Nel web semantico, le Simple HTML Ontology Extensions (SHOE) sono un insieme di estensioni HTML ideate per arricchire di semantica le pagine web, introducendo le nozioni di classe, sottoclasse o relazione.
SHOE è stato ideato intorno al 1996 da Sean Luke, Lee Spector, James Hendler, Jeff Heflin, e David Rager all'Università del Maryland, College Park.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- Luke, S., Spector, L, and Rager, D. Ontology-Based Knowledge Discovery on the World-Wide Web. Workshop on Internet-Based Information Systems at the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1996.
- Luke, S. and Hendler, J. Web Agents that Work. IEEE Multimedia 4:3. 1997.
- Luke, S., Spector, L., Rager, D., and Hendler, J. Ontology-based Web Agents. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents. 1997.
- Heflin, J., Hendler, J., and Luke, S. SHOE: A Knowledge Representation Language for Internet Applications. Technical Report CS-TR-4078 (UMIACS TR-99-71), Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland at College Park. 1999.
- Heflin, J. and Hendler, J. Searching the Web with SHOE. In Artificial Intelligence for Web Search. Papers from the AAAI Workshop. WS-00-01. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2000. pp. 35-40.
- Heflin, J. Towards the Semantic Web: Knowledge Representation in a Dynamic, Distributed Environment. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park. 2001.
- Heflin, J. and Hendler, J. A Portrait of the Semantic Web in Action. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 16(2):54-59, 2001.