Not Now Alive - Pages 201-3 by Ralph N James - 1896

--GiorgioOrsini 03:35, 20 dic 2006 (CET)[rispondi]

Giorgio, Giorgio tu ne parli Italiano?:) Ma guardi,Juraj Klović ha stato un Croato chi ha lavorato nel Italia. Si qualcuno nasce in una paese, come e il suo nome?

--Ceha 22:39, 4 gia 2007 (CET)

Non puoi parlare italiano ,signore JurajDalmatinac ?? Che peccatto per un grande Italiano come tu?? --Anto 16:20, 2 nov 2007 (CET)[rispondi]

Ciao! Vuol dire solo che c'e` un piccolo errore: Grizane non e` in Dalmazia.


Why are you deleting my edits? If you have sources or some arguments, I'd like to hear them. I am putting 2 reliable first class books about Giulio Clovio as proofs: Bradley, John W. (2004). The Life and Works of Giorgio Giulio Clovio Miniaturist with Notices of His Contemporaries and of the Art of Book Decoration in the Sixteenth Century. Kessinger Publishing. pp. 368–369. ISBN 1417946059, 9781417946051.

(You can view it here:http://books.google.com/books?id=xADJ2x45iJAC&printsec=frontcover&dq=The+Life+and+Works+of+Giorgio+Giulio+Clovio+Miniaturist+with+Notices+of+His+Contemporaries+and+of+the+Art+of+Book+Decoration+in+the+Sixteenth+Century.+Kessinger+Publishing&hl=hr&ei=2UEkTbjVNozP4ga6mJ3KCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false page 17

Visani, Maria (1993). Giorgio Clovio. Laurana. p. 8.