Basilica dei Santi Bartolomeo e Gaetano
La tradizione parla di una chiesa dedicata a S. Bartolomeo già nel V° secolo, eretta da S.Petronio sulle fondazioni di una chiesa paleocristiana; ma certamente una chiesa dedicata al santo, sia pure di modeste dimensioni, esisteva nel XII° secolo con la facciata posta su Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. Nel 1516 la famiglia Gozzadini affidò ad Andrea Marchesi detto il Formigine il progetto d'un grande palazzo con la ristrutturazione della stessa chiesa. Purtroppo, a causa dell'uccisione nel 1517 di Giovanni di Bernardino Gozzadini, il progetto rimase interrotto alla realizzazione del solo portico che oggi ammiriamo, imitazione bramantesca del Chiostro della Pace di Roma (1504). Nel 1599 i padri Teatini subentrarono nella reggenza della chiesa e nel 1627 iniziarono una totale ristrutturazione del complesso su disegno di Giovanni Battista Natali detto il Falzetta, riveduto dall'architetto del senato bolognese Agostino Barelli, con un forte ampliamento ed un nuovo orientamento della chiesa che si affacciò su Strada maggiore, inglobando il portico del palazzo Gozzadini. Poichè nel 1671 era stato canonizzato S.gaetano, i Padri unirono al titolo antico dell'apostolo bartolomeo quello del loro fondatore e fecero dipingere ad affresco da marcantonio Franceschini e Luigi Quaini dieci "fatti" della vita di S,gaetano nelle lunette del portico del Fromigine. Sul lato delle torri venne preservato il nobile portale quattrocentesco, dominato dalla statua di S. Bartolomeo. nel 1694 si completarono la cupola ed il campanile. la cui caratteristica cuspide venne aggiunta mezzo secolo dopo.
La chiesa a croce latina, a tre navate su snelle colonne ioniche che ne evidenziano lo slancio, si presenta luminosissima, grazie alle finestre della navata centrale ed alle cupolette con lanterna sulle volte delle campate centrali, poste in corrispondenza di ciascun arco tra le colonne. All'incrocio dei bracci la grande cupola circolare si innalza aerea tra le torri, nuovo simbolo della città barocca. Dalla prima iconografia della città dipinta da Giuseppe Rolli la basilica è presente in ogni raffigurazione grafica. E' una basilica che esprime l'anima , ad un tempo classica ed eloquente, del barocco, in una rara sintesi, fondendo l'apporto interdisciplinare delle arti in un insieme equilibrato ed ospitale . Un barocco bolognese generoso ed autocritico che, pur offrendo all'ammirazione dei visitatori molte opere d'arte, si qualifica sopratutto per la sua armonia complessiva e per la sua calda e morbida tonalità. e' una scoperta gioiosa, su cui incidono le ore del giorno. Si direbbe che l'architettura basiliacale si difende dalla luce dilagante filtrandola attraverso le cupole e le lanterne. L'atmosfera più congeniale è quella di un tardo pomeriggio di sole, quando le pareti affrescate si scaldano e gli ori delle trabeazioni risplendono e le tele sugli altari si animano. La pala dell'altare che più reagisce a questa irruzione del sole vespertino è l'Annunciazione dell'Albani : il raggio obliquo che scende dal primo finestrone della volta centrale fa ridere i putti alati di scorta a gabriele che reca l'annunzio a Maria. Tutto è vissuto come in una scenografia poliedrica che concede sempre allo sguardo un riposo visivo. L'occhio penetra incessantemente in ogni spazio prospettico e approda a una quiete finale. Bologna è una città a tre navate; la basilica ne riflette la tipologia: la navata centrale corrisponde alla strada e le navate minori ai portici. Chi entra ha la sensazione che il discorso continui con la straordinaria finezza decorativa degli affreschi dei migliori rappresentanti dell'illusionismo (effetto artistico diretto a suscitare nello spettatore l'impressione di trovarsi a contatto diretto con la realtà e non con una raffigurazione) del '600 e del '700.
Arte e Spiritualità
La navata centrale presenta storie della vita di S.Gaetano (Visione di S.Gaetano) entro una quadratura, frutto della collaborazione di Angelo Michele Colonna, Agostino Mitelli e Giacomo Alboresi. Nella prima cappella destra troviamo un dipinto di Carlo Castelli (sec.XVII) che rappresenta il Beato Giovanni Marinoni; nella seconda cappella destra sull'altare è posto un dipinto della fase matura di Ludovico Carracci, l'apparizione dell'angelo a S. Carlo Borromeo che , al sepolcro di varallo compassiona la morte del Redentore, dove il tema tipico della Controriforma - il mistero della passione, morte e resurrezione di gesù Cristo - diviene spunto per una delicata riflessione religiosa. Nella stessa cappella è esposto un quadro raffigurante il S. Cuore opera di Ubaldo gandolfi (sec.XVIII secolo) . Alle pareti sono collocati due dipinti che rappresentano : "L'incredulità dell'apostolo Tommaso (Tommaso apostolo)" e "L'incontro di Gesù con la samaritana".
E. Primakov
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Yevgeny Maksimovich Primakov (Евгений Максимович Примаков, born October 29, 1929) is a Russian politician, a former KGB general[1] and a former 4th Prime Minister of Russia. He was also the last Speaker of the Soviet of the Union of the Supreme Soviet, and the Russian Foreign Minister responsible for changing the foreign policy from largely unconditional support of the United States to a more nationalist defense of Russia's interests.
Early life
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Primakov nacque a Kiev, nella RSS di Ucraina, e crebbe a Tbilisi, nella RSS di Georgia. Studiò all'Università Statale di Mosca, laureandosi in Studi Orientali nel 1953, e nella stessa università svolse lavoro post laurea. Dal 1956 al 1970 lavorò come giornalista per la radio sovietica e come corrispondente per il Medio Oriente della "Pravda". In questo periodo, venne inviato spesso in missioni di "intelligence" in Medio Oriente e negli Stati Uniti, come collaboratore del KGB, sotto il nome in codice di MAKSIM.
See also
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]External links
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Template:Prime Ministers of Russia Template:Foreign ministers of Russia and the Soviet Union
[[Category:Prime Ministers of Russian Federation]] [[Category:Russian politicians]] [[Category:KGB officers]] [[Category:Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences]] [[Category:Geopoliticians]] [[Category:Political scientists]] [[Category:Moscow State University alumni]] [[Category:People from Kiev]] <!--[[Category:Soviet Jews]] [[Category:Ukrainian Jews]]--> [[Category:1929 births]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:USSR State Prize winners]]
Nizhny Novgorod
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Template:For Template:Infobox Russian city Nizhny Novgorod (in russo Ни́жний Но́вгород, Nižnij Novgorod?), colloquially shortened as Nizhny, is the fourth largest city in Russia, ranking after Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Novosibirsk. Population: 1,311,252 (2002 Census); 1,438,133 (1989 Census). It is the economic and cultural center of the vast Volga-Vyatka economic region, and also the administrative center of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and Volga Federal District.
From 1932 to 1990 the city was known as Gorky (Го́рький) after the writer Maxim Gorky who was born there.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Trono di principi medievali
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]La città venne fondata dal Granduca Juri II di Russia, nel 1221, alla confluenza dei due più importanti fiumi del suo principato, il Volga e l'Oka. Il nome significa letteralmente "Nuova città bassa", per distinguerla dalla più vecchia Novgorod. Importante caposaldo per la difesa dei confini, la fortezza di Nizhnij Novgorod sfruttò un fossato naturale formato dai due fiumi.
Insieme a Mosca e Tver', NN fu una tra le città appena fondate, che scamparono alla devastazione dei Mongoli, grazie alla loro scarsa importanza, e crebbero fino a diventare grandi centri della vita politica russa nel periodo del "giogo Tataro". La sua importanza crebbe ancora quando il trono del potente Principato di Suzdal venne trasferito da Gorodets, nel 1350. Il Granduca Dmitry Kostantinovich (1323-1383) cercò di fare della sua capitale una degna rivale di Mosca: costruì una cittadella di pietra e diverse chiese, e fu protettore degli storici. Il più antico manoscritto esistente delle Cronache Russe Primarie, il "codice laurenziano", venne scritto per lui dal monaco Laurenzio nel 1377.
The strongest fortress of Muscovy
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Dopo che la città venne annessa alla Moscovia (1392), i principi locali presero il nome di Shuisky, e si stabilirono a Mosca, dove erano importanti personaggi di corte, e salirono brevemente al trono, con Vasili IV di Russia. Dopo essere stata incendiata nel 1408 da Edigu, potente capo dei Tatari di Crimea, NN venne ricostruita e considerata dai moscoviti principalmente come una grande roccaforte nelle loro guerre contro i Tatari di Kazan. L'enorme Cremlino in mattoni rossi, uno delle cittadelle più forti ed antiche conservatesi in Russia, fu costruito fra il 1508 ed il 1511, sotto la supervisione di Pietro l'Italiano. La fortezza era abbastanza forte da resistere agli assedi dei Tatari nel 1520 e nel 1536.
Nel 1612, la cosiddetta "milizia nazionale", radunata dal commerciante locale Kuzma Minin e guidata dal Cavaliere Dmitry Pozharsky, cacciò le truppe polacche da Mosca, ponendo fine al "periodo dei Torbidi" e stabilendo il regno della dinastia Romanov. La piazza principale davanti al Cremlino è intitolata a Minin e Pozharsky, anche se i locali la chiamano semplicemente "Piazza Minin". I resti di Minin sono sepolti nella cittadella. In ricordo di questi avvenimenti, il 21 ottobre 2005, una copia esatta del monumento a Minin e Pozharsky, presente sulla piazza Rossa di Mosca, venne collocato davanti alla Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, che è ritenuta il luogo in cui venne proclamata la chiamata alle armi del popolo.
Nel corso del secolo successivo, la città si arricchì con il commercio e venne scelta dagli Stroganov (la più ricca famiglia di commercianti della Russia), come base per le loro operazioni. Un particolare stile architettonico e di pittura delle icone, noto come "stile Stroganov", si sviluppò qui a cavallo fra il XVII ed il XVIII secolo.
L'emblema storico di NN nel 1781 era: un cervo rosso in campo bianco, con corna e zoccoli neri. L'emblema moderno (circa 1992) è identico, ma lo scudo è decorato da foglie di quercia dorate, legato con una striscia con i colori della bandiera nazionale russa.
Great trade centre
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]In 1817, the Makaryev Fair, one of the liveliest in the world, was transferred to Nizhny Novgorod, which thereupon started to attract millions of visitors annually. By the mid-19th century, the city on the Volga was firmly established as the trade capital of the Russian Empire. The world's first radio receiver of engineer Alexander Popov and the world's first hyperboloid tower and lattice shells-coverings of engineer Vladimir Shukhov were demonstrated at the All-Russia industrial and art exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod in 1896. Other industries gradually developed, and by the dawn of the 20th century it was a first-rank industrial hub as well. Henry Ford helped build a large truck and tractor plant (GAZ) in the late 1920s, sending along engineers and mechanics, including future labour leader Walter Reuther.
The Soviet Era
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]The famous writer Maxim Gorky was born in Nizhny Novgorod in 1868 as Alexei Maximovich Peshkov. In his novels he realistically described the dismal life of the city proletariat. Even during his lifetime, the city was renamed Gorky following his return to the Soviet Union in 1932 on invitation of Joseph Stalin. The city bore Gorky's name until 1991; his childhood home is preserved as a museum, known as the Kashirin House (in russo Домик Каширина?), after Alexei's grandfather who owned the place.
During much of the Soviet era, the city was closed to foreigners to safeguard the security of Soviet military research and production facilities, even though it was a popular stopping point for Soviet tourists traveling up and down the Volga in tourist boats. Unusually for a Soviet city of that size, even the street maps were not available for sale until the mid-1970s.
The physicist and the Nobel laureate Andrei Sakharov was exiled there during 1980-1986 to limit his contacts with foreigners.
An end to the "closed" status of the city has accompanied the reinstatement of the city's original name in 1990. Asociación de amigos de Gorki, a UNESCO recognised organisation from Spain, was the first Western tourist group in the city after cancellation of this closed status.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Nizhny Novgorod Region ranks seventh in Russia in industrial output, while the processing industry predominates in the local economy. More than 633 industrial companies employ nearly 700 000 people, or 62% of the workforce involved in material production. Industry generates 83% of the regional GDP and makes 89% of all material expenditures. The leading sectors are engineering and metalworking, followed by the chemical and petrochemical industries and the forestry, woodworking, and paper industries. The first three sectors account for about 75% of all industrial production.
Nizhny Novgorod Region has traditionally been attractive to investors. In 2002, Moody's rating agency confirmed a Caa1 rating based on the region's long-term foreign currency liabilities [1].
The region maintains trade relations with many countries and has an export surplus. The largest volume of exports goes to Ukraine, Belarus, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Belgium, and France. Imports come mainly from Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Austria, the Netherlands, China, and the United States.
The stock market infrastructure is quite well developed in Nizhny Novgorod, and the exchange business is expanding. Companies and organizations registered in the region include 1153 joint-stock companies, 63 investment institutions, 34 commercial banks, 35 insurance companies, 1 voucher investment fund, 1 investment fund, 17 nongovernmental pension funds, 2 associations of professional stock market dealers, and 3 exchanges (stock, currency, and agricultural). Nizhny Novgorod Region is noted for having relatively highly developed market relations.
Information technology
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Nizhny Novgorod is one of the centers of the IT Industry in Russia. It ranks among the leading Russian cities in terms of the quantity of software R&D providers . In Nizhny Novgorod there are number of offshore outsourcing software developers, including Devetel Ltd., MERA Networks, RealEast Networks, and Teleca, that specialize in delivering services to telecommunication vendors. Also Intel has opened a software R&D center with more than 500 engineers in Nizhny Novgorod.
There are 25 scientific R&D institutions focusing on telecommunications, radio technology, theoretical and applied physics, and 33 higher educational institutions, among them are Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Niznny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod Technical University, as well as Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Information Technologies (former MERA Networks training center), that focuses on information technologies, software development, system administration, telecommunications, cellular networks, Internet technologies, and IT management.
Nizhny Novgorod has also been chosen as one of four sites for building an IT-oriented technology park—a special zone that has an established infrastructure and enjoys a favorable tax and customs policy.
Engineering industry
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]The engineering industry is the leading industry of Nizhny Novgorod economy. It is mainly oriented towards transportation, i.e., the auto industry, shipbuilding, diesel engines, aircraft manufacture, and machine tools, with the auto industry being the leading sector (50%). Largest plants are:
- JSC "Gorky Automobile Plant" - personal cars, trucks, armored personnel carriers, and other autos;
- JSC "Krasnoye Sormovo" - river and sea ships, submarines;
- JSC "Sokol" - airplanes, jets;
- JSC "Nitel" - TV sets;
- JSC "RUMO" - diesel generators;
- JSC "Krasny yakor" - anchor chains;
- JSC "ZeFS" - metal-cutting machines.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Gorkovskaya Railroad (Горьковская железная дорога), which operates some 5,700 km of rail lines throughout the Middle Volga region (of which some 1,200 in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast), is headquartered in Nizhny Novgorod. Overnight trains provide access to Nizhny Novgorod from Moscow. Since December 2002, a fast train transports passengers between Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow in less than five hours. One can continue from Nizhny Nogorod eastward along the Trans-Siberian Railway, with direct trains to major cities in the Urals and Siberia, as well as to Beijing.
Nizhny Novgorod Strigino Airport has direct flights to major Russian cities, as well as to Frankfurt (Lufthansa flights to the city three times a week). The air base Sormovo was an important military airlift facility, and Pravdinsk air base was an interceptor aircraft base during the Cold War. S7 Airlines goes to Moscow Domodedovo airport daily.
Nizhny Novgorod is an important center of Volga cargo and passenger shipping. In the summer, cruise vessels operate between Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Astrakhan. In 2006 the small number of Meteor-class hydrofoils resumed operations on the Volga river.
The city is served by Russian highway M-7 (Moscow–Nizhny Novgorod–Kazan–Ufa), and is a hub of the regional highway network.
Public transport within the city is provided by a small subway system (Nizhny Novgorod Metro), tramways, marshrutkas or minibuses, buses and trolleybuses. Electric and diesel commuter trains run to suburbs in several directions.
Free shuttle buses run from several points in the city to the MEGA shopping complex, which opened in October 2006 in Fedyakovo, a few kilometers to the east of Nizhny Novgorod city line.[2]
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Nella città ci sono oltre seicento monumenti storici, architettonici e culturali: questo diede modo all'UNESCO di includere NN nella lista delle 100 città del mondo di grande valore storico e culturale.
A NN Ci sono oltre duecento istituzioni culturali ed artistiche della regione e della municipalità.
Tra queste istituzioni, otto teatri, cinque sale da concerti, 97 biblioteche (comprese le filiali), 17 cinema (di cui 5 per bambini), 25 istituti per l'educazione facoltativa dei bambini, otto musei (16 includendo le filiali) e sette parchi.
City layout and landmarks
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Nizhny Novogorod is divided by the Oka River into two distinct parts. The Upper City (in russo Нагорная часть?, Nagornaya Chast) is located on the hilly eastern (right) bank of the Oka. It includes three of the eight city districts into which the city is administratively divided:
- Nizhegorodsky (the historical and administrative center of the city);
- Prioksky;
- Sovetsky.
The Lower City (in russo Заречная часть?, Zarechnaya Chast) occupies the low (western) side of the Oka, and includes five city districts:
- Kanavinsky (the site of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair and the location of the main train station);
- Moskovsky (home of the Sokol Aircraft Plant and its airfield);
- Sormovsky (where Krasnoye Sormovo and the Volga Shipyard are located);
- Avtozavodsky (built around the GAZ automotive plants);
- Leninsky.
All of the today's lower city was annexed to Nizhny Novgorod in 1929–1931.
Much of the city downtown is built in the Russian Revival and Stalin Empire styles. The dominating feature of the city skyline is the grand Kremlin (1500-11), with its red-brick towers. After Bolshevik devastation, the only ancient edifice left within the kremlin walls is the tent-like Archangel Cathedral (1624-31), first built in stone in the 13th century.
Other notable landmarks are the two great medieval abbeys. The Pechersky Ascension Monastery features the austere five-domed cathedral (1632) and two rare churches surmounted by tent roofs, dating from the 1640s. The Annunciation monastery, likewise surrounded by strong walls, has another five-domed cathedral (1649) and the Assumption church (1678). The only private house preserved from that epoch formerly belonged to the merchant Pushnikov.
There can be little doubt that the most original and delightful churches in the city were built by the Stroganovs in the nascent Baroque style. Of these, the Virgin's Nativity Church (1719) graces one of the central streets, whereas the Church of Our Lady of Smolensk (1694-97) survives in the former village of Gordeevka (now, part of the city's Kanavinsky District), where the Stroganov palace once stood.
Other notable churches include:
- the Saviour Cathedral, also known as the Old Fair Cathedral, a huge domed edifice built at the site of the great fair to an Empire style design by Agustín de Betancourt and Auguste de Montferrand in 1822;
- the so-called New Fair Cathedral, designed in the Russian Revival style and constructed between 1856 and 1880 at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga;
- the recently reconstructed church of the Nativity of John the Precursor (1676-83), standing just below the Kremlin walls; it was used during the Soviet period as an apartment house;
- the parish churches of the Holy Wives (1649) and of Saint Elijah (1656);
- the Assumption Church on St Elijah's Hill (1672), with five green-tiled domes arranged unorthodoxly on the lofty cross-shaped barrel roof;
- the shrine of the Old Believers at the Bugrovskoe cemetery, erected in the 1910s to a critically acclaimed design by Vladimir Pokrovsky;
- the wooden chapel of the Intercession (1660), transported to Nizhny Novgorod from a rural area.
There is also a mosque in Sennaya Square, where the muslim populations of the city go for Friday prayers, Islamic activities and activities which are organised by the mosque. There is also a small shop to buy halal meats. Most of the muslims in this city are Tatars.
The city has many industrial suburbs, such as Kstovo, Dzerzhinsk, and Bor. The town of Semyonov, to the north of Nizhny Novgorod, is known as a craft center for Khokhloma wood painting. Another suburb, Balakhna, is noted for its medieval architecture.
A singular monument of industrial architecture is a 128-metre-high open-work hyperboloid tower built on the bank of the Oka near Dzerzhinsk as part of a powerline river crossing by the eminent engineer and scientist Vladimir Shukhov in 1929.
The climate in the region is continental, and it is similar to the climate in Moscow, although colder in winter, which lasts from late November until late March with a permanent snow cover.
Nizhny Novgorod art gallery
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]The art gallery in Nizhny Novgorod is a large and important art gallery and museums of human history and culture.
Nizhny Novgorod has a great and extraordinary art gallery with more than 12,000 exhibits, an enormous collection of works by Russian artists such as Viktor Vasnetsov, Karl Briullov, Ivan Shishkin, Ivan Kramskoi, Ilya Yefimovich Repin, Isaak Iljitsch Lewitan, Vasily Surikov, Ivan Aivazovsky, there are also greater collections of works by Boris Kustodiev and Nicholas Roerich, not only Russian art is part of the exhibition it include also a vast accumulation of Western European art like works by David Teniers the Younger, Bernardo Bellotto, Lucas Cranach the Elder, Pieter de Grebber, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, and lot more.
Finally what makes this gallery extremely important is the amazing collection Russian avant-garde with works by Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, Natalia Goncharova, Mikhail Larionov and so on. There is also collection of East Asian art.
Notable People
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- Former Soviet hockey team players Valery Vasiliev, Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Varnakov.
- Essen, Germany
- Philadelphia, United States
- Tampere, Finland
- Linz, Austria
- Jinan, China
- Novi Sad, Serbia
- Suwon, South Korea
- Kharkiv, Ukraine
- Matanzas, Cuba
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- ^ Ion Mihai Pacepa, A Terrorist State in the G8?, Human Events, December 3, 2007
- ^ How to get to MEGA
- Munro-Butler-Johnstone, Henry Alexander, A trip up the Volga to the fair of Nijni-Novgorod, Oxford: J. Parker and co., 1876.
- Fitzpatrick, Anne Lincoln, The Great Russian Fair: Nizhnii Novgorod, 1840-90, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, in association with St. Antony’s College, Oxford, 1990. ISBN 0-333-42437-9
Other photos
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]External links
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Vinci71/Traduzioni
- Nizhny Novgorod City Government website (EN)
- Nizhny Novgorod Welcoming Center website (EN)
- Sights of the city (EN)
- About the city (EN)
- (RU)
- Official website of Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum (RU)
- Art Museum of Nizhny Novgorod (EN)
- The Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Archdiocese (RU)
- Asociacion de amigos de Gorki - (in Spanish) - "Association of friends of Gorki", a UNESCO recognised organisation, was the first tourist group in the city after cancellation of closed status.
- Information about tourism and entertainment in Nizhny Novgorod (EN)
- Nizhny Novgorod Video Created by José Antonio Lozano Rodriguez.
- Nizhny Novgorod Video 2 Created by José Antonio Lozano Rodriguez.
- Nizhny Novgorod Online (RU)
- Heather DeHaan. "Nizhnii Novgorod: History in the Landscape" (EN)
- Photographic community in Nizhny Novgorod "Photo Gorky" (RU)
- Reviews, articles, town legends "The Nizhny Novgorod Cronicles" (EN)
- Jewish Community of Nizhny Novgorod" (EN)
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- Web-camera, Lyadova sq. You could see Okskiy s'ezd, Gagarina prospect, Timiryazeva str. (RU)
- Web-camera, Gorkogo sq. You could see Novaya str., B.Pokrovskaya str. (RU)
- Web-camera, Kovalihinskaya and Proviantskaya streets crossing (RU)
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