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Ci sono molte pubblicazioni che parlano di Suite Cardinis, tra cui:
- Dal report di analisi di Daniel Stang, autore di “Magic Quadrant for IT Project and Portfolio Management”, Gartner
- “Cardinis is focusing on a market message that is consistent with what we're seeing of many competitors in the Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) space.
- “By focusing on capturing the project requests; categorizing them; assessing them based on cost, time, and resource perspectives; and scheduling and managing the defined projects, Cardinis is able to provide visibility into an existing project portfolio.
- “Many leading vendors in the PPM spent a lot of time and money developing a complete end to end PPM suite, either through internal development, acquisition, or both. When assessing these leaders, it's clear that many of them provide a complete end to end solution, but where they tend to struggle is in the area of professional services and consulting. Although they do offer professional services and consulting, usually these services are required to ensure an implementation of the PPM system.
- “PPM process maturity issues and resulting change and change management requirements tend to surface around implementation. Replacement/retirement of old processes, refinement of the processes that do work, and introduction of new processes are all required to get full use out of a PPM system. Unfortunately, most organizations today are moving from one extreme to another when addressing PPM. They are moving from a disconnected set of point applications and tools to a full-blown centralized PPM system. They are trying to move to this centralized system without accounting for the organization and process change management requirements.
- “Cardinis appears to provide some assistance here...not just in implementing the solution but tapping also into best practices and methodologies to help with PPM process maturity and change management.”
- In: [1], una pubblicazione incentrata sul Project Management, G. Beghini (presidente di Cardinis Solutions) è presente tra le fonti citate.
- [2]
- [3]
Si noti infine che il software in esame risulta essere uno degli unici, se non l'unico, ad essere concepito, sviluppato e mantenuto in Italia.
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