I'd like to ask that the following section be removed from the entry:
"LIMITI E DIFETTI: il software risulta poco efficace su assiemi di grandi dimensioni (si tratta di migliaia di parti)soprattutto se importate, dove soffre di molti difetti di programmazione nell'uso della memoria, che comportano operazioni estremamente lente e numerosissimi crash di sistema, anche con computer di ottimo livello hardware."
I have discussed this issue with several of our product managers, and they have all concluded that this is not based on fact, and is an opinion. They also said that SolidWorks actually handles memory better than our competitors, and has no problems with imported data.
Matthew West / SolidWorks
Reply, from a SWX user (not the one who wrote the entry): SWX has several issues in handling imported objects, I use an assembly of roughly a hundred pieces and it lags badly as soon as I have to move anything. I would keep the entry, not sure about if the bug is caused by the RAM handling, but there's surely a bug.