Bozza:Andrei Orlov

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Andrei A. Orlov è Professore di Giudaismo e Cristianesimo nell'Antichità presso la Marquette University, USA. Si "specializza in apocalittica e mistica ebraica, Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento e letteratura del Secondo Tempio in generale."[1] "Orlov è ampiamente considerato uno dei massimi esperti dei cosiddetti pseudepigrafi slavi, un gruppo di testi apocalittici ebraici del Periodo del Secondo Tempio la cui origine e storia della trasmissione sono particolarmente oscure." [2] Si "è affermato come una voce significativa nello studio delle tradizioni ebraiche del Secondo Tempio, in particolare quelle associate a Secondo libro di Enoch e ad altri pseudepigrafi slavi." "[3] Orlov è un veterano del seminario su Enoch. [4] e membro del Comitato Consultivo della rivista Henoch.[5] Nel 2019 ha ricevuto il prestigioso Premio Helen Way Klingler Fellowship. [6]


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  • The Enoch-Metatron Tradition (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 107; Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 2005) ISBN 3-16-148544-0.
  • From Apocalypticism to Merkabah Mysticism: Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, 114; Leiden: Brill, 2007) ISBN 90-04-15439-6.
  • Divine Manifestations in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (Orientalia Judaica Christiana, 2; Gorgias, 2009) ISBN 1-60724-407-1.
  • Selected Studies in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha (Studia in Veteris Testamenti Pseudepigrapha, 23; Leiden: Brill, 2009) ISBN 90-04-17879-1.
  • Dark Mirrors: Azazel and Satanael in Early Jewish Demonology (New York: SUNY Press, 2011) ISBN 978-1-4384-3951-8.
  • Потаенные Книги: Иудейская Мистика в Славянских Апокрифах (Concealed Writings: Jewish Mysticism in the Slavonic Pseudepigrapha) (Flaviana; Moscow: Gesharim, 2011).
  • Heavenly Priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013) ISBN 978-1-1070-3907-0.
  • Resurrection of the Fallen Adam: Ascension, Transfiguration, and Deification of the Righteous in Early Jewish Mysticism (Moscow: RSUH, 2014) ISBN 978-5-98604-435-4.
  • Divine Scapegoats: Demonic Mimesis in Early Jewish Mysticism (Albany: SUNY, 2015) ISBN 978-1-4384-5583-9.
  • Воскрешение Ветхого Адама: Вознесение, преображение и обожение праведника в ранней иудейской мистике. Второе Расширенное и Дополненное Издание (Symbol, 66; Moscow: Institute of St. Thomas, 2015) [in Russian] ISSN 0222-1292 (WC · ACNP).
  • The Atoning Dyad: The Two Goats of Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham (Studia Judaeoslavica, 8; Leiden: Brill, 2016) ISBN 978-9-0043-0821-3.
  • Подобие небес (Moscow: Lechaim, 2016)ISBN 978-5-9953-0486-9.
  • Yahoel and Metatron: Aural Apocalypticism and the Origins of Early Jewish Mysticism (TSAJ; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017) ISBN 978-3-1615-5447-6.
  • The Greatest Mirror: Heavenly Counterparts in the Jewish Pseudepigrapha (Albany: SUNY, 2017) ISBN 978-1-4384-6691-0.
  • Зеркала Всевышнего: Небесный двойник человека в иудейской апокалиптике (St. Petersburg: Abyshko Publishing House, 2018) ISBN 978-5-6040487-0-2.
  • The Glory of the Invisible God: Two Powers in Heaven Traditions and Early Christology (Jewish and Christian Texts in Context and Related Studies, 31; London: Bloomsbury, 2019) ISBN 978-0-5676-9223-8.
  • Old Testament Pseudepigrapha in Slavonic Tradition (Moscow: Institute of St. Thomas, 2020) ISBN 978-5-6042300-8-4.
  • Demons of Change: Antagonism and Apotheosis in Jewish and Christian Apocalypticism (Albany: SUNY, 2020).
  • Слава Бога Невидимого: Предания о двух владычествах на небесах и ранняя христология (St. Petersburg: Abyshko Publishing House, 2021) ISBN 978-5-6045573-2-7.
  • Yetzer Anthropologies in the Apocalypse of Abraham (WUNT 1.438; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021) ISBN 978-3-16-159458-8.
  • Embodiment of Divine Knowledge in Early Judaism (New York: Routledge, 2021) ISBN 9781032105895.
  • Supernal Serpent: Mysteries of Leviathan in Judaism and Christianity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023) ISBN 9780197684146.
  • Divine Mysteries in the Enochic Tradition (Ekstasis 11; Berlin; N.Y.: Walter de Gruyter, 2023) ISBN 9783111195537.
  • Abraham Among Golems: The Imago Dei Traditions in the Jewish Pseudepigrapha (TSAJ, 189; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2024).
  • L’église des deux Alliances: Mémorial Annie Jaubert (1912–1980) (eds. B. Lourié, A. Orlov, M. Petit; 2nd edition; Orientalia Judaica Christiana, 1; Gorgias, 2008) ISBN 1-59333-083-9.
  • The Theophaneia School: Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism (Scrinium III; eds. B. Lourie and A. Orlov; Gorgias, 2009) ISBN 1-60724-083-1.
  • Symbola Caelestis: Le symbolisme liturgique et paraliturgique dans le monde chrétien (Scrinium V; eds. A. Orlov and B. Lourie, Gorgias, 2009) ISBN 978-1-60724-665-7.
  • With Letters of Light: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Early Jewish Apocalypticism, Magic and Mysticism (Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, 2 ; eds. Daphna Arbel and Andrei Orlov, De Gruyter, 2010) ISBN 978-3-11-022201-2.
  • New Perspectives on 2 Enoch: No Longer Slavonic Only (eds. A. Orlov, G. Boccaccini, J. Zurawski; Studia Judaeoslavica, 4; Leiden: Brill, 2012) ISBN 978-900-423013-2.
  • Ars Christiana. In Memoriam of Michail E. Murianov, Part I (Scrinium VII; eds. R. Krivko, B. Lourié, A. Orlov; Gorgias, 2012) ISBN 978-1-4632-0186-9.
  • Ars Christiana. In Memoriam of Michail E. Murianov, Part II (Scrinium VIII; eds. R. Krivko, B. Lourié, A. Orlov; Gorgias, 2012) ISBN 978-1-4632-0187-6.
  • Небесные Посредники. Иудейские Истоки Ранней Христологии (eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro and A. Orlov; Moscow: St. Thomas Institute, 2016) ISBN 978-5-9907661-2-9.
  • Небесный храм в раннем иудаизме и христианстве (eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro and A. Orlov; Moscow: St. Thomas Institute, 2018) ISBN 978-5-9907661-1-2.
  • Традиции преображающего видения в иудаизме и христианстве (eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro, S.J. and A. A. Orlov; Moscow: St. Thomas Institute, 2019) ISBN 978-5-6042300-6-0.
  • Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism: Studies in Honor of Alexander Golitzin (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, 160; Leiden: Brill, 2020) ISBN 978-90-04-42952-9.
  • Revelation and Leadership in the Kingdom of God: Studies in Honor of Ian A. Fair (Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2020) ISBN 978-1-4632-4186-5.
  • Del séptimo cielo al corazón del hombre: Internalización de la experiencia religiosa en el cristianismo primitivo (eds. T. García-Huidobro Rivas and A. Orlov; Asociación Bíblica Española Subcolección: Monografías bíblicas, 74; Estella: Verbo Divino, 2020. ISBN 978-84-9073-556-5.
  • Предания о двух владычествах на небесах и ранняя христология (eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro, S.J. and A. A. Orlov; St. Petersburg: Abyshko Publishing House, 2021) ISBN 978-5-6043895-9-1.
  • Sacerdotal Traditions in Early Judaism and Christianity (eds. T. Garcia-Huidobro, S.J. and A. A. Orlov; St. Petersburg: Oleg Abyshko's Publishing House, 2022). ISBN 978-5-6045573-6-5.
  • Watering the Garden: Studies in Honor of Deirdre A. Dempsey (Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2023) ISBN 978-1-4632-4493-4.

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