Ho modificato la pagina inserendo A CLOSER END nei bootleg non ufficiali, in quanto, secondo quanto riportato sul sito ufficiale dei Dark Tranquillity ([1])
Bootleg alert - August 17, 2008
The compilation album "A closer end", that recently started appearing on the P2P networks as well as on Ebay and in certain record stores, is NOT an official Dark tranquillity album but a bootleg. It's very convincingly made, with a Century media logo, fake barcode and extensive booklet, but it's nevertheless a bootleg.
It's usually a better strategy to be silent about these things, but as a lot of people keep mailing us asking whether "A closer end" is a genuine album or not, and since the CD has started to appear on online discographies, presented as a legitimate release, we feel the need to set the record straight.
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