Discussione:Traiano (nome)

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L'etimologia del cognomen, in latino Traianus, è sconosciuta[3].

Because is not a latin cognomen. It's a cognomen of a turdetan tribe (Southwest of Hispania). https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turdetanos

The father of Trajan was a turdetan adopted by a roman family in Spain. If anyone is interested there is an interesting monography by Dr. Alicia M. Canto about Trajan's family in http://www.academia.edu/1082682/Las_raices_beticas_de_Trajano_los_Traii_de_la_Italica_turdetana_y_otras_novedades_sobre_su_familia_texto_ Questo commento senza la firma utente è stato inserito da (discussioni · contributi) 13:28, 7 mar 2016‎ (CET).[rispondi]

The page does not say that the cognomen is latin, it says that the latin form of the cognomen is "Traianus": be its origin latin or turdetan doesn't matter here, the etymology is still unknown. You should addres the question in Discussione:Traiano (the page about the emperor), but you'll have to cope with our current sources, which say that Trajan's family had roman origins (cfr also en:Ulpia (gens)). --Syrio posso aiutare? 13:37, 7 mar 2016 (CET)[rispondi]